Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

No Response to Protesting Students


No Response to Protesting Students

It has been around one week that students of sociology faculty of Kabul University are on hunger strike. Their physical strength depleted tremendously and till Friday, May 24, twenty four of them got hospitalized. Photos posted by activists show students skinny and have no strength to talk. Yet they have stood strongly and persist on their legal demands for fundamental reforms in the faculty of sociology, in particular and all public universities in general. Looking to their situation, it is really hard to hold back one’s tears.

Only few days ago, when they started their strike they all looked well-fitted but now look much malnourished individuals. They are not able to talk but government officials covered their head not to hear the hiss of their breath and avoid looking into their eyes.

Considering the severity of their physical condition, anybody can imagine the extent of pain they suffer. Many of them are pursuing their fourth year and only months later will be graduated. So, what is the reason that pushes them to put their lives in danger instead of tolerating the environment for few more months?

They are discriminated on the line of ethnicity and languages. They are misbehaved and humiliated. Instead of solving their problem, some teachers are openly saying, “Go away and inform the heads of your community what the hell they can do?” From the very first day you put a step inside the faculty, unlike prevalent tradition in the rest of the world of welcoming students, teachers are terrifying students, saying have you ever seen me? Do you guys really know me who I am? Your failure and success are in my hands; did you know this? Their eyes are rolling around with a clear sign of warning, giving the concept that if there is anyone to challenge their authority or dare to question them? Is there anyone to ask anything regarding curriculum and syllabus? Is there anyone dare to ask anything about my chapters which are decades old? Is there any one to question my method of teachings? Tens of others warnings are there which are transferred to students through tone of voice or gesture.

Many teachers are acting like a dictator of their own kingdom, saying, “Be aware, if I fail someone no one has the gut to ask me why”. Indeed, they are right. I was in Kabul University. I felt discrimination with my bone. Once I was beaten by a teacher for the mistake of others. I could not do anything. I just kept silence because I was sure the only result for my efforts for justice was expulsion from university.

These professors are enjoying huge benefits. They are appointed by government officials of the past or the present and no one dares to question their qualification. I know teachers who are teaching chemistry but have problems with balancing a basic chemistry formula.

Some teachers of sociology and other social sciences have problems with writing an article without grammatical mistake. Teaching materials are the same as it was 30-40 years ago. They are just doing is taking copies of those materials and reprint by their own names.

University where students otherwise should have the right to question any idea and ideologies are not allowed to put their own notions, fearing possible punishment. Believe it or not, many students are saying they were far free to ask question from school teachers rather than their university Profs.

Meanwhile these so-called professors have stuck to their seats without allowing new talented youngsters to come and join universities. Perhaps, there many Afghan professors outside of the country who are well familiar with modern scientific knowledge will return to Afghanistan merely for sense of patriotism if offered teaching opportunities.

A friend of mine who completed his Master’s in the field of mathematic applied for teaching position in science faculty but was rejected only on the account that the faculty needed someone with undergraduate degree not Postgraduate! Though according to policy of Ministry of Higher Education it is compulsory to be Postgraduate to teach Undergraduate or PhD to teach Master level in private universities.

Now guess the depth of the problem. Kabul University is one of the oldest in the country, perhaps in the region; some of the faculties in this university have history of more than 80 years. Meanwhile it has not recorded any innovation because students are forbidden to do so. Those students who memorize outdated chapters score highest marks and attract attention of teachers. On the other hand, those who ever dare to go beyond chapters and ponder over new things will always receive warning stares!

So, understanding the depth of problem, these students have endangered their lives not necessarily for the sake of their own interest. They will be graduated sooner or later. They are resolved to give up their lives for the sake of other students who face discrimination. They are holding peaceful strikes to pave the way for talented and skilled teachers to bring fundamental changes in the country because as far

as the universities do not find their due places, stability will remain as unrealized dream. Changes should commence from these academic places. Definitely, if annually a thousand well-talented and skilled students graduate with deep respect for political pluralism, democracy and other modern values, Afghanistan will change to a better for its citizens soon. But if universities remain to their current status, the chances of instability will always remain high.

For instance, when some students were on hunger strike for reforms, students of Shariah faculty held protest to condemn the law of Elimination of Violence against Women. One of the protestors was holding a placard written, “What is democracy? Democracy belongs to infidels? Safe shelters for women are prostitute houses”.

Finally, I request all related public departments and concerned individuals, including President, if they really believe in democracy and have dream for a strong and stable Afghanistan as they always talk of, they should  visit the place in front of Parliament where they are about to lose 70 students who sacrifice themselves for the sake of the people. They have time to call militants who daily kill tens of innocent people, don’t they have time to come and pay a visit to students who are near to die just asking to do something for the sake of the country. Can’t they do it?

Masood Korosh is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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