Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

The Syndrome of Idleness


The Syndrome of Idleness

There is a long list of people who became the victim of this syndrome. Usually, this problem occurs with the actors and actresses of Hollywood who reach to the peak of material acquisition. When we read their biography, we find that majority of them started from zero. Like most of the successful self-made men and women of the world, they struggled a lot in the beginning. But they kept their spirits high to be successful. They dreamed big and dreamed day and night and their ambitions never let them to take rest even for a single second. They had big dreams and these dreams appeared to be impossible in the beginning. They dreamed of being rich, famous, beautiful and many more and people could have laughed if they had disclosed their dreams in the beginning. These dreams followed each other and all of them were really important and worth-praising. It is really pity if one fails to utilize the abilities gifted to him by the nature and bring name, fame, wealth and satisfaction of achievement by achieving success using these gifted abilities. Anyhow, these actors and actresses kept trying and every failure strengthened their spirits and ambitions. At last, the nature became generous to them and the success slowly and gradually got close to them. There is a law of nature that changing a condition always takes time. As they struggled a lot to change their condition from adverse to the prosperous, it was certain that their successful days would also last for long. The showers of success kept pouring on them and they were bestowed with fame, wealth, and all the other things that they had dreamed of. When they had nothing, they had a long list of wishes and dreams but then came a time when they had turned all their dreams into realities and all their wishes had been met and then they had nothing else to dream or wish for.

Inventing and rearing dreams is an important factor. Millions of people are compromising with the adverse circumstances of life just with a hope that, tomorrow their conditions will get better and they will be able to lead a better life. In the same way, all the projects, great missions, businesses and every small and big step is taken with a hope. People show perseverance, invent new things, take risks and do all the impossible works because they have a dream to do something different. If this dream is taken out of our lives, we would lose all our hopes and a person without hope can be very dangerous; first for himself and then for the rest of the world. A person commits suicide when he losses all the hopes from the future. When the victimized persons lost their hopes of getting better treatment from the society, they turned into serial killers and avenged it for their sufferings.

As stated earlier, a hope can keep our hearts full of energy, enthusiasm and spirit to live while the absence of such hope may result in different circumstances, depending on the person and the situations. Most serious case was shown above when a person goes to the extreme and commits suicide but it may take many other shapes. Whatever the shape may be, a fact is certain for all that, one feels extreme emptiness and lack of purpose. In such circumstances, one may invent new activities or be busy with activities that may fill the life of person with interest. Usually we read about Hollywood stars that they do a number of queer works to keep themselves busy. Some of them build most luxurious houses and make collections of fancy and expensive cars, some of them get busy with adventurous activities like flying private planes, some of them make private beaches, zoos or museums and many more. It is said that one of the important hobby of Hollywood actors and actresses is to change friends or mates and it is the reason why we see that marriages don’t last for long and old relations are broken and new relations are made too often.

 Some of them start using drugs. It sounds strange to our ears but we repeatedly hear about the drug addiction of any Hollywood celebrity. In the same way, taking extra doses of tranquilizers or remaining drunk all the time is also a sign of abnormality when one finds peace only in remaining sedated because all the hopes and targets of life have come to an end and there is nothing new to be undertaken.

If we look at our society, same conditions prevail though they are not much vivid due to our social setup. There are a number of people who have made good money, have attained all their targets and now they don’t have any other activity to do. Fortunately, our society is not so fast and advanced and thus such a person can live with sufficient satisfaction who knows how to waste his time without doing any work because there are already present a lot of people who remain idle and pass their days and nights without doing anything. Though they may not be rich and have a lot of dreams to attained, yet our society is good enough to contain such people who are satisfied with their present conditions and are lazy enough to pass their days and nights without worrying about any target or achievement.

But it doesn’t mean that our society is full of pious people who remain distant from bad works. There are a lot many people who have no target to achieve and thus pass all their time in enjoyment. This may range from innocent joys like buying latest cars and mobile phones to the most dangerous like drinking alcohol, getting involved in other immoral activities and so on.

Be it in our country or any other part of the world, there are also present a lot of good people who know how to utilize their money and time for good purposes. There are many celebrities who built hospitals, schools, libraries, and established organizations to help the poor and needy or fight diseases in different parts of the world.

When we come to the solution side of this problem, we need to keep in mind the examples of those who did remarkable work for others and left their permanent prints on the name of humanity and public welfare. We need to keep updating our targets so that when we achieve all our personal targets, we should be able to do something for the people around us. We are lucky that we live in a society where government does very less for the public welfare and thus grounds are open for all to carry out activities in different fields of life. We can build schools, hospitals, parks, libraries, provide free books to the deserving students, and announce scholarships for the needy students and many more. It may sound strange and impossible for many of us but there are present a lot of people who are busy in a number of good works. There are some who go to any good quality private school and ask them to provide scholarships for 10 poor but bright students. There are some who have hired one or more vans which carry the poor students of a government school to their homes in free. There are some who provide free medicine to the poor patients of a government hospital. There is a long list of such activities and all this is happening in our society. It is the reason why, I never feel disappointed from the fate of our society and these small steps would definitely carry us to prosperity and development, no matter how long it takes.

Masood Korosh is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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