Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

The Ulema Council’s Suggestions


The Ulema Council’s Suggestions

President Hamid Karzai has welcomed another call from Afghanistan conservative Ulema Council. He agreed for a crackdown on television stations on account of their immoral and un-Islamic contents. "The Ministry of Information and Culture must prevent (television channels) from broadcasting programs which are vulgar, obscene and un-Islamic and are counter to social morality," Mr. President said in a statement issued by the Council of Ministers.

In a similar move, last year, he provoked international outrage when he backed recommendation from clerics to segregate the sexes in the workplace. Again from the same council was another recommendation regarding punishment of wives by their husbands under certain circumstances.

The decision no doubt once again sparks criticism against President Karzai inside and outside of the country. The international community that pumped billions of dollars and made huge humanitarian sacrifices in order to promote and strengthen democratic and liberal values will get disappointed of regressive activities. Perhaps such decisions might not have provoked concerns if made years ago when foreign allies had huge and dominant presence that could be easily stopped or prevented from their implementation. But now foreign security forces have already handed over part of security responsibilities and resolved to withdraw without possible
consideration of ground realities.

Thus, any radical and conservative decision is worrisome and it’s likely in lack of presence of foreign security forces, the traditional elites or conservative part of the society emerge with much assertiveness and the government also will finds chances to put them in practice. Many have already voiced out concern that the decision could imperil advances in the country's media industry, which has enjoyed significant progress since the ouster of the radical Taliban regime 12 years ago.

According to Ulema Council some of TV channels are broadcasting programs which have porn message and promotes prostitutions. Meanwhile, it is not sure whether Ulema Council really knows what those programs are. In other words, to what level censorship on media should

be tightened in order to meet the concern of the Council. However, based on some local news, the programs include some Indian movies and music videos featuring half-naked dancing girls.
First of all, it should be noticed that Afghanistan Ulema Council is a body which however is not part of the government but President Karzai frequently proved that he is not going to turn down their suggestion in case they ask for Islamic reforms to the society. Secondly, Ulema Council does not represent all religious leaders of Afghanistan. Another word, scholars in the Council have not come through a unanimous consensus of the rest of religious scholars to represent them and advise and pressurize government on certain issues in order to protect the so-called values and Shariah Laws.

Thirdly, religious leaders may support decision of the Council if it is aligned with their wish but may easily withdraw if they disagree with particular activities. Talking to various religious leaders about the status of Ulema Council regarding the so-called production of programs with Un-Islamic content, either they avoided to respond or simply blamed them of colluding with government.

Fourthly, the Council has failed to take a single step towards restoring peace and security. However, individuals within the Council previously had close ties with Taliban leaders who now issue Fetwa for suicide bombings. Thus, Council has failed to convince a single key leader of Taliban who mostly studied in Madressas in Pakistan or other regional countries.

On the other side, Taliban leaders could easily persuade militants of clandestine collusion between government and Council members. It is highly possible that a member of Ulema Council is not able to travel to remote areas to preach Islamic values, fearing possible attacks.

And finally, the Council frequently confirmed that suicide bombings were against Islam and Shariah, meanwhile nothing has happened to ground fighters of militants. Even when the Council decided to hold a meeting with its step-brother, Ulema Council of Pakistan, ultimately the decision fogged away because Pakistani Ulema Council refrained to condemn suicide bombings and its chief grossly claimed that suicide bombings were allowed in Afghanistan, Kashmir and Palestine.

The question is this why the administration, considering bleak background of the Council, agrees to support their decision which sometimes brings administration under question?
There are two things that Ulema Council can do for the current administration: one, they can support and acquit it of being stooge of foreign countries as Taliban militants beat the drum for and secondly, the members have always supported administration’s stance against foreign countries. for instance, last month when President Karzai voiced that Taliban are working parallel to policies of the United States and foreign countries are negotiating with militants secretly, subsequently Ulema Council issued a statement supporting his position, saying that Afghan people may turn against foreign countries.

What makes people worried is this that President Karzai might follow another goal too. What if he intends to get the support of groups and councils to continue ruling the country after serving his full term? Thought president has already rejected such a scenario, it is difficult to neglect the possibility, keeping in view the weak democracy in the country.

It is really important that the current administration must make its own decision and must not be pressurized by the Council. Definitely, there suggestions are valuable and they should be heard but it is not necessary all of their suggestions are accepted as they are.

Masood Korosh is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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