Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

US Decision for Lethal Aid to Syrian Rebels


US Decision for  Lethal Aid to Syrian Rebels

Perhaps the Syrian conflict has entered to a new phase with US’s open pledge of lethal aid to Syrian oppositions. Washington Officials have said that their findings show Syrian regime used chemical weapons against protestors. Previously President Obama made clear that using chemical weapons would be the red line for his government but made no comments what exactly he is going to do. So it has become clear that crossing red line by Damascus regime instigated the United States to join regional countries to provide arms to Syrian oppositions to oust President Assad’s regime.

Furthermore, Washington has also put the possibility of making a no-fly zone over part of the Syria. If it adventures so, the 27 month long Syrian conflict will enter to a complete new round of bloody battle.

These decisions follow government’s visible successful stand in Strategic Qasair city where it could after severe battle for more than two weeks knock rebellions down and forced them to flee. The city was highly important for both sides. It is a corridor for government to reach Mediterranean Sea offshore and for rebellions it was door to Lebanon.

Thus, rebellions tried their most not to lose the city and asked rebellions across the country to support them fight against the army but finally they were forced to give it up. The victory has enhanced the spirit of Pro-Assad soldiers. There are reports that presently government is preparing to carry out a similar attack on Aleppo which is under the control of rebellions. Such allegations have worried human rights activists because the government will certainly depend on air power which will bring out civilian casualties. No doubt, rebellions have not made any visible fronts visible to government’s aerial attacks instead are fighting from residences. Such attacks have definitely made it difficult to easily target rebellions and pull them out of the city. Any full-fledged attack will definitely end up to huge civilians losses. However, it is not clear whether Damascus is planning to hold such extensive operation or not. But indubitably the victory in Qasair city has strengthened soldiers psychologically and ready for another major strike against rebellions.

The decision of Washington has coincided with such simmering battleground change to favor of President Assad. During last two years, those soldiers who were hesitant to stand beside President Assad left and joined rebellions. The remaining are the true supporters of him and many leave the military establishments. Even if they leave, it is hardly possible they will join oppositions because they will not be welcomed too. They will be punished for fighting them for more than two years. Thus, even if there are soldiers, who are not interested much to be part of rebellions, have no choice other than fighting till last in order to survive. Rebellions have already proved that they have no mercy against those who have fought for President Assad. A video clip released last month showed a well-known commander of rebellions who bit the liver of a death soldier.

With such clips and other horrendous executions made by rebellions possibly have made pro-Assad soldiers think that the only way to their survival is the survival of the regime. They will not be left unpunished if the government collapses down. So, they have to fight for their lives.

In spite of huge flow of Islamists from neighboring countries, the Syrians have shown that they are still strong enough to stand against rebellions. Previously, many were thinking that regime’s survival can be numbered. But the spectacular ground and aerial attacks show that the government is still strong enough to survive for long time. President Assad has not shown flexibility against rebellions. He has not accepted to step down or surrender government to an interim government and participate in next presidential election. His confidence shows that his military treasury is still full enough to fight with growing number of Jihadi and non-Jihadi fighters.

So, did the wrong military calculations made many Western countries angry? Were they thinking that without their engagement, Assad’s regime will collapse down? Because they were hesitant about arming rebellions, fearing the growth of radical groups like al-Nusra.

Because it is widely believed that Jihadi groups have poured many countries in the region to fight a regime of President Assad who is supported by Iran and Hezbollah on the line of religion and angered Sunni radicals. In other words, part of the Syrian rebellions is those who come from neighboring Arab countries to fight, by their own notion, a Shiite government. The supports of Iran and Hezbollah and perhaps some Shiite from Iraq have become the main reason for Islamic Jihadist to fight and bring down the regime of President Assad. Because support has made radicals believe that Allawite is part of broader Shiite sect of Islam.

There are many are fighting not necessarily for democracy but for ending Shiite government. This issue is worrisome because two years ago Syrians marched into streets asking for economic and political reforms, not for developing a Shariah-based government. So, after making huge sacrifices, around a hundred thousands, and millions become refugees, finally they will end up to a conservative system that will not recognize civilians’ rights. Therefore, instead of arming rebellions, it is highly better to mount diplomatic pressure its supporters and put an end to 2 years long conflict; otherwise except violence, dead and social and economic miseries, Syrians will not win anything else.

Masood Korosh is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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