Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Achievements of Mankind


Achievements of Mankind

It is all the superiority of human race that people today reach the height of maximum luxury upgrading from the days of their very ancient Stone and Cave age. What human being has achieved today was once only a dream out of reach. But man's curiosity perhaps the most wonderful gift given to man by Allah almighty was behind his quest leading to wholehearted efforts to convert all impossible dreams of yesteryears into reality. Today in the 21st century, men have reasons enough to be proud for their unique achievements. From stepping into the moon of cloning genes, there has been a long list of tremendous success of science and technology. But restless people's mind has still enough desire for even greater achievements. And there is every reason to believe that in the coming days many of such dreams would be possible for us. At the beginning of 21st century, Technology was the most pronouncing name all over the world. We were at the age of computer.

Application of computer is becoming a common name in all aspects of life. Computer now no longer remains only a laboratory kit. It is an application ventures into industrial setups, health care facilities, educational institutions, banking systems, ticket booking counters, carrying out business proceedings, governmental jobs in fact in all aspects. Greater accuracy, more memory capacity and time saving ability of computer make people more and more interested towards its application. CD-ROMS have already ventured into conventional paper printings. Internet the name has already created history turning out the world into a global village. Electronic commerce (E-com) is all set to create big bonanza in the 21st century where a man in Afghanistan sitting with his computer could order his required assets at a market complex in America and within hours, he could get delivered his required assets at his doorstep. Software experts are continuing their efforts to create even new miracles.

Home works have already been carried out to regulate computer applications. Pirated software packages, leaving computer viruses in the net are creating havoc all over the world. The recent "love bug" menace stalled net application throughout the world for several hours leading billions of dollar loss incurred in the worldwide business proceedings. Need therefore now arises to have strict international cyber laws to prevent such crimes. Medical science is yet another area where man has already gained big success. Bypass surgery organ transplantation, CAT scan, ultrasound, Keyhole surgery are the names that have given maximum safety to human life. Using modern equipment in human body, diagnosis and surgery has already created history.

Computer application has given greater accuracy and sophisticated modes to medical facilities. Telemedicine now makes possible distant treatment, where a patient can consult with his physician by pressing keys in the keyboard. In the coming days, it would have greater access where a patient sitting in Afghanistan could consult and get treatment from a specialist in America. Application of robots in surgery is already under experiment in Western countries. In the coming days of the 21st century where a surgeon could sit in his place and just by pressing keys perform surgery getting assistance from the robot. The recent success by the scientists in human gene mapping has marked another grand success in the field of medical science. Scientists now believe that it would be possible to have absolute treatment for diseases like cancer or AIDS in our coming days.

Like polio or pox, many other diseases would also be completely eradicated from our life. However, in the time of overall human health management, there remain many shortfalls. Inequality in human health security is a big defeat for medical science. High cost now becomes a factor where the rich can only afford to get specialized medical facilities. For the poor, better medical facilities are still a distant dream. Large number of children still is dying of malnutrition in many African countries. Every day, more than 1000 women die all over the world in problems related to pregnancy and childbirth. In our country malaria and tuberculosis still cost large number of deaths. In many places villagers nave still to depend on quacks since they cannot afford modern medical treatment. What we now need is equality in terms of health care facilities. Let's hope we achieve this goal in the coming days of the 21st century. In the field of space science, there has been success beyond imagination.

Once people dreamt of getting the moon in their hands, And today after stepping into the moon they are now dreaming of making holiday resorts at moon. Success achieved in mission Mars has thrown new light on the possibility of life in other planets. Grand success achieved in space science has now led to spectacular achievements in the field of communications like E-mail, Internet, ISD system, mobile Tele system, fax etc. Recent revolution in TV broadcasting is also due to grand success achieved in the Space science.

In transport, air service system has already created revolution turning the world into an area of only a few hours of journey. Supersonic jets are now under trial, which would give fastest ever transport facilities. Railway system of transportation has achieved steep heights. Japan has already created history by introducing fastest ever electronic railway engine. Gradual decrease of conventional fuels like petroleum or coal has now led people to find out non conventional fuel resources. A vehicle driven with solar energy is already under trial. Solar energy would be the mains source of fuel in future, which would also be eco friendly. In the field of agriculture also, people's efforts have led to tremendous achievements. Green revolution has created history all over the world Biotechnology has helped hybridization where scientists have come out with success in producing advanced varieties of high-yielding, disseat resistance or drought-resistance seeds.

With the assistance of satellites meteorological science has got new boost-up with early prediction of proper time management or water management for better cultivation. As has been reported scientists in Britain recently created a type of insect the can kill any other type of crop destructing pests. In the coming days man new evolutions are in the line which, would make possible even evolution are in the line which would make possible even better crop management. In the field of nuclear science, scientists have already developed fission technology to produce greater energy. They have already learnt to produce nuclear energy from high-powered radioactive elements like plutonium, thorium or uranium. In the wake of decreasing stock of non-renewable sources, people have even learnt of making artificial radioactive material. The success which human have achieved throughout the history is tremendous and amazing.

Zainab Ahmadi is a permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. She can be reached at zainab_ktz09@yahoo.com

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