Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

The Rise of Islamists in Syria


The Rise of Islamists in Syria

Syrian rebellions are stepping on the upward stairs of assertiveness. Their supporters burst in happiness on Saturday, hearing that they forced out Syrian security forces out of Shadadeh town of oil producing Hasakah province and stormed a military base in the south. while some members of opposition coalition leadership are knocking diplomatic doors to prevent further destruction of the country, but there are forces whose main aim of fighting is to go to paradise, if get killed, or built an Islamic government, if remained alive.

According to UK-based Syrian observatory for Human rights, in three day-long fighting, rebellions could deal severe blow regime supporters. It was reported that 100 soldiers and only 30 Al-Nusra militants were killed in the skirmish over controlling Shadadeh town.

Videos posted online also accord with reports confirming the rebellions’ claims.  The videos show that Al-Nusra militants are celebrating their victory, by calling “Allah-o-Akbar”, means God is great. The bodies of few dead government soldiers lay in the dirt nearby and fighter shouts: “these are Assad's dogs”.

No matter, how Arab and western countries are to consolidate the efforts of oppositions, but no body ignore the political chasm among them. Last month, Moaz Al-Khatib, the leader of Syrian opposition coalition offered talks with Syrian regime in Munich peace conference last month without consulting the coalition’s 70-member assembly, sparked harsh criticism from the leadership and rebel fighters’ ranks. Some called his offer on his own behalf and no body accepts his offer. Despite he tied his offer for negotiation to step down of President Assad and release of 160,000 prisoners came under harsh criticism from all sides.

Align with his efforts, 12 members of coalition assembly supported talks on condition that the hands government negotiators were not stained in the blood of civilians and do not be accomplice to Assad’s crackdown. However, the offer looks promising but there identification of those Baath Party who had nothing with the oppression of opposition is too difficult.

According United Nations estimate, around 70.000 people have lost lives during since the start of civil uprising. Assuming so, is it possible to acquit military and political officials and claim that some of them had nothing to do with 22-month long violence? In another word, top Baath Party members should not be present at any talks in the future, even though this offer interpreted as the most flexible and enticing offer to end violence in the country.

Muslim Brotherhood, a dominant party within the opposition coalition does not support any initiative be interpreted as compromise with the regime. From the very start, they emphasize on complete elimination of the regime and that no representative of the current regime play role in the future political establishment. The situation looks even darker, considering that even this coalition which is supported to hold power after collapse of the regime is not in a position to exert influence on militants.

Al-Nusra which is a twin brother to al-Qaeda from very beginning avoided to join hand with opposition coalition. They never cared about the military and political expediency, openly making mockery of democracy. Its fighters are blamed for brutal execution and barbaric activities in the country.

They posted videos online which all show that they a replica of terrorism. Yet there are reports the group gets support, receive weapons and get training in neighboring countries. Meanwhile, they reject interference or keep silence on the issue. No body can accept that rebels get strong enough to fight a relative strong government in Middle East. No body hears the cry of human rights organization. Everybody nation cries for democracy in Syria, but those are mere slogans. Democracy is not a priority for countries that presently support militants, instead they hate democracy.

They are on top list of undemocratic country and blamed for human rights violation. Every body are pointing finger toward regime without reconsidering their policies. Indeed, the problem lies on the resolute of nations whose main aim is to topple the regime. That is all. They do not feel sorry for 70,000 lost lives or millions fleeing out, in search of safe sanctuaries. The agenda is ousting of Assad’s regime. To achieve the goal, rebels should be empowered to extent to challenge security forces. This policy is devastative.  It means that regional countries want to topple the regime and definitely do not care much about Syrians’ sufferings. Perhaps, some does not hate to see larger casualties which proportionately mount pressure on Damascus regime.

 On the other side, Iran has set Syria as redline. Though it continuously rejected claims regarding its interference but kidnap of member Islamic guard corps and the recent murder one of them denotes on military and logistic support.

In addition, the full-fledged support of Iran from Assad lined up the foes of Islamic republic behind oppositions. There are nations who merely support opposition diplomatically and politically want see that Iran loses one its strategic allies in the region. Moreover, some analysts maintain that Iran’s support perverted the earlier civil uprising into a sectarian war. The secular regime of Assad ruled the country on the line of pluralism and secularism. But many now fight on the line of religion.

 Such an evil interference has crippled the country. No body even imagines seeing Syria in the state it was before commence of civil uprising in the short term. It is highly possible it changes into another Afghanistan as after collapse of the regime, present sympathizers likely will pull back and leave people to suffer.

Masood Korosh is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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