Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Karzai’s Remarks


Karzai’s Remarks

 President Karzai’s remarks at the Women’s Day event in Kabul once against made headlines. Not about the state of the most oppressed segment of our society, but his usual tirade against the US and NATO countries that has become a regular public language of the President since last two years.

Though all mainstream US media misquoted part of his comments about Taliban’s continued terror “being in service of the US”, nonetheless he made remarks very emotional at best and anti-foreigner at worst, which has been increasingly shaping the anti-US perception of ordinary Afghans, apart from those who have sympathy for Taliban. American media headlines reported the comments as “the US and Taliban are working in concert and colluding”, while Karzai’s remarks aimed at the anti-foreign occupation mantra of Taliban’s claim of patriotism, saying their attacks will cause the need of the US and NATO troops to stay in Afghanistan.

However, with his innovative phrases about Taliban from “armed opposition” to “angry brothers”, a new one was born, “patriot Taliban”. He said some “watandost (patriot) Taliban” inform him about the daily talks between their leaders and Americans in Qatar, and ask the President to “be careful”.  It seems his frustration with Taliban’s continued rejection to talk is on boiling edge, but he still avoids their direct criticism on this, and rather makes anti-US tirades. Because it is not only easy to do so, but also a chance of domestic political scoring to appease the Taliban-sympathetic constituency, for which the credit goes to his Hizbi advisors in the Palace.

Karzai also said the NATO Secretary General in his recent visit had asked him that all NATO countries and non-NATO allies with troops in Afghanistan want to keep a continued presence after 2014. He mentioned the trillion-dollar worth mineral resources of Afghanistan, for which, he added, “Every NATO country including the US asks, and have written to us that we need this and that of your mineral. Don’t give it to others. We are allies.”

President Karzai’s comments are like fodder to the common conspiracy theories among Afghans that foreign troops have come to Afghanistan to take away its mineral resources, and the Taliban insurgency is covertly supported by the US to create a continued reason for staying in the country. In fact it has been such regular outbursts of Karzai that has shaped an increasingly anti-foreigner perception and sentiments among ordinary Afghans including those who are fiercely against the Taliban—who do not need much propaganda anymore since the President is doing it for them.

taliban fighters peace talks

Be it his failure to approach Taliban leadership for direct talks, Pakistan’s refusal to cooperate, or independent western media analysis highlighting the problems of failed governance and rampant  corruption, President Karzai has always blamed ‘foreigners’. It will become a daily business as we get closer to the NATO withdrawal deadline and end of his final term. Having made no legacy after ten years in power, the President wants to put all blames on the US and NATO. Some even talk of his intentions to hijack the coming elections and somehow cling to power through an engineered setup similar to that of Putin and Medvedev in Russia, rigging the 2014 polls.

Absolute domestic power has made President Karzai a victim of selective amnesia and ingratitude towards the generous contributions of international community with blood and treasure. His criticisms of foreigners are always selective, when and where it fits his personal political interests, which he names national.  The careless accusations all the time could seriously undermine the future of Afghanistan. Opposition political parties should react more strongly beyond token media statements to condemn and reject the illogical self-interested tirades.

National Coalition, National Front, Right and Justice Party, the newly established 1400 and independent analysis have criticized his latest remarks, but these political forces need to come in front of public on media with utmost disapproval of highly emotional and self-interested remarks of President Karzai. The political parties should bring a resolution through their MPs in parliament to let the people of Afghanistan know about where the country is being led to.

In the latest insider attack yesterday, a member of the ANSF opened fire on US and Afghan forces killing 5 including US troops. Who would President Karzai blame the insider attacks on? He has totally failed to address this trend that has significantly affected the joint operations and trainings of ANSF by coalition forces. He ordered the US Special Forces to leave Maidan Wardak due to allegations of abuse and some protest demonstrations were popped up.

One wonders if the civilian torture and abuse were serious, why people would protest after the decree. Head of the Provincial Council Muhammad Rafi Wardak has criticized the decision saying it was made hastily. He added, “There will be more threats and the Afghan forces do not have capability of providing security in those areas”.

The Defense Ministry investigations was actually launched after the decree. The province has deadliest attacks in recent months, with new complex Taliban tactics. Their explosive-laden truck suicide attacks shake the entire districts, which Taliban have released in their latest video footages online. Similarly, an ANA commander in Badakhshan has criticized the Presidential decree banning ANSF calling for NATO air support that caused death of 18 ANA soldiers in a Taliban trap last week.

Abbas Daiyar is a staff writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at Abbas.daiyar@gmail.com He tweets at @AbasDaiyar

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