Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Kazakhstan launched the interactive platform G-Global


Kazakhstan launched the  interactive platform G-Global

Developing countries are going to propose a new format for the in ternational community to respond global challenges. In the end of June 2013 Kazakhstan running the interactive platform G-Global, is going to sound advice to the leaders of the Big Twenty. They have been developed on the basis of VI Astana Economic Forum (AEF) and the World Anti-Crisis Conference (WAC), with the participation of representatives from 132 countries of the world.

Dialogue in the capital of Kazakhstan, which has already become traditional, some experts oppose to the Davos forum. This year, among the honored guests AEF and WAC - 35 current and former ministers, 10 Nobel Laureates and more than 40 heads of international organizations, corporations and businesses. They participated in 73 events organized within three days, from 22 to 24 May. The ending of the forum was a dialogue of leaders «to ensure sustainable economic development in the format of G-Global».

As you know, today the world is divided into several groups of global governance. This «G20», «G8», «G77 and China», «Britton Woods Institutions», united in a common format legitimacy of the UN. According to the initiators, not all countries are equally represented in these associations, and therefore not all participate in the decision-making globally.

Kazakhstan, which is an active member of many major international organizations, presents new format of international cooperation in the form of project «G-Global». Since its inception in January 2012, the same name of information and communicative Internet site visited by more than 3 million people from 160 countries. This virtual platform implies a radical expansion of the number of participants to find solutions to the global challenges of our time. And the emphasis is on the main issue of concern to all the international community: to ensure a balanced global economic growth.

At the forum in Astana there was adopted the Astana Declaration, which sets out the main lines of the World Anti-Crisis Plan. At the same time there was developed recommendations that will be submitted to the decision-making at the G20 summit, the leaders of the participating countries (which will be held 5-6 September 2013 in Russia), in the G-8, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the UN.

First, in the preliminary recommendations (note their final version will be worked out in the end of June of this year) will focus on the effectiveness of economic regulation. In this context it is particularly important to the creation of the multilateral post-crisis trading system. Removing barriers and success of regional economic integration is a prerequisite for economic growth, investment and employment.

The energy component of the current crisis associated with the imbalance of markets and the uncertain prospects of alternative energy is a significant factor in blocking global recovery trends. According to participants of the AEF, the effort “Group of Twenty” should be aimed at creating incentives to improve energy efficiency and “green” development, as well as a reasonable regulation of development of energy infrastructure.

By the way, in this context, Kazakhstan, which in 2017 will host the international exhibition EXPO, proposes to create energy club «G-Global» as an institution to develop questions for clean energy.

Attention is drawn to the issue and the need for increased investment in global agricultural production and social protection of the population.

In separate sections forum addressed the theme of solving the food problem. According to participants of the AEF, it is necessary to develop and approve a comprehensive plan of action to tackle this issue at the Summit «G-20». The goal is to increase in the coming years, food production by 70 percent to feed people all over the world. This is a key question for any country, especially for States «G-20», accounting for 80 percent of world food production.

«Big Twenty» states need to improve the monitoring and exchange of information on the state of the food market volume forecast of supply and demand for food in order to prevent its deficit, information agent market, and, if necessary, to take intervention measures of market regulation of agricultural raw materials and food.

Of course, we cannot touch on the theme of the global financial architecture that runs through all the forums. AEF participants propose to increase the responsibility of issuers of reserve currencies. Stating that recently expanded the list of countries that claim to be the world’s reserve currency, the Great Twenty countries are invited to prescribe certain responsibilities that must be borne by the country of the issuer, which claims to be nominated for the role of the global currency reserve. Among them - the currency stability by complying with certain restrictions on the size of public debt and balance of payments deficit, the removal of foreign exchange and trade restrictions, compliance with the requirements on transparency mechanisms to ensure they are using the issue of their currency.

AEF is not only a political dialogue. This area is considered as a place for business cooperation. As a result of business forums VI AEF was signed about 80 agreements and memoranda on further cooperation totaling more than 2.7 billion USD.

Currently, the info-communication platform G-Global has already started preparations for VII Astana Economic Forum and the II World Anti-Crisis conference as well as discussion of trends in virtual mode. And from June 1 to July 1, 2013 at the site of «G-Global» there is a competition for the best deal of next agenda topic Astana Economic Forum to be held in May 2014.

Kazakhstan launched the interactive platform G-Global By H.Bargasht

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