Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Motherland Forgotten!


Motherland Forgotten!

It is a natural instinct that men love the place where he gets birth and where he is brought up. It is one of the noblest passions of human nature. The love of country is natural and essential for everyone. Man is a social animal. He cannot live alone. He needs the assistance of other human beings. So the people belonging to one country are brothers and they work for the collective interest of the country. They struggle to flourish their country. The man, who works against the interest of his country, is traitor and he does not deserve any sympathy.

Patriotism is a virtue which can be expressed in different ways. A true patriot tries to do something for the development of his country. When Abraham Lincoln was a child he noticed the misery of the slaves in America. He liked America but did not like the slavery system. So when he became the President of America he abolished the ugly system and established democracy.

The only way to serve Afghanistan is that we must be sincere with our country. We must keep our personal interest behind and we must give supreme importance to the demands of our freedom. Country is not just a piece of land. It is not only the collection of mountains, rivers and valleys. It is the heritage of our dreams, aspirations, culture, traditions and our religion. We love Afghanistan because it is the centre of our hopes and future dreams. It is the land of our following generations. We must try to make it strong and undefeatable castle of success.

Patriotism is an active virtue. The real love urges man to do everything in his power for the welfare of his country. It makes him perform his duties honestly and devotedly. Patriotism makes him a good citizen, who is always ready to serve his nation with best of his talents. A good citizen is always ready to give sacrifices for his nation. Patriotism is a sacred passion, which makes the nation really strong and honorable. It is our duty to keep this passion alive in our hearts.

The great wars of the world were won only because of the extreme sense of Patriotism. Only those nations in the world survive and distinguish themselves, whose citizens keep a high and a very positive sense of Patriotism. Afghanistan can become a really strong country, when the people of Afghanistan are patriots in the real sense of the world. Give your love to your country and it will give you all the blessings.

Patriotism is a common virtue. There is hardly anyone who does not love his country. If there is, he is not fit to be alive. Sir Waiter Scott says that such a man will die "Unwept, dishonored and unsung." One who is patriotic will be ready to make any sacrifice for his country. He will never live selfishly for himself alone. A soldier for instance makes the supreme sacrifice of his life for the sake of his country.  One can be a patriot by keeping a proper image of one's country before the eyes of foreigners. A patriot will never do anything to lower his country in the eyes of others.

Patriotism is not the same as nationalism, though a patriot may also be a nationalist. The famous and great intellectuals regard “patriotism is more important than nationalism.” A patriot loves his own country, but he does not hate the people of other countries. A nationalist might consider his own nation important and hate the people of other nations. A patriot is international in his outlook. He is broad-minded and tolerant. He is a citizen of the world. A nationalist may be narrow-minded. He may think in terms of his own country and hate all those who are not his countrymen. So patriotism is preferable to nationalism.

Patriot is one who loves and serves his own country as a loyal citizen. He is called a true patriot who loves his coun­try and is ready to sacrifice his everything for her cause, and whole­heartedly works for the welfare of his motherland.

The land, on which one is born and brought up and lives, is naturally dear to him than any other land. This love for his birthplace grows into patriotism. If his motherland is attacked by the enemies, he does not hesitate to fight for the protection of freedom of his native land. He can do anything to glorify his country. He feels proud of his country. This patriotic feeling can be found in many great heroes in history.

He does not bother about his personal interests or gains, when he goes forward with his spirit of patriotism. A true patriot is worshipped by his countrymen. They shed tears when he dies, as if he was one of their nearest relations.

Mother and the motherland are superior to the heaven. We never lose our honor for our mother even if she does not love us. Similarly we respect our country in all situations. We are indebted to our motherland where we are born and brought up. It is our moral duty to keep her head high.

On the other hand, patriotism to some people is a superstition that is artificially created and maintained through a network of lies and falsehoods; a superstition that robs man of this self-respect and dignity, and increases his arrogance and conceit.

We earnestly need patriotism to flourish in our country and patriots to be produced whose every disposition be caring to earn good fates for this sacred piece of land and run the entire affairs of country in the greater interests of masses. Today, many public official and politicians claim that they are patriots. Nevertheless their actions and reactions contradict to the oaths taken for the good of the country. Their activities are antinational. Their main aim is to reap some selfish gain for themselves. They render political patrons to corrupt and dishonest people at the cost of dignity and integrity of their motherland. They pursue the principle of fragmentation than of integration. It seems, as if the mother land is forgotten, in the race for power and luxury.

AsmatYari is permanent writer of Daily outlook Afghansitan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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