Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Jogging A Key Element In Being Healthy


Jogging A Key  Element In Being Healthy

People in the United States die from eating too much. A survey which was conducted by the health caring centers in America proved that people in the United States are much more vulnerable from diseases than other parts of the world. Some people eat to live but some live to eat. Which one do you prefer in your life?

The Ministry of Health says that people in Afghanistan suffer from minor illnesses that can be cured by first aids but unfortunately due to lack of facilities, people in the urban areas of some provinces lose their lives for minor illnesses, nevertheless jogging and walking can be a key factor for your health.

It is a very slick and explicit exercise but very remedial and instrumental way of being healthy. A firm decision and activeness is the fundamental needs of this exercise. You need to sacrifice your sleep in the morning. Jogging demands a commitment to training and results, and involves a discipline to run. No wonder, you can measure your performance in time, distance, strength and endurance. Depending on the intensity and duration of your workout you will lose calories.

It is the most efficient way of achieving fitness through cardiovascular exercise and burns more calories because it is a high-impact exercise. Whether you believe it or not, jogging can also help you make better food choices. Running on a daily basis is an effort to be healthier and your body will let you know by giving you cravings for healthy foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables instead of a bag of potato chips. You'll also feel more inclined to drink water, juice or tea and less soda. Running helps you develop a mindset to be healthier and live healthier. When you're getting a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise every day, your sleep habits will benefit. If you've previously been suffering from insomnia, then jogging each morning will help you sleep better later that night. Jogging will allow you to be more relaxed at the end of the day, get better sleep and have an overall restful night.

The people who work all day simultaneously they usually face anxiety or nervous breakdowns as a result they feel really tired and lazy for the purpose of being fresh, and do to routines with zeal and zest you need to keep your mind fresh cool and chilling. 30 minutes of daily exercise, jogging especially, releases endorphins into your system. This combats depression and makes you feel better on a daily basis. Jogging can help relieve stress and allow you to clear your mind, leaving you feeling mentally at ease and totally relaxed with your thoughts. Individuals who exercise often feel better about themselves, their lives, and everything that is going on around them. People living in urban areas face the music despite of being facilitated with the comforts of life standards they do not disturb themselves to wake up early in the dawn for short exercise.

As you grow up in age and the sign of aging appears in your distinguishing features some people suffer from joint and bone aching doctors and physicians recommend exercise of walking for them because jogging is a weight bearing activity that helps improve bone density and strength. A survey by the health and nutrition organization showed that men who walk and jog have much more stronger bones than those who remain physically inactive during the day. The exercise is so beneficial that participating, if not frequently once a month, also improves bone mass. On the other hand jogging can actually be beneficial for the people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. The exercise improves strength mental well being and your daily activities. It also wards off osteoarthritis and osteoporosis because it helps you control your weight and strengthen your bones and muscles around your body joints. Improved cardiovascular health as it was mentioned below jogging helps you control your blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels it can help to demine and decrease the risks of heart disease and sun stroke people walking and working in direct sun light are really vulnerable of sun stroke a daily walk of fifteen or thirty minutes lower the risk of sun stroke. According to an exercise council which says that joggers are less likely to take up or continue smoking which causes a series of deadly fatalities the very prominent of that is cancer which is caused by cigarette. it can also lead to a host of ailment.

Jogging not only has health effects but also moral and characteristic effects. It has been proved that those who do exercise of any kind are much fresher, chilled and are in a certain good mood because it reduces feelings of depression, anxiety and stress. Everything has rules and regulation for implementing that in the best of possible ways exercise and jogging also has some properties of it which you need to follow gradually for the purpose of flourishing and enjoying doing it. To start a fresh morning getup early, make a mind set of exercising, start a slow motion of running but not fast build up a comfortable jogging pace. Ideally, you should land on the ball of your heel and push off from your toes.

Don’t hunch but keep your shoulders and back straight. Don’t set a distance goal but a time goal and gradually increase the time to 10 percent each week to avoid burnout or injury. Increase distances slowly by about a couple of minutes each week. Carry along some water to keep yourself from feeling thirsty or dehydrated. Go for a brisk walk or a slow run to warm up and then do a couple of stretching exercises. Routine can help a 125 lb. person burn 180 calories. In comparison, running at 5 mph would burn 240 calories. Considering the fact that jogging is not as demanding as running, the weight loss benefits are substantial. Jogging can also be the perfect training program for people who want to progress to high-speed running. Do it, I bet you would become a different person in your personal and professional life.

Zainab Ahmadi is an emerging writer of Daily Outlook. She can be reached at: zainab_ktz09@yahoo.com

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