Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Arab Uprising is Doing Much Good to Palestine


Arab Uprising is Doing Much Good to Palestine

Definitely, it has been Israel that since long has not had the will to start a sincere conflict- ending diplomacy with Palestine. From the very time when Arab countries were forced to change their attitude toward Israel, after unsuccessful attempts to undermine its growing military power or, perhaps, eliminate it once and forever, Israel has emerged as strong man against a Palestine kid in a "gladiatorial fight". The result was clear. No body will ask who the winner is. And as the 'natural rule' there are rare people who put in danger their interest for siding with Palestine.

However, there is no doubt that Israel-Palestine conflict provided the opportunity for many countries to push for proxy war in the region in order to save their own national interests, but the process only dealt further blow to already weak state of Palestine and brought about social and economic miseries for civilians in West bank, Jerusalem, and Gaza city. Foreign interference even has pushed it to the edge of complete collapse.

For instance, the partition of Palestine under the rule of two rival groups, Hamas and Fatah, which was largely due to interference of foreign hand that has been supporting armed and violent resistance against the so-called Israeli occupation. While, the Fatah wing under the leadership of Mahmud Abbas reached to the same point as some of Arab countries had reached earlier after years of struggle, but Hamas still maintains that only way to end occupation is armed resistance. Fatah after lasting exhaustive struggle against Israel understood that armed resistance for achieving the goal of an independent State for Palestinian people has only caused more deaths and increased Palestinian refugees around the world.

Thus, let's try for an alternative which was of course following peaceful measures and strengthening of its diplomatic power, while Hamas kept its word: Israel is not a country and it is illegally established on Palestinian land and territories, the motto which is quite similar to statements of high ranking Tehran officials.

When President Obama in 2009 tried to end this historic conflict, he bluntly failed, because he did not notice some issues formed during this long lasting communal backlash. One of those issues were of course impotence of Palestine side to fulfill what Israel wanted the most—peace and stoppage of rocket firings. The Fatah wing definitely was unable to do so, because it was beyond its capacity to deal with Hamas which has been controlling Gaza city for years. Hamas never accepted peaceful means and during 2009 peace negotiation, it was instantly firing rocket to stop any possible agreement. In such circumstances, Fatah had no chance of bargain on the table.

It was talking from a weaker position; Israeli diplomats were representing a Jewish State, while such thing was not correct in the case of Palestinian side.
According to Tel Aviv officials, safety and protection of Israelis are their top priority and stoppage of violence is her pre-condition. She tried tirelessly to convince US to list Hamas as terrorist group—succeeded too—, which was once elected by Palestinian people. Election of a terrorist group by civilians necessarily means voters are terrorists too, if we actually do not fool people with stuffs that election or referendum was not free and fair. Here I do not try to justify what Hamas has been doing and I do never favor with violent means. What I am trying to explain here is that such position of Hamas and Israel's instant call for protection of its civilians provided it to lash 1.5 million people of Gaza and target Hamas with aim of complete elimination.

Anyhow, what makes me claim that Israel has not been ready for peace talks and has always tried to find pretext for blaming Palestine, is that it can go ahead without peace. Israelis can live and become prosperous without caring about Hamas and other regional rival groups, because it was capable to maintain its military supremacy with unstoppable support of the United States in the region. Even the general mentality of Israeli civilians is the same as officials. It has nothing with political orientation of Israeli political parties. Ostensibly, Israeli people may not be interested in peace. This phenomenon can be understood through accurate assessment of win and loss of political parties competing to capture power on the basis of Palestine-Israel conflict.

Likud Party under the leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu, a rightist party which is against any reconciliatory measures, has been ruling the country since previous parliamentary election.
I can recall in 2009 when an American writer showed much enthusiasm and was optimist that Obama's approach towards Middle East could solve the conflict. And he quoted from an Israeli citizen "saying Israelis were tired of talks and diplomatic measures, which left-wing political parties always have pushed for, but never achieved peace. We voted for right-wing ones because it was possible that they can do something."

But such optimism never came true. If left-oriented political parties sincerely tried to achieve peace with Palestine, but failed, then how it is possible to achieve peace with those who oppose it?
Meanwhile, the situation is not completely disappointing. But something is recently happening that may change the illusionary hope into reality: the tsunami for Arab regimes and bestowed spring rain for democracy and Arab civilians—Arab uprising. The most effective and productive consequence of the current uprising was establishment of unitary front in Palestine. Hamas and Fatah signed agreement and now both jointly try for recognition of a Palestine as a state.

Of course, such agreement was not easy and it was people of Palestine who were inspired by Tunisian and Egyptian revolution, marched to streets and forced two groups to join hands. This is a remarkable progress, because both, if act wisely, can pressurize Israel through seeking global sympathy. And Palestine diplomats will talk from as strong position as that of Israel. The another effect of uprising, which is more important, is the strategic change in politics of Arab countries which previously had friendly relation with Tele Aviv like Egypt. On May 28, Egypt lifted a four-year-old blockade on the Gaza Strip's main link to the outside world, bringing relief to the crowded territory's 1.5 million Palestinians. This incident, of course, would be frightening for Israel, and perhaps entice Israeli officials to reassess their foreign policy.

Jawad Rahmani is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached through mail@outlookafghanistan.com

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