Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Remembering Children’s Day!


Remembering Children’s Day!

A message given in an inspirational book really moved me and made me think a lot about the facts hidden in the message. It said that, ‘For the existence and welfare of a society, two kinds of professionals must be given preferred importance comparing to the rest; policemen and teachers. If policemen perform their duty honestly and nicely, there would prevail peace and solidarity in the society and in this peaceful environment, there would be the possibility of the growth of economy, education, democratic practices and all the other factors that form the basis of a society and state because violence and terror engulf all the good things present in the society and leave behind nothing except tyranny, chaos and confusion. In the same way, if teachers perform their duties honestly, they would be the lucky ones to ensure the safety of our future generations and gift the society with gifted individuals who would be at both skilled and well-mannered and their sound personalities would set everything in perfect order and they would be able to manage the country in an absolute harmony.’

Whenever we glance at the countries or societies suffering from numerous problems, we discover that they were unlucky to have such minds and leaders who could have lead them towards the perfect future because such a trait can only be exhibited by those souls who are themselves fully refined and perfected and own all the noble qualities that are required of such an important and sensitive responsibility. It is the reason why we see that there are a number of nations where masses are suffering as they never had anyone with a wide horizon and thoughts and could lead them towards true prosperity.

Same is the case with our beloved country, Afghanistan where we see that the oars of the ship have been handed over to those who are not in position to realize themselves and it would be impossible to expect if we hope that they would be good enough to realize the situation of people around them and would come up with ideas that should bring an end to the miseries of this calamity-hit nation.

It is not necessary to mention here that Afghans are facing numerous problems and in a sense, this nation can be termed to be a brave nation as it still lives with all these grave problems and has hope of recovering and entering the favorable phase of life, somewhere in future.

Thousands of articles have been written, hundreds of books have been published and innumerable hours have been spent on television and radio discussing the problems of this country and devising solutions to end the miseries of people but still the problems appear to be frightening and their intensity is multiplied with every passing moment.

There are many who are disappointed of those who have spent 3 or more decades of their lives in the environment of war, blood, torture and injustice and are of the view that their wrong habits, negative thoughts, hazardous approaches and other factors associated with their personalities can never be cured and thus it is very hopeless to pin any kind of hope from them. On the other hand, we are also lucky that majority of our population includes of children, teenagers and youth who have not seen much of these and have been brought up in quite fair and peaceful circumstances and thus they are comparatively better to their predecessors in a number of qualities.

The scenario brings to us a solution that might come up as a solution to all the problems of our society and country and it is to look after the youth of our country. The solution would be to divert all our energies and resources to bring up a generation that should be the master of their souls and after perfecting their own personalities, they would be able to perfect all the problems that await us with their wide jaws.

This thought came to me a few days before when ‘International Children’s Day’ was celebrated throughout the world and every member of the society in every corner of the world refreshed their minds about their responsibilities regarding children. On any such day, children are congratulated and are presented with small gifts and taken as a day to celebrate because we make it clear to them that our hopes of better tomorrow lie with them and we make fresh vows to do all our efforts to make their lives peaceful, successful and worthy as then they would be able to shape a future for us that would be peaceful, successful and worthy.

Just like 5, 10, 15, 20 or even more years’ plans of governments and business organizations, all those who are anyhow associated with the affairs of children make plans for them; both short run and long run so that we may secure their future and in a way, secure the future of the society and country. When this day is such important, it is absolutely worthy of being celebrated and given importance.

But the same day,  a report issued by the Ministry of Labor, Manpower and Disabled was very timely which revealed that in a country with total population of just 30 million people, 6 million children don’t have any access to the schools and this raises a serious threat about the stability of the future of our country because when such large number of children would not be given importance and would be left to the evil forces to mold their personalities, it is not hidden how would they be molding our future when they would take the charge of it.

As mentioned earlier, this day is celebrated in a number of ways and whatever may be the way or style of celebration, remembering this day is important because it rings an alarm to all of us to reassess our responsibilities regarding the future of our children but unfortunately, this soul of celebration has never been understood in our country and if understood, has not been given the due importance. Like every year, this year again some people gathered at a place, there were some boasting speeches and then this ended with a healthy meal which was so heavy that our attendants forgot the mere reason of their gathering at the place. When thousands of dollars were being dumped in such stupid activities, there were thousands of innocent, poor and helpless children who were burning in the scorching heat of June as they had no option except to come out of their houses to earn a few pieces of bread for their families.

Like so many other issues, we cannot close our eyes from this sensitive issue by blaming the government and dropping down all the responsibilities from our shoulders because our future is linked with the country’s future and country’s future depends on the present scenario and upbringing of our children. Ignoring our background and money in our pocket, we will have to spare some time and money for the betterment of our children and especially their education so that we may deserve a future that should be better than our present and in this regard, there is no excuse for anyone.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook. He can be reached at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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