Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

“Music is Everybody’s Possession”


“Music is Everybody’s Possession”

June 21st is celebrated as World Music Day around the world. According to some estimates the celebrations take place in around 104 countries and 514 cities. The day is aimed at promoting music and making people listen to different types of music free of cost. The event also demands that the performers must donate their time free of any cost. According to certain theories the event originated from France in 1982 after Minister of Culture for France - Jack Lang - envisioned the concept in 1981; therefore, the day is also named as Fete de la Musique (“World Music Day” in French).   

There is another theory regarding the inception of the day. The theory suggests that the idea was basically taken from America musician Joel Cohen’s all-night music celebration at the beginning of the summer solstice in 1976; at that time he was in Paris to study music. Later on, in 1982, depending on the same idea Fete de la Musique was directed by Maurice Flueret.

Whatever may be the origin of the Day, the objective remains the same and that is to promote music and let the people be entertained by it without having to pay as the modern world of ours has turned really commercial and people have to pay large sum of money in order to get some sort of entertainment. As the famous singer John Lennon had observed, “Music is everybody’s possession. It’s only publishers who think that people own it.”
The event is also aimed at giving a message of peace and goodwill through music and convincing the people to realize the beauty of the world and invite them towards constructive ideas and real happiness.

It is basically believed that music is the food of soul. And it, in fact, is so. The rhythmic tones of music keep on feeding human soul with dance, contentment and sentiments. Music is a form of art and like all other forms of art it is a way of expression. Through music people express their emotions and the ones who listen to music are also fed with the same or similar emotions. Music uses voice, sounds and silence as the basic media and it has certain elements, which are basically identified by musicians; they are pith, rhythm and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture. So in short, music is the rhythmic display of emotions.    

Music is defined or perceived by different cultures and individuals differently. Some of the cultures have always had music as an integral part of their cultural practices. They have placed it high in most of their individual and collective lives. It has not been only an expression of happiness and joy; rather it has been a part of religious practices and expression of tragedy in different cultures. From the very first human societies where people used to dance and sing with their spears around the fires to today’s modern world when people sing and dance in different concerts, studios, huge halls and their bedrooms, music has played a tremendous role which can never be overlooked. For some, music is indispensible and life in unimaginable without it. Friedrich Nietzsche had written in Twilight of the Idols, “Without music, life would be a mistake.” While Plato had gone to the extreme as well while talking about music – “Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.”

Though it is said that men have created music, in fact they have discovered it. Music has been there in the nature in some way or the other. The different sounds and voices and even the silence in nature have had their bewitching music. There has been music in the voices of different animals, especially some of the gifted birds. There has been music in the flowing water of the rivers and falling waterfalls. There has been music in the leaves of the trees when the air blows through them swiftly. The most importantly, there has been music in the voice of human beings themselves. So music has always been there, humans have only discovered it and changed its form and created instruments to play music.

In today’s world there are various types, forms and categories of music. From the international to the tribal, music has different colors and tones. Classic, jazz, folk, pop, hip hop, spiritual, electronic, country are only few among them. And then there are hundreds of instruments, which have further increased after the help of science and technology. There are millions of singers, dancers and music players around the world and all of them are adding something to the music each day. Music has its charm throughout the world and there is hardly any place on the face of earth that is free of its influence.

Music has really been helpful for human beings to gain relaxation and comfort. Its impact on human psychology is really amazing. It has the tendency to soothe the minds that are suffering from boredom and depression. Moreover, it has the capability to bring human beings together and to join them in a single rhythm and harmony. In addition, it sends a message of love, beauty and calmness.

All the human beings have the right to be entertained by music. Unfortunately in today’s modern world, because of too much commercialization, everything has become a product of business. Same is the case with music. Today, people have to pay large sums of money to listen quality music and same is the case with the people who learn it. This is really pathetic as a large number of people remain distant from this beautiful gift.

Afghan culture has also been gifted with certain types of music. Though the impacts of wars, disorder and religious extremism have influenced it to a large extent, it still has emerged and showed itself to the people. There are many places and occasions, especially during wedding ceremonies, in Afghan society wherein people, sing and play music and they do it with great skills and influence. Walking on the streets of Kabul and other major cities, and travelling in taxis, everybody can hear beautiful Afghan music refreshing their ears and minds. However, Afghan music needs great attention and support from the concerned authorities. World Music Day can be used to make Afghan people and authorities realize the worth and importance of Afghan music and they can emphasize on the ways to promote and improve it.     

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at dilawar.sherzai@gmail.com

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