Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Undoing Illusions


Undoing Illusions

I wonder why the whole world does not speak a single universal religious lingo, despite striking resemblance found in fundamental moral teachings of all religions advocating identical adjectives of the only Allah. History assembled sufficient records of religion being misused airing inter-religious conflicts and antagonism that mainly served man’s interest than God. Whilst elucidating Muslims, more importantly, sticking to past glories made them illusive of getting advantage out of opportunities time has put forth to them. A timely rationalization drawn from secret scripture was not bothered instead greater emphasis was laid on learning of the wholly scriptures than understanding it. At this moment, can we term totalitarianism and dogmatism as the underlying problem of Muslims retrogressivenss in the contemporary world?

Formerly, Pew Research Center conducted a survey that finds majority of Muslims around the world want Shariah law to be implemented in their countries but are split on how it should be applied. To pursue this finding, the Muslim should get prepared for further division based on intra-religious differences followed by bloody civil wars. There are seventy-two sects in Muslim world; the minorities suffer great repression and suppression, in most if not all, Muslim populated countries.

This comprehensive study was conducted between 2008 and 2012 and focused on 38,000 people in 39 countries and territories drawn from a global Muslim community of 2.2 billion people. A solid majority of Muslims, notably in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, were in favor of Shariah — traditional Islamic law — being adopted as the law of the land. It unmistakably depicts Muslims outlook –the course of action awaiting amiable solution relative to their social problems. The illogical discourse adopted distant them from the manly formulated rational laws with absolute laws earning precedence. 

Another deep lying issue-awaiting consensus is the due position of women in society. In most countries, a majority of Muslims said a wife must obey her husband, although a majority also said a woman should decide whether to wear a veil or not. Sharp differences were noted on issues such as polygamy. A strong majority surveyed said so-called honor killings could never be justified. The only exceptions came in Afghanistan and Iraq, where majorities condoned executions of women deemed to have shamed their families by engaging in premarital sex or adultery. The percentage of those in favor of Shariah being implemented as their country’s law varied from 8 percent in Azerbaijan to 99 percent in Afghanistan. Finding Afghanistan’s unanimous support for implementation of Shari law, I thought Taliban were interrogated and this seems their point of view.

To draw an analogy, I would like to mention the following story. A convert to Islam, on the very first day inquired his Muslim fellow, “What are the obligations, I should perform now onward?” The Muslim fellow on that very day taught him “Kalma”, putting the rests of proceeding for the next day. The subsequent day, all the day long, the convert was engaged in various prayers, sermons, religious congregation etc. At the end of day he asked, “It is Islam!!” The fellow innocently answered, “Yes”. The convert fellow replied, “My dear! I have to work all the day to support my family and to make the ends meet. I find no time for my family being with you. Consequently, I ask pardon for I cannot afford longer, to be Muslim.” Isn’t it, we have turned Islam a set of inflexible tradition than proofing it practical and compatible religion that can draw solution to our existing problems.

Muslims exert greater effort on preserving absolute religious dogmas, tradition without being contemplative to coincide it with demands of changing contemporary world. We draw distinction between God’s words and deeds. Religion has turned a collection of congested beliefs in which no timely and compatible interpretation stands permissible.  Religion anchored on dogmatic interpretation annuls creativity and innovation and unswervingly dictates the political and social arena of our daily undertakings –thus completely restraining advancements with changing world and grooming circumstances; the Muslim society therefore could not prosper to date. The conservative elements have always taken measures to curtail the collective success and prosperity of the society terming the innovative developments anti-religion. They have always struck at emotional nerve of their adherents; intellectually kept in dark, denied access to scholarly approach thus made an unnatural bond to the forged prescription.

We could not draw a clear distinctive line between licit and illicit deeds. The plague of narrow-mindedness has worst affected us to the level that our ill deeds are fortified to the height of truth and others good deeds appears forged to us. The poison of biased understanding injected into the blood stream of society has maligned their moderate disposition to extreme one. Freedom of thought, providing a sound basis of intellectual progress is not only given the status of ill recognition but also un-Islamic.

The stunning Universe is the true manifestation of God’s artistic creation; if a person comments on any aspect of universe intelligibly –it is equated with disgrace to Allah’s creative abilities and the person is rendered liable of punishment. As a substitute it is not regarded a sincere addition to existing pile of knowledge. Galileo, the greatest scientist of renaissance, contradicted the idea of centrality of earth in solar system that differed church’s perspective, sentenced for no reason except church’s absolute thought was challenged.  Laid at the depth of irrational and unreasonable congested beliefs, we draw prejudiced findings that dispose our ill motives.

The aristocratic, despotic regimes and absolute rule instilled in most of Muslim countries –the ruling class steers the fate of nation, consequently the pages of history is filled with blunders individuals committed and the nation is left to reap for generation, no one realizes. 

Another pivotal problem –the fallacious and social structure enrooted on erroneous class system supporting proprietors, feudal lords and ruling elites. A superior ethno-political elite ruling for generations draws economic and political privileges. The lower class or ethnic groups are denied access to fundamental rights and basic necessities of life.

The system directly supporting, promoting and protecting injustices seem unlikely to extend space to talent, competence, capabilities, as an alternative recommendation, inducement and influential financial status help earning preferential societal position. Nonetheless, the whole functionaries of the flawed system escape apprehension –they are subjugated to practiced system not the constitutional provision because of despotic brought up. The culprits of Kabul bank swindle to date, escape detainment and prosecution because of having influential ties. It is imperative that constitutional safeguard is provided to hapless citizens seeking justices over authority and power abusers.

The injustices cracking the socio-political fabric of society and widen the societal divide across ethnic lines, must be curtailed. The politically under-privileged ethnic group rendered vulnerable with increasing the sense of insecurity and should be given confidence. May the custodians of illusive slogans come forth to fight against all these social evils, injustices, biases and human rights violation?

Asmatyari is the permanent writer of daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com.

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