Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Progressive Afghanistan –Tied to Credible Poll


Progressive Afghanistan –Tied to Credible Poll

Democratic transition will be achieved, when an operational system exists supported by vibrant functioning institutions. The upcoming year, 2014 is significant from multi-dimensions. The incumbent government completes its tenure, the country moves towards its third successful election in post Taliban dictatorial bloody regime that witnessed massive human rights violation. The power transition and US and NATO drawdown are planned in subsequent year.

Amongst the genuine issues Afghanistan encounters, one is the empowerment of independent election commission which is tasked with undertaking necessary arrangement for free and fair election. The current chaotic political status quo, if unresolved, will lessen the legitimacy of forthcoming election with inclusion to creation of endless socio-political turmoil.

Formerly the draft of electoral law was approved that subjects the appointment of chairman of Independent Election Commission (IEC) to the parliamentary approval. It is a striking development paving a course for transparent and acceptable election, provided that the implementation occurs in accordance with the spirit of provision of law.

The significant concern hitherto exists pertaining the authority and power exercised by chief of election commission that helps restraining an illegitimate and partial stance of public officials. A required authority should be delegated to the chairman of election commission empowering him to take essential steps to put off all possible electoral fraud. The electoral draft seems tight-lipped in this perspective.

President Karzai’s former tarnished posture –asking Taliban to run for presidential election is an in-depth ridicule of the mandate of people of Afghanistan who have long been blood bathed by Taliban serving vague agendas. The electoral law should indiscriminately put aside all such candidates alleged to be involved in grave human rights violation. Particularly, the Taliban nominees should be put to tight scrutiny prior to being allotted the candidacy to run for election unless being prosecuted.

The installment of an impartial interim setup given sufficient executive authority to supervise the entire electoral process is a prime requisite to further the democratic system smoothly. The setup should be stored subsequent to a through consultation with oppositions, all political parties, member of civil society and media persons, unanimously agreeing on men of high integrity and well repute chosen for the interim setup having taken all section of society into confidence.

Formerly, a joint senate-parliament commission approved the law regarding the structure and function of the ECC and the Independent Election Commission (IEC) and elimination of ECC. ECC is a sub-department of (IEC), assigned to hear complaints against the legitimacy of a winner from any constituency. It consists of seven members, two being foreign observers.

The elimination of Electoral Complaint Commission (ECC) in the draft of electoral law adds to the suspicion of joint opposition and international community straightening a way for planned electoral fraud in the upcoming presidential election. The presence of these two foreign members in the Electoral Complaints Commission secured high levels of trust from the people in the election process.

The elimination of their presence could remove the transparency and fairness of the elections. The opposition parties warn that lack of foreign members on the ECC will impact transparency because foreigners will assist on some matters where needed. There are some issues where foreign advisers can work with the ECC as a member in order to have transparency because the commission is newly established and they do not have enough capacity and there are some other issues.

The eleven years long course, post installment of democratic system in Afghanistan, great effort was exerted on individuals than institution building –thus negligible political culture is flourished in this nascent democracy. Political culture is the essence of democracy –it encourages people to seek glorious position in society and fight the attainment of their fundamental rights choosing legal course of action. An ample awareness is injected into common masses enabling them to draw out necessary solutions to their existing problems.

The political process adds confidence into people to the level of certainty their genuine issues are given centrality and a core solution are sought and legislated. Regrettably, it is confessed in circle of intellectuals that negligible stance was taken to drag out people out piles of issues and awareness campaign was undertaken. The only activity assumed, was the intentional drive to put the masses in abject submission than making them known to their constitutional rights?

The healthy functioning of democracy is best observed in societies with high literacy rate. Education helps in removing the unfound prejudices labeled against a person on unsubstantial grounds. The forged understanding anchored on personal likes and dislikes are done away with, as a substitute merit, competence and leadership persona are given prime connotation.

Democracy is concerned with conscious knowledge to choose an eligible person who can exercise his charismatic and legitimate authority in sorting out the common problems of the people in the best of his capabilities. Election turns a futile exercise when people are elected on unrealistic grounds of outdated social and class divides.

The premeditated or unintentional use of corrupt means to seek a desirable result may fade the credibility of election. Rigging and anomalies in the democratic exercise would push the country into a new round of instability, with consequences for the national economy.

The opposition alliance has repeatedly warned of any irregularities in next year’s presidential elections would lead the country to a deep crisis. With the presidential and provincial council polls less than a year ahead, the government had taken no concrete measures to ensure transparency and inclusiveness.

If you are to seek accomplishment in every sphere of human endeavors, sound economical status, dignified social disposition, rich human resources and the state of self-reliance, then democracy is there to serve your immediate interests.

Democracy flourishes, where education is made at the reach of poor and rich equally. The commonly accepted and practiced illusions have hardened the smooth functioning of this system; thus encourage swinging allegiance based on unjustified personal grounds. This culture is dominant in societies where literacy rate is very low and large majority of people live in abject ignorance.

Asmatyari is permanent writer of Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com.

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