Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Peace and tranquility - the basis of all our achievements


Peace and tranquility - the basis of all our achievements

On May 9, 2013 the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan H.E. Mr. Islam Karimov gave interview to the mass media on the occasion of Remembrance and Honors Day. Recently the special brochure “The Uzbek people need peace and tranquility” was published in Tashkent.

“Today people of Uzbekistan are broadly celebrating the 68th Anniversary of the Victory gained in the World War II over fascism, May 9 – the Remembrance and Honors Day.

I consider it to be a profound honor to me to congratulate from the bottom of my heart the distinguished participants of the war on this great occasion who still remain with us and show a spiritual example to us.

At the same time, I wish a sound health and long life to all our compatriots and veterans who labored hard in the home front and in very tough conditions made enormous contribution to the victory”, said President Islam Karimov.

It was noted that the years, and perhaps, the centuries will pass but this cruel and merciless war shall remain forever in historical memory of the nation, because there is not a single family in Uzbekistan that was sidelined by this appalling bloodshed. Especially, in these days no matter what person residing in the country you will speak to, irrespective of his nationality, language and religion, and no matter that 68 years have passed since then, they surely will recall with big pain and suffering about this war, its endless irrecoverable wounds, and particularly, the fact that it served for difficult losses to his family, parents and forefathers or relatives.

Head of the country stressed that prior to war 6.5 million people lived in Uzbekistan, of which 1.5 million directly participated in the war battles, about 500 thousand passed away in this war and yet numerous of them went missing and returned home wounded and crippled, - and if we take those figures into account it won’t be difficult to imagine the scope of contribution made by our nation to the struggle against the evil of fascism.

“It is not difficult to observe and comprehend what restless and rapidly changing times we live in today with growing confrontation and raising threats and dangers around us.

It is not a secret to anyone that the war which has been going on in Afghanistan for more than 30 years is the biggest threat to peace and stability today in our territory – the region of Central Asia.

Speaking otherwise, the only way to address this crisis is a political way, and no matter how it is difficult, the fact that the confronting forces should be brought to consensus through negotiations is getting ever confirmed. In this context, many people underscore that an opportunity emerges to establish an interim government, hold the elections and turn to tackling the acute problems faced by Afghanistan”, emphasized President Islam Karimov.

The President of Uzbekistan took floor in the NATO Summit in Bucharest in 2008 and spoke clearly about the resolute position of our country in this issue to the representatives of powerful states in the world.

The essence of this initiative was as follows: firstly, it has envisaged establishing the Contact Group «6+3» under auspices of the United Nations. This Contact Group meant to comprise of the United States, NATO and Russia, as well as the countries immediately neighboring Afghanistan. The utmost goal of the Contact Group «6+3» is to propose a ceasefire program to confronting sides in Afghanistan, to seek the consensus-based solutions to major problems and standoffs which devastate the country, to ensure security and offer the necessary guarantees taking into account the interests of all parties.

As we see, the practical and constructive proposals enunciated by Uzbekistan at that Summit are still actual and urgent today. On the contrary, they acquire yet more acute significance.

“This crisis can be addressed only by a political dialogue. Unfortunately, at the moment some forces both inside and outside Afghanistan in pursuit of their interests are opposing the resolution of the crisis by political means”, repeated once again the head of Uzbekistan.

It was mentioned that by realizing that there is no military solution to the Afghan conflict, in this very difficult and threatening situation the NATO forces, leaders of the United States and European countries are planning to withdraw the ISAF forces mainly consisting of the American troops and those of European countries from Afghanistan by the end of 2014. Frankly speaking, the process has already begun. However, it hasn’t been enunciated, yet. The goal is not to cause concern among others and complete this work quietly, without any fuss to put it so.

“The policy of Uzbekistan towards Afghanistan is clear and open.

Uzbekistan stands for non-interference in Afghanistan’s internal affairs, non-participation in any military-political associations against Afghanistan, developing our ties and cooperation with this country only on bilateral basis, supporting the government chosen by the Afghan people.

Such an approach and position are endorsed by laws adopted in our country.

Pursuing this very policy envisages the following:

  • not joining somebody’s «games»;
  • living in peace and tranquility with neighbors;
  • protecting peace and interests of the country.

All of the aforementioned is a demand of lessons of our recent history and extremely difficult time in which we are living now”, said President Islam Karimov.

It was noted that soon people of Uzbekistan will solemnly celebrate the 22nd Anniversary of Independence of the Homeland. “Summing up the traversed path for over the past period, we can say that we have been achieving enormous growth rates in the development of Uzbekistan, securing results and goals which raise sympathy and draw attention of others. No one can deny it. Peace and tranquility, interethnic and inter-national accord, mutual kindness, courtesy and unity stand as major factors of all our accomplishments”, concluded the head of Uzbekistan.

Peace and tranquility - the basis of all our achievements

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