Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Election and Democracy in Afghanistan


Election and  Democracy in Afghanistan

In the history of mankind from the early stages when human was created there were strata of people. Some were slaves, some were lords, some were labors and so on. Even at that time in spite of being unaware of petitions, constitutional laws, courts and legislators they were electing a leader to control and manage their crises, problems and conflicts in different places. Their leaders and politics had different ranks and names. In Arab they were known as “Caliph”, in ancient Athens and Rome it was known as “empire” in current modern and civilized century we follow the same rule by electing a leader for a country through voting and election.

Election manifesto is a vision and mission of contestant political parties that stand for upcoming election. This is an agenda for future plan made by the political parties with the voters. If any of the political parties win the election that is bound to implement the same that was pre-committed with the people. We as well can say that an election in the current era is a formal decision making process by which a country chooses a politician to hold public offices.

Elections have been the usual mechanism by which the modern representative democracy has operated since 17th century. Election may fill the offices in the legislature sometimes in the judiciary and for local government. The modern utilization of election is to select and empower a leader and guider in a country and community. Election means to choose and select your determined and pointed politician to serve your country and society in the best of possible ways. Although the early elections were implemented in the ancient Athens by electing their favorite groups or representatives it was also implemented in ancient Rome for electing the popes and decent Roman emperors. The foundations of election in the current era lies in the sequential elevation of politics and representative election is the fundamental and basic necessity of a modern and civilized country it is because the fate and fortune of a country depends on the electing a prolific and worthwhile leader.

The use of election in modern era dates to the modern emergences of proxy. So more briefly and accurately we simply can say that election means a vote to select the winner of a position or political office. Election in a democratic country in the real essence and sense is the basic needs of a country. On the contrary there is another phrase and terminology which plays a vital and significant role in an independent and civilized community that is the phrase “Democracy”. Before discussing on the title “democracy” we better know the meaning of this vital term. Democracy stands for ‘a form of government in which the supreme power vested in the public and is flourished by the public directly or by the public’s elected politics under a free and fair electoral system’. We as well can think democracy as a system of government with four key elements; 1- a political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections, 2- the active participation of the people, as citizens, in political and civic life, 3- protections of the human rights of all the citizens. And the final key and critical element for a democratic government is a rule of law, in which the laws and procedures apply equally to all citizens. We, as well, can define democracy as all the people should be able to have their say in one way or another in everything that affects their lives. Unfortunately, a vast majority of countries that call themselves Representative Democracies are not true democracies according to the above definition. Most of them are actually just Elected Dictatorships. People can vote usually only once every four or five years. They do not vote on any issues. They just elect their so called representatives who then until the next elections have no obligations by law and little incentives to base their decisions on individual issues on the wishes on their electorate. They hardly ever bother to consult them on their stands on various issues. Therefore, legislative bodies composed of such "representatives" act in a very dictatorial manner between the elections to be very frank Afghanistan is also one of those countries where democracy is not implemented in the real essence.

If we shuffle the pages of history and put a glimpse over the past government of Afghanistan the presidents and politics have acted as dictators rather than a true ruler. Any governmental system is fine if the people subject to this system are happy. Within our homeland Afghanistan even 90% of the people are not satisfied with the so called democratic government. The very first parliamentary election in Afghanistan was conducted in 1949 which was permitted by Shah Mahmud. Elections in Afghanistan throughout the history have always had obstacles in the way. The very prominent obstacle is so called security and armed groups that some of them emerged as having the motto of making Afghanistan as an Islamic kingdom. Three decades of civil war in Afghanistan which was ignited by the foreign support mostly by our neighboring countries has affected us the most.

The need of a democratic, free and fair election in Afghanistan is far beyond the reach of our nation with the current circumstances and situation that has always tried to avoid a free a fair democratic election. There is always a sunny day after a gloomy night; people of Afghanistan are looking forward to having a new rise in their lives in the 2014 presidential and afterwards the parliamentary election, which is a new hope in the face of afghan people where everyone is hopeful of a free and democratic election. The circumstances are currently making the Afghan political parties suffer and not letting them have a free and fair election. It would be acceptable as free and fair election for Afghan people if the election follows the mentioned agendas a smooth transfer of power through free, fair and transparent elections must be ensured to avoid any crisis in 2014. Holding a free and fair election remains a query yet to respond to and a great challenge for current government in office which Afghan government has to ensure the people that it would be a complete free and fair election. And finally the fundamentals of a free and fair election have to be implemented at any cost. Every Afghan citizen looks forward to having a bright future by electing their favorite representatives.

Zainab Ahmadi is an emerging writer of Daily Outlook. She can be reached at: zainab_ktz09@yahoo.com

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