Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Determination to Oust Assad


Determination to Oust Assad

Except few that still support the Syrian government, the rest of countries have kept feet on the accelerator to accelerated the collapse of the regime without considering the consequence of such an action. Every now and then, it is heard that oppositions have gained successes in the ground of diplomacy. Amidst appreciation of Heads of Arab States, the ex-chief of National Coalition too country's vacant seat at an Arab summit on Tuesday.

Speaking at the annual summit of Arab nations in the Gulf state of Qatar, Moaz Alkhatib, said that he had asked U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry for U.S. forces to help defend rebel-controlled northern parts of Syria with Patriot surface-to-air missiles. He also added that the United State should play a bigger role in helping end the two year-long conflict while blaming President Assad declining to solve the crisis. "I have asked Mr Kerry to extend the umbrella of the Patriot missiles to cover the Syrian north and he promised to study the subject," Alkhatib said, referring to NATO Patriot missile batteries sent to Turkey last year to protect Turkish airspace (Yahoo news).

Though oppositions have had eye-catching success in diplomatic sphere but they are not followed by achievements at the battle ground. After two years of destructive war, the government still has control over the entire country. However, rebels sometime capture particular districts but their presence was not strong enough to ensure that government would not take the region back.

In another word, rebellions still have a long way to go. The uprising has also 70,000 lives and billions dollars and dealt irrecoverable wounds to heart of every Syrian, yet the government wield control over the country. It is not clear how many lives will be lost till heads of Arab State stand and applause for the President, but one thing is certain that Syria would not look like what it looked two years ago.

the proxy war has already changed the country in miserable one. While rebellions have the strategic support of western countries and Sunni Arab nations, but Assad's regime remains as redline for foreign policy of Tehran. At the international level, China and Russia still support and prevent and backbreaking resolution against the regime. However, there are reports that the confidence of Russia, a key supporter of President Assad's regime, is waning watching the successive advance of Syrian rebels towards the heart of Damascus which was seen as impenetrable stronghold of the regime.

It sent warships last month to the Mediterranean to prepare a potential evacuation of its citizens from the country which show that Moscow officials have reached to conclusion that their c ally President Assad would not able to deal with spiraling pressure and dilemma of rebels. When the uprising started 21 months ago, it got the global attention and nations voiced support to demonstrators. As well, the time was ripe much exposed to change, because the wave of the so-called spring was tough enough to challenge the pillars of all regional authoritarian regimes.

From the very start, the regime responded with clenched fist and branded them as terrorists. The regime showed no flexibility against demonstrators and used all its force to suppress them. The situation became gruesomely dangerous when the international community failed to take a joint front against Damascus. Drafts prepared mostly European countries for tougher action two times were vetoed in the United Nations Security Council by China and Russia which feared about the consequences.

Both countries have continued their support and banned the approval of any tough resolution against the country during last 21 months of civil uprising. The regional rivalry among countries is also something that cannot be neglected assessing the ongoing situation in Syria. Tehran has been supporting President since the very start of civil uprising. The supreme leader who is the ultimate decision maker in the country, Mr. Ayatollah Ali Khamenae often openly voiced out support for Damascus regime while condemning other regimes reacted similarly in the case of uprising breakout.

While insisting that Arab countries are affected by more than 30-years old Islamic revolution in Iran, he links civil unrest in Syria to foreign intervention. Therefore, the so-called proxy war and the dominant presence of Allawites, a minor who can hardly be branded as part of Shiite group, have further complicated the situation.

According to the United Nations reports, around 9000 people are killed since the start of uprising more than a year ago, and around 800 people killed in period after ceasefire accord mediated by joint Arab-UNs representative, Mr. Kofi Annan. The ceasefire has not helped least to peace and instability. With the presence of Arab monitoring mission, available reports denote on severe clashes between minor armed opposition and security forces.

Seemingly, all stakeholders are tittering up and down to find a solution to the deadlock but there is nothing to count on much. But this is Syrian people who ultimately shoulder all the burdens of continuous instability and unrest.

Considering so, after recognition of rebel groups, the state of Syrian government got weakened in the diplomatic sphere but it still has the military might to show that it would not step down this soon. It is obvious the main purpose of many nations have become the outstation of Assad regime not necessarily for what uprising started 25 months ago, which for democracy and economic reforms. Now everything has turned upside down. Nations are resolved to topple Assad without consideration of miseries and sufferings that such a policy will deal to people.

Masood Korosh is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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