Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Peace Requests Would not End to Peace


Peace Requests Would not End to Peace

The last week deadly suicide bombing and subsequent random firings in Farah city, though, covered Afghans facebook users’ timelines but, I think, was not enough to send a strong message for militants that their inhuman and barbaric activities are not acceptable anymore. If an incident to such horrifying level had taken place by foreign and Afghan security forces, perhaps, no cities across the country would have remained silent. People would have marched and voiced out their hatred and asked for immediate foreign military withdrawal. But as far as I know, the criticism remained restricted to media and that also not harsh enough to shake the backbone of Taliban’s evil establishment.

While common civilians remained silent and avoided to come together and voice out their anger against militants. Government officials also sufficed to mere usual condemnation of the attack and condolence to survivals.

The suicide bombing and following barrage last for hours and when the final attacker succumbed to bullets of brave Afghan security forces and smoke and dust vanished, there were more than 50 death bodies around and around 100 sustained serious and minor injuries. According to eyewitnesses, militants were firing towards any moving body and never cared the target was women, children or innocent Afghan civilians who had nothing to do with the government. Militants never cared that the innocent child who had not experienced his fifth birthday did not differentiate what the ongoing combat was all about. They never cared that killing mothers and fathers of the children might doom the lives of innocent children with eternal miseries. The only thing they did care was how to kill maximum possible of people in order to show that how dangerous and powerful they are.

Moreover, by chopping every civilian, they were dreaming of sleeping in the bed with the promised astonishingly beautiful, virgin women in paradise. I do not know how to bring together these two contradictory issues: women are considered as the second face of devil that constantly ambush men and try to ethically and morally corrupt them. It is interpreted that the more men keep away from women, the more they are pious and adorable to Allah Almighty.

See for instance, the four year rule of Taliban regime. It banned the entire doors of society towards women and tried their best to stop women from public appearances like going out shopping because they were thought to be evil and might entice and instigate men sexually. But when it comes to

women to whom beauty of women in this world is no match militants are hurrying up to reach and be with them! Perhaps, they will do whatever it takes to go to paradise where they will be bestowed with

streams of milk and honey and amazingly beautiful and caring women.

Once I watched a clip which documented on how terrorist leaders attract and teach individuals to become devoted suicide bombers. Question raised by a possible future suicide attacker as many

civilians who have nothing to do with their enemy and are Muslims would get killed? The answer was ridiculously interesting. The trainer said that I want you to take other fellow Muslims with yourselves to

paradise? So, this job---taking many other Muslims to Paradise --- is not against the so-called ‘Shariah’ and instead Allah Almighty will give you reward for doing so.

On the basis of this philosophy, the world is a curse. Everybody should try his best to end his life as soon as possible in order to reach the promised land of Allah Almighty. Perhaps, this world doesnot belong to pious and religious person but corrupted and followers of devils. They never point out why 124 thousand messengers of God has never encouraged people to take their own lives and head

towards paradise? Then why are there tens of quotations about prayers for living longer? Has Allah Almighty created human beings to kill and to be killed? Is the violence the only reason of life for human beings? However, it looks very optimistic if Taliban leaders or the masterminds behind training of suicide bombers ever think about such issues.

The massacre in Farah once again showed that militants have not changed an inch from their position and continue battle with the same ideological mentality they applied during their rule. Perhaps, they even have become much resolved and their leaders developed devotees who are all ready to make sacrifices and sooner fly to what they believe to be the promised land of Allah Almighty. For them killing people are not unjustifiable but a way that leads them directly towards the highest level of piety and religiosity.

During recent years as the issue of peace talks have turned hot topic and many try their best to reflect a moderate picture from militants, they are arguing that Taliban are not those who executed thousands of

people without trail and changed the country into prison for its citizens. They have changed tremendously and might accept girls’ education and like women participation in socio-political processes. So, for them, massacre of people in Farah should be an example. Taliban have not changed and perhaps they would not. During past eleven years, their leaders have worked harder in order to make them believe they are holding Jihad and will earn reward for resurrection day.

Therefore, Afghan government should not count on the possible theory of the so-called modern Taliban who want to make deal. The concept of ‘Modern’ is an illusion. The only thing that government should

prioritize is give up to current requests of peace from Taliban. Instead it should work on improving the capacity of Afghan security forces and motivate them to stand for the best of their country. It is highly possible if Taliban leaders come to a calculation that they would not be able to win the war, they might get ready to join peace process seriously.

Masood Korosh is permanent writer of Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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