Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

The Strategy of Conflict


The Strategy of Conflict

Staggering conditions of peace and darkening clouds of war in the Korean peninsula has raised the possibility of a new war in the already war-torn world. This would be the new edition of the wars that have been devised with a number of lame excuses. In past, wars were fought with two reasons; one when a nation felt itself strong enough to capture another and thus started the military invasion. Secondly, when a nation was attacked by any other nation, it was left with no other option except to pull up the weapon and enter the war field.

It is also a reality that in past, strong nations always invented an excuse, be it strong or weak, to attack others. However, there was not much hypocrisy in past as it is present now. Usually, a weak nation was attacked with an excuse but no false allegations and explanations were attached with it, as is the case in our present day civilized and modern world.

The terror attacks of 9-11 became a good tool to impose the notorious and so-called, ‘war on terror’ on the enemy nations. In this plot of inventing and imposing war, International organizations became dummy statues to either remain silent or assemble the nations to put their share in the war and then also receive their shares from the gains of the war.

In this regard, many wars were started in a short span of a decade or more. First of all, the war was imposed on Afghanistan and the prime reason given in this regard was the danger of Al-Qaeda and Taliban. No doubt, this war brought democracy in the country and allowed the Afghans to live an honorable life of their own. But still, Al-Qaeda elements and Taliban are bustling in the country and now it has become a complicated war of conspiracies in which all the factions are working to safeguard their own benefits.

Similarly, it was said that Saddam Hussein of Iraq had gathered large number of chemical weapons that are threatening to all the nations of the world and only way to avert this danger was to over-throw the regime of Saddam. This aim was sought by the use of military power and once again, International Organizations became a platform to host for the feast. Unfortunately, the invading nations have not found even a single chemical weapon till now. Let’s leave this issue on the political analysts that how much Iraqis have gained or lost from this bloody war of almost a decade and how many of the Iraqis still support this war.

In the same way, the tensions between the North and South Korea are not new. There have been times of widening gaps and soaring tensions between the two neighbors but world nations always insisted on the restoration of normal relations with the help of peaceful talks and negotiations. But it looks that this condition would not remain for so long and soon there would burst out another war that would bring numberless calamities for the people of both the countries and also to the citizens of the other nations of the world.

The conditions in the Korean peninsula became alarming when the forces of South Korea and United States started their joint annual military exercises. Like every year, it was conducted on such a large scale that North Korea took it as a threat to its sovereignty and existence and thus took measures to tackle with any kind of problematic situation that may rise out of this. North Korea has always termed these military exercises as a tool to threaten the ‘brave people and military’ of its country and thus criticized them severely. As the military operations started, North Korea put its forces on alert and threatened its opponents that in case of any military adventure, North Korea would not hesitate to come up with an appropriate military response. North Korea always terms these exercises to be the rehearsal of war that hangs on the head of it like the sword of Damocles.

The hue and cry of North appear more reasonable this year as the military exercises were accompanied by a military pact between the allied nations that both the nations would not tolerate any kind of military adventure of North and they would always remain on red alert to stop it from any such act. Similarly, both the nations would extend military assistance to each other against the North and South Korea can anytime ask for military help from the United States against its neighbor.

As part of these military exercises, the warplanes of Allied nations flew in the region which tempted the North to make its missiles ready and vowed to strike American cities and its military bases across the peninsula. According to the experts, North Korea may not be having full capacity to strike such distant targets but even then, it might result in a full-fledged military conflict from the both the sides.

It would be worth mentioning here the agile and active role of the president of North Korea who visited his soldiers on the frontlines and tried to evoke frenzy among them with his emotional speeches. According to the experts, it was a good chance for the dictatorial president to assure his people that he was very well aware of threats lingering on their heads and would go to any extreme in protecting them. This would be in return an effort to protect and prolong his rule under the pretext of emergency conditions.

Before the military exercises, both the neighbors were in contact in a hotline that was very essential for averting any serious mistake due to miscalculations or misunderstandings but North Korea announced to finish any kind of contact with the South and this hope of communication and reconciliation was also cut down.

Once again, the role of International Organizations in this tense situation was that of a silent spectator and till the last reports, nothing has been done by this peace representative organization to stop the increasing conflict. Except for Russia and China, rest of the influential members of International Organizations is also the part of the silent game which may turn out to be more disastrous than their expectations. Both Russia and China have urged the conflicting sides to refrain from any kind of military conflict and return to the table of negotiations to settle down the problems on peaceful grounds.

It is very unfortunate to see that we have not learnt any kind lesson from the bloody and disastrous experiments of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and very recently Syria that war brings destruction and no problem can be solved with this. Its most recent example is Syria where the war has snatched away the lives of more than 70000 Syrians from both the sides and the condition still remains undecided.

The strong nations should not forget that their benefits and economic objectives are not more important than the lives of people and no irresponsible step should be taken that should jeopardize the lives of masses.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook. He can be reached at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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