Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

The First Step


The First Step

He is a real icon of inspiration. Had he been born in any developed country, he could have been very successful and acquired wealth and fame. He would have been portrayed as an ideal for the youth and a source of inspiration for all those who want to achieve success ignoring all the difficulties and who want to turn the impossible into possible. He is a bodybuilder and his strong and bulky muscles immediately surprise the others. But he has worked hard to acquire this mesmerizing body and muscles. He has poured his sweat just like water and endured all the difficulties of the way.

He says that, ‘today’s youngsters and muscle builders are far lucky than us as they are sufficiently provided with all the equipments and other necessities. When I started exercise in my late teen, we were a group of enthusiastic youngsters. At that time, the fitness clubs were not available in every street as is the case today. We did not have enough money to buy the equipments of our own so we collected whatever we could that could be used as alternate to the standard equipments. We brought the old wheels of cars, made barbells out of oil cans by filling them with cement and used stones as dumbbells. We also faced the lack of nutrition because we all belonged to working middle class and could not afford expensive fruits, meat and other edibles. In our days, we only heard about the nutritional supplements and we had seen their pictures in newspapers but we were sure that we could never make our access to them. But there was one thing that made all the things easy. It was our great enthusiasm and love for the exercise. We did exercise regularly and sometimes, when we got late after work, we used to continue our exercises late at night. Our spirits were high and this thing never let us down.’

Then I put another question, ‘Why didn’t you think of taking part in International competitions?’ He thought for a while and then calmly gave the answer as, ‘Actually, there was not present any chance because there was not present any kind of supervision and support from the government but should I tell you a secret which I have never disclosed to anyone before. I was a bit afraid of this. And now in this age, when I think about my thoughts, I regard them to be stupid and baseless. I was afraid of losing. I thought that there would be competitors from advanced countries of the world. They would have better muscles than mine because they had all the latest equipments, used food supplements, got trained by the experts and enjoyed many advantages. In such circumstances, there was no point of my participation or being successful in these contests. Whenever I thought of taking part in any such contest, these points started howling from all the sides and chopped down my spirits and then I dropped the entire idea. But then I had forgotten one important thing; we can provide with machines, equipments, food supplements and all the other things but we can never provide a person with a spirit, perseverance and enthusiasm because these things are gifted in a person. No doubt we were short of material equipments but we had things far valuable and important than these but it was the fear of failure that stopped me from this. I advise all those who are having dreams and are willing to do something out of routine, that you should not consider the discouraging points and always heed your attention towards your dreams. In this way, you will have the satisfaction of at least making an attempt, no matter if you were successful or not.’

When we want to start a business, we make the good survey of the market and consider all the factors related to our field. We see the demand and supply factors, consider our financial issues, check our strengths and weaknesses and when we become fully sure that our business would be able to survive and prosper, we take the big decision because such decisions cannot be easily wrapped back and thus it is necessary that we should put the first step after considering all the points because after this, there may not be any chance of turning back. This strategy is very logical and necessary when we are starting a business but unfortunately we, humans, have habit of adopting the same strategy in all the issues. Usually in such cases, the fear of failure and harshness of difficulties make us very afraid and never let us to take a step forward.

All the successful people in the world had one of these traits in common; they either had any extraordinary talent or had any unique idea. When they discovered their unique idea or extraordinary talent, they became successful after showing perseverance and remaining confident of their success. Kailas Kher is a world famous Indian singer whose songs reached to the peaks of popularity in such a short period of time that many singers wait for their whole lives. He had a strange voice and had a unique ability to play with the rhythms of music. He knew that he could sing very sweet songs but he was discouraged by others that his voice was not suitable for a singer as it was rough and different from the generally accepted standards. But he ignored all the criticism and came to Mumbai, the hub of Indian music industry to get a chance. Just like all the successful people, he was ignored in the beginning and advised to choose any other profession. In those adverse days, he could hardly manage his daily expenses and lived in very cheap and dirty hotels. Anyhow, he got his first chance and his first song mesmerized the listeners. Then he kept giving sweet songs and his graph of popularity kept rising. Now, he is one of the most admired singers of Indian music industry.

It is true that people are gifted with qualities and talents without the discrimination of geographic boundaries or nationalities. In the same way, a unique idea may come into the mind of anyone. But all the people who are having such qualities or ideas don’t become successful because they never try to bring them on surface because of a number of fears. It may be the fear of failure, fear that others would laugh if they were not successful, fear that others are better than them and there is not present any chance for their success and similar fears.

However, it is important that failure is not something bad. All the successful men in the world tasted failures once or many times in their lives but they never gave up and at last reached to their destined targets. In the same way, when we will keep considering these fears, we would never find enough courage to make a try and there is not present any chance of success without any trying. If you think you have been gifted with an extraordinary talent or you have any unique and different idea, never hesitate to take a plunge and make your attempt. This first attempt, either successful or not, would be your first step towards your destiny.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook. He can be reached at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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