Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Ideology matters


Ideology matters

Allah almighty withdrew creating non-living beings subsequent to creation of supreme creature, human being. Since then the responsibility shifted to the being empowered with peculiar capabilities. Presently numerous scientific inventions added to human society depicts human being fervently executing the assigned obligations extending their selfless services to humanity. Television keeps us informed about incidents taking place around the globe with inclusion to providence of entertainment segments. Telecommunication transformed the world into global tent, making distant communication possible despite physical separation. The airplane aided travelers, reducing the length of far-flung destinies. Internet has expedited communication system along with making sufficient study materials available at a click reach. Genetic engineering and biotechnology assisted searching out products of mass privileges, making the once incurable disease curable. DNA screening and testing enabled parents to claim their own misplaced infant subsequent to proper identification. The crime investigation department finds clear clues to reach to the genuine offender or perpetrator of the crime.

Man-made scientific equipments and devices draw greater human attention owing greater precision and accuracy with minute and detailed outputs. The greater reliance of man on technology can therefore be justified. The adherents of science and rationalism are striving hard to facilitate man being with technological assistance and amenities making them more competent and ecologically fit. They extend selfless services to humanity irrespective of one’s cast, creed and color taken into account.

However, another ideology advocating extremism prioritizes its severe agenda, owing a restricted circle of thoughts small enough to regulate with superior world of advancing innovations. The decade long perpetrators of vicious and heinous crime claiming lives of thousands of ill-fated innocent citizens enjoy inapprehension and public denouncement. Al-Qaida and Taliban insurgents and anti-state elements have been using suicide attack a final resort to reaching their extreme motive since the dawn of extremist movement launched. Innumerable people left physically impaired, bread earner snatched and marry families ruined. Enormous children were left unsheltered and hapless wandering in Kabul avenues till date. Being disappointed by uniform shield of poverty, many joined insurgents carrying forth their evil objectives letting the heads of supreme creature, the human being down.

Finally some of “Ulemas” (clergies) dared to come forth declaring suicide attacks prohibited. The move undertaken is praiseworthy and laudable, standing united against the callous, barbaric and unpardonable crime against human race. It took them years to reach this conclusion but, better late than never. The public denouncement of suicide attack owes political riches undermining Taliban’s standing in pursuit to seek support and advocate the attack as Islamic and justifiable. The declaration being reasonable received warm appreciation from civil society, humanitarian organization and international community.

Formerly, Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) put forth its findings on some lingering controversial issues. CII is a renowned council of Pakistan tasked to supervise laws complementary to Islamic teachings is formulated. The findings put forth turned down the DNA a principal proof prosecuting the culprit of a rape victim. The council stuck to the traditional four eyewitnesses, the last credible evidence serving the basis to prosecute the suspects and DNA least credible evidence. The findings publically denounced scientific inventions challenging their traditional authority –it contradicts all canons of international law and advocates violation of fundamental human rights. The prejudices disposed off ill-matches rationality and earned them an anti-scientific disposition.

Previously, the Elimination of Violence Against Women Law, (EVAW) sought coldhearted response from Afghan parliament when strong opposition was shown off by fundamentalists who launched protests against the developments. The law was formerly ratified by President Karzai – the drive meant a formal approval from the parliament that could subsequently earn the status of law. The law advocates good or evil can be decided by uncovering the magnitude of sufferings women undergo in Afghan society. No single day advances that unreported violence against women. The (EVAW) law contains essential safeguards to most vulnerable section of Afghan society and talks of protection and promotion of women’s fundamental rights to uphold in this terrain – the so-called guardian of Islamic norms and jurisprudence read it otherwise weakening their authority. Fearing their societal standing undermined, forged elucidation against (EVAW) law is advocated. This downtrodden state of affair is a clear manifestation of their congested viewpoint, having been taught the subject of interests of their masters, given the genuine issues protecting women right stereotyped un-Islamic. The fallacious cultural practices promoting biases off sighted their well matched capacity contributing positive socio-political changes. Keeping women under constant shed of ignorance in the name of decency, family honor and religious bindings pressed their in-depth talents and aptitude. Shouldn’t they be deemed unjustified deeds exercised by the followers of justice and parity? The narrow-mindedness they own estimate women a worthless and apathetic living being born to serve, obey and carry forth human progeny.

The hard liners also deem polio campaign anti-Islamic. Every year polio campaign is twice launched making the children of age below five immune to the deadly virus. The vaccination move inflicts no harm to them except making lives of infinite children safe and protected. Responding to a question, I enquired from a clergy, he said, “The polio vaccine contains certain chemicals that negatively affects man’s dauntlessness and weakens his Islamic attachment to greater degree.” I turned speechless, at the bogus and self made flawed interpretation, ill-matching the fundamental principle of scientific disciplines and logic. Such irrational standings are found proliferating deep in our society altering the stance of numerous people from evenhanded to customary.   

It is a traditional norm and customary law to consider an elders’ says, a final decision to be rendered unobjectionable and undeniable, irrespective of the principles of rationalism and standard provisions of legitimate laws taken into account. The former discourse leads to insignificance, worthlessness and redundancy whilst the later leads to accomplishment, prominence and success.

The steep decline in literacy graph, lack of awareness and dominance of prejudiced practices are constantly providing foundation to substantiate the prolongation of existing miserable state of affairs, is agreeable. Nevertheless, reaching out to matchless achievements and earning unbeatable distinction requires an ideology pro-development and advancement and level-headedness to be pursued.

Asmatyari is permanent writer of Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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