Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

The Worth of Leadership


The Worth  of Leadership

Whether it is from positive or negative experiences, a change is inevitable. The way one sees change as a leader is a leadership philosophy. This philosophy assists leaders while making choices, how they act in positive situations and how they think. The majority of philosophies are biased by external and internal forces.

Supervisors can amend the way they lead by changing their leadership philosophy. While a human being expands or advances with more knowledge their leadership philosophy can also transform. Leaders need to examine and disclose upon themselves their individual morals, ethics and expectations regarding leadership. In our country Afghanistan our leaders ought to keep in mind that they have to lead a nation with thousands of obstacles and hurdles.

All leadership philosophies advance over a period of time. They should improve their proficiencies and leadership philosophy in leadership while focusing what role leaders should play; what leadership theory they should follow and why leaders should follow that theory? A crucial characteristic in today’s management atmosphere is leadership. To be an effective leader communication is the primary key amongst the leader and the staff. All leaders need to communicate their core principles as well as the corporation core principles and the leader’s philosophy of leadership.

A successful leader also has to have a vision for where he or she wants to be in the future. Leaders must also have strategies on how they are going to accomplish objectives; a plan on how to achieve a goal.

Leadership is a multifaceted spectacle, containing continuous interaction of three critical elements: the leader, the followers, and the surrounding situation or context. Improving leadership involves extensive expertise about every component and the affiliations of each element to the other. The implementation of this knowledge governs the quality of the leadership skills, which is crucial to the endurance of the corporation.

Transformational leaders have an ability to overcome the status quo, in this way they can encourage the creative development of their staff. These leaders find new manners of doing things and thus grant their followers with an immense opportunity to learn. Transformational leadership brings trust, honor respect and recognition for the leaders and they start to serve as a role model for its followers. This creates an idealized influence of the leader upon its followers, which is impossible with a traditional leadership style.

Transformational Leadership has a great role in altering and maintaining values, beliefs and behaviors and attitudes in a given company. Transformational leadership is something that is essential to bring some positive changes amongst the individuals. The social system of an organization consists of leaders and followers; the leader has to decide the course of action of individuals belonging to different departments.

There are various elements through which the leader of an organization can improve the morale of its staff, for example, he can do it by enhancing their motivation and polishing their performance. A leader with good communication skills can very easily meet the challenges of transformational leadership, his ability to connect himself with employees can make him to understand their strengths and weaknesses, in this way the leader will be in a good position to give them a task that matches the level of their performance.

If we put a glimpse over the crisis and challenges which our people are suffering from, in order to get rid of such problems we have to select a leader with great sense of humanity and a great potential of leadership. Leaders in our homeland Afghanistan are really not up to the current requirements and necessities. The discrimination and racism which exist in our country avoid our different sectors to be united and choose a true leader with real sense of patriotism and with great leadership potentials. We are called the supreme creature that Allah the almighty has bestowed us with the blessing of tongue to speak, eyes to see and most importantly mind and wisdom to think and differ good from evil, thus we have to act upon things and matters which are in our advantages and benefits.

The use of informal, formal, positive and negative leadership depends on the individual style of leadership and what type of outcomes they are looking to gain. In our country our leaders often concentrate on their individual and personal interests rather than the publics’ interests. It is true and very obvious people will follow a person who inspires them. A person with vision and passion can achieve great things. The way to get things done is by injecting enthusiasm and energy a leader must perform his or her task with great and tremendous zeal and zest in order to achieve the highest ratios of success. Transformational Leaders are always visible and will stand up to be counted rather than hide behind their troops. They show by their attitudes and actions how everyone else should behave.

They also make continued efforts to motivate and rally their followers, constantly doing the rounds, listening, soothing and enthusing. One of the traps of Transformational Leadership is that passion and confidence can easily be mistaken for truth and reality. Whilst it is true that great things have been achieved through enthusiastic leadership, it is also true that many passionate people have led the charge right over the cliff and into a bottomless chasm.

Just because someone believes they are right, it does not mean they are right. Practically speaking, negative reinforcement presents ethical issues so shrewd leaders focus on developing influence through the use of positive reinforcement to increase the likelihood of desired behavior. Let’s bring political, social and economical awareness among ourselves, it is time we had to have the required guiders and guidance in order to diminish and root out the critical circumstances because in depth if we ponder we will realize that our people should be led to the tight and virtual route. Any sort of misleading and misguidance will make our wounds and injuries deeper and deeper. At the end I can surely state a good leader is as important and vital as water to living beings.

Zainab Ahmadi is an emerging writer of Daily Outlook. She can be reached at: zainab_ktz09@yahoo.com

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