Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024




“Hope is the dream of a walking man” Some people dream in black and white, some dream in colors, some remember their dreams but some forget, some people believe that if you dream something means that your are anxiously waiting for that to happen. Basically people dream when they are asleep. Some people very often have nightmares. Our ancestors in the past believed that if people eat more than normal then they will have nightmares in their sleeps. From the medical perspective it has been proved that people eating more at night mostly have nightmares.

Have you ever heard the sentence which says, “He is day dreaming”? Do you think people can dream while being awake? This phrase probably conveys the message that he thinks about his desires and wishes to achieve them. Why is it called building when it is already built? When money does not grow on the trees then why banks have branches? You may face thousands of such confusions in your leisure time but here we will discuss about true dreams. A human being is parted and built with body and soul. Our body is the outer skeleton which makes us different from each other; some are big boned, some are thin and slim and some are petite but soul of our body is the real essence for which we Muslim people believe that Allah the almighty has given us soul. When people do their routine duties during the day time they for sure need some time for rest in order to calm their nerves and relax. Night is the most suitable time for us to rest.

 A normal person needs at least 8 hours of sleep during this 8 hours people dream about different things. Our soul is an active being which helps us in different matters because it is said that the biggest jury for a person is the conscience of that person. He can pass the best petition and can judge us in the most efficient way. Our conscience is also a part of our soul. When we are asleep our soul travels around as it is said that asleeping person is half dead because that person has his soul apart of his skeleton or body structure.

It is good to dream because our dreams can become our platform in which our wishes and desires are hidden. We have to achieve our dreams through our ability and potential.

The word "dream" has four interrelated meanings that follow one from another. When we put them altogether, we know what a dream is.

First, a "dream" is a form of thinking that occurs when (a) there is a certain, as yet undetermined, minimal level of brain activation, and (b) external stimuli are blocked from entry into the mind, and (c) the system we call the "self system" (the "I," the "me") is shut down. This may seem overly complicated, but it is worded this way because we don't just dream during sleep, but also on some occasions in very relaxed waking states when we "drift off" and suddenly realize we have been dreaming. Two careful studies have shown that people are awake (by EEG criteria) during these episodes. (The fact that we don't need to be asleep in order to dream may have some important implications. For example, it favors a "cognitive" theory of dreams over theories that talk about neurophysiologic or petrochemical changes during sleep that supposedly produce dreams.

Second, a "dream" is something we "experience" because the thinking is very real and makes use of our senses -- especially seeing and hearing; because usually we are the main actor; and because a dream is sometimes very emotional (but not always). Third, a "dream" is what we remember in the morning, so it is "a memory" of the dreaming experience. Fourth, a "dream" can also mean the spoken or written "report" we give to others about that experience, which is the only way anyone else can ever know about another person's dreams (because they can't be seen by others or told about by us while they are happening). So, to sum it all up, we can think of a "dream" as a report of a memory of a cognitive experience that happens under the kinds of conditions that are most frequently produced in a state called "sleep." But if you want it to be more simple, you can think of dreams as the little dramas our minds make up when the "self" system is not keeping us aware of the surrounding around us.

Another interesting question which arises in every single mind is how often and when do we dream?

Most people over the age of 10 dreams at least 4 to 6 times per night during a stage of sleep called REM (for Rapid Eye Movements, a distinguishing characteristic of this stage of sleep). During REM periods our brains become as active as they are during waking, although not all parts of the brain are reactivated. REM periods vary in length from 5 to 10 minutes for the first REM period of the night to as long as 30-34 minutes later in the night. It thus seems likely that dreams can be a half hour or more in length. There is also evidence that we can dream in non-REM sleep in the hour or two before waking up, when the brain has become more activated than it was earlier in the night. That's why we say that we dream "at least" 4 to 6 times per night.

Do all the dream contains some specific meaning and clues?           

That question doesn't have a definitive answer. Some people would say yes, and we'd have no way of proving them right or wrong. Some dreams may well contain "hidden" meanings in the form of metaphors or symbols, but an awful lot of dreams are just mundane "doodles" taken from the events of our lives. But something which is definite about dream is that dreams come true when you believe in your inner potentials to charge yourself for heading towards your dream in the hard time.

Zainab Ahmadi is an emerging writer of Daily Outlook. She can be reached at: zainab_ktz09@yahoo.com

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