Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Dictatorship – the Rule of an Individual


Dictatorship – the Rule  of an Individual

Thorough the experiences of human beings wherein they have experienced different forms of government and different political arrangements, dictatorship is considered as one of the most controversial one. It has influenced political systems and human societies to a large extent and, at the same time, threatened democracy to a certain extent. However, most of the intellectuals and people in general tend to shun this system of government and instead favor democracy. Nonetheless, its role in human history and even in present scenario can never be neglected.  

Dictatorship is that form of government in which all powers of the state are in the hands of one person. He is the source of all powers and laws. He exercises his unlimited power without any restraint. The dictator is not accountable to any one for his functions, and the period of his rule is not prescribed. Only death or counterrevolution can remove him from his sovereign seat.

The origin of dictatorship is a word, ‘dictator’ which means ‘despotic government’. Dictatorship may be defined as absolute power of an individual or group which need no support from subjects or ruled.

In modern age different forms of dictatorship established in different countries, are; (1) Nationalist Dictatorship: Sometimes dictatorship loving nations willingly empower the most popular leader of their nation with dictatorial powers. Its main examples are; Hitler in Germany, Mussolini in Italy, Jamal Abdul Nasir in Egypt, Soekarno in Indonesia. (2) Military Dictatorship: It is established by the Army Chief with the support of army. He is always adherent to army and keeps it strong and satisfied. All modern dictatorships have been established on this pattern except the communist dictatorship. (3) Fascist Dictatorship: This form of dictatorship practically assumes power by raising the slogan of a strong state. The nation is given the status of deity. The Fascist rulers come into power through democratic means then they resort to dictatorial practice. This dictatorship was established in Germany and Italy. (4) Economic Dictatorship: In this form of dictatorship a dictator or party with dictatorial powers has some program for the solution of economic problems. The party raises the slogan of economic prosperity of the people. This kind of dictatorship is found in Socialist countries i.e. Russia, Hungary, Poland etc.

Generally in dictatorship sovereign power is in the hand of one person. There is an extreme type of centralization in government. Every effort is made to glorify the personality of the dictator. State is regarded as the most sacred institution in dictatorship. It is given the status of deity, and worshipped. By glorifying the state, the dictator, in fact, desires to enhance his personal fame.

Dictatorship is based upon the principles of one party rule. Its slogan is “one state, one party and one leader.” The political party of the dictator is only allowed to function in the country, and all other parties are declared illegal. No person is allowed to criticize the activities of the dictator in the country. If any one dares to criticize the controversial activities, he is crushed with iron hand. In this system civil liberties are limited.

The theory of division of powers is not practices in dictatorship. The executive of the state is equipped with unlimited powers. Legislature and judiciary are subservient to it. The legislature and judiciary abide by the will of the dictator. It is most appropriate to say that all legislative, judicial and executive powers are totally controlled by the dictator. The dictator mostly works for imperialism. His object is aggression and extension of territorial limits of his country. He always keeps the war front open against other countries because he is impelled by expansionist designs.

Every dictator offers good economic plans to the people so that they may take his side for their economic stability and progress. Moreover, every dictator propagates his achievement and programs too much and has complet control over all means of communication in this extensive program of propaganda, there is too much blend of falsehood. Hitler’s Minister of Information used to say, “Speak so much lies continuously till the people take them as truth.” The dictator also justifies his aggressive policy in international affairs.

The dictator makes extensive arrangements of secret police organization to fulfill his designs and implement his laws and programs. The secret police is conferred with unlimited powers. They are empowered to interrogate the people, arrest them, file suits, and award punishment to them.

Though certain merits are attributed to dictatorship, there are always controversies about this form of government. One of the claimed merits of dictatorship is that it is always powerful and stable. It is free from chaos, unrest and anarchy of democratic system. No one can challenge its unlimited powers. The dictator does not allow his opponents to spread unrest and anarchy in the country. Therefore, government is stable in this system.

It is also appreciated sometimes for its capacity of quick decision making. The dictator has unlimited powers, he immediately takes decisions without loss of time. He initiates measures at once which he deems suitable. This system can be useful in crisis or in emergency.

However, in the end this system can be criticized on some of the strong reasons. Dictator adopts tyrannical methods to crush his opponents and lets loose the reign of terror on his subjects. He is tyrannous for his people in many ways. There is actually a reign of fear and terror in the country. It is also an undeniable fact that dictatorship with all its characteristics is opposed to democracy. A democratic government is accountable to the people while a dictator is not accountable to anyone for his activities. He asserts his will in every matter. This is the reason that the people do not like dictatorship.

Moreover, it should be noted that thought a dictator may establish a temporary unity but that will be very temporary as it is achieved through terror and violence. The national unity and integration is permanent and ever-lasting which is based upon the will of people, not on terror and violence. As soon as dictator dies, or becomes weak and loses control then the country faces chaos, unrest and political anarchy. We can say without any hesitation that dictatorship can never be a substitute of democracy.

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at dilawar.sherzai@gmail.com.

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