Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

About Choosing Your Career!


About Choosing Your Career!

With every passing day, the infrastructure in the country is getting better and the establishment and functioning of different organs of life, both in the public and private sectors, are improving and it is hoped that soon we will also be having the institutes and organizations which make up the true shape of a country.

In all the developed and well-established countries of the world, there are present all the institutes and organizations which require the people of varying skills and abilities and thus jobs are offered which can be done by citizens of different skills and abilities. It is the reason why, almost everyone succeeds to get a job according to his abilities and aptitude.

It is necessary to understand that, unless a person gets a job or chooses a career according to his own wishes and abilities, he will not able to utilize his best skills, will not draw the satisfaction from his job and thus will do his job reluctantly, that will in turn harm the job and the country. When a person gets a job of his choice, he becomes too much attached with it, gives more output and this increased productivity in return benefits him and the people around him.

This is also a fact that people have been gifted with varying skills and aptitude. A person would always like to sit in a corner and read books all the time while another one might not help himself from running outside and play football all the time. He might feel it very difficult to read a single page of book while a person in habit of reading books might not be able to kick the ball even once. In the same way, a well-established country also offers jobs both for the librarian and the footballer and thus there are present million kinds of jobs according to the million types of personal abilities and skills.

It is very unfortunate to know that in countries where economy is weak and where different organs of the society and state are not present or well-established, jobs are offered that are needed most urgently. These are the jobs that people choose to earn a good and handsome livelihood but not to utilize their inherent qualities gifted to them by the nature. In our society, all the good brains prefer to become a doctor as a doctor has the job which can earn him healthy income in all the different situations. Then, there comes the turn of an engineer who also earns better and has good social status as well. In this hierarchy, the jobs that have poor income are left at the bottom like that of a teacher, an artist or a writer and others.

When there was war and all the organs of society were disparaged, there was not present any question of choosing a career. There was no peace, no good education, very few university courses and no issue of choosing a career. Higher education was a luxury accessible to the very few of the elite group who exploited it for their close relatives.

Then there came the time when the universities became functional and it is very optimistic to realize that, day by day, the standard of education and especially of higher education is improving and it creates a need of giving guidance to our youth to choose a career after considering all the points in this regard.

Till now it is a trend that we follow the path of success leading to more economic prosperity. Everyone wants to be a doctor, then engineer and so on. Similarly, when our youth saw that more and more people are joining the management, business administration, law and other similar fields due to their demand in jobs, they thronged around the institutes offering these courses and thus soon, we will be having a lot of young men with these degrees in hand and looking for a job, because the excessive demand of anything would result in the shortage of its supply.

When a youth chooses a career, mostly the ideas, wishes and plans of parents pave the way. If parents like a specific career or if they are in the same career, they wish their child to consent with their wishes and thus child is left with no option to do anything of his own. This is the trend which is in progress at present but with increased awareness and availability of varying job options, the children may also be able to make a decision considering their strengths and weaknesses.

But the above scenario doesn’t seem to be working all the times. If everyone is choosing to be doctor or an engineer, majority of them would not be successful in this and thus there are many who find themselves in the state of limbo when they don’t succeed in acquiring a medical or an engineering seat. Thus it is necessary that, we should make the rational analysis of the situation and our abilities and choose a career where we can excel so that we should not get disappointed in future.

In this regard, first important thing is to know your abilities. If you are very intelligent, have strong receptive skills, can study for many continuous hours and face other hardships of studies, you can no doubt win the seat of medical or engineering, but if it is not the case, it would be just like wasting your time and money of your parents if you still keep preparing for the said subjects. In such a situation, it would be very logical to discover your field of interest and prepare for it whole-heartedly.

Secondly, you need to discover your hidden abilities. You may be very good at music or in art or reading books or may be any other field where you feel yourself quite at home, and then you need to analyze the situation. If your family and economic conditions permit, choose your career and go deep into it. But if not, then choose a career that should be close to your favorite career and when the conditions get favorable, switch to the career of your choice.

At times, it may seem awkward and financially disastrous to choose a career, but if you have extraordinary ability in it and you aim to work with a zeal and enthusiasm, then forget each and everything. Some of you would definitely become the trend-setters or pioneers in the society.

Then keep observing the changing trends in the economic sector. There would definitely be emerging some new sectors or some neglected sectors might be getting more importance, then you should be trying to get into new sectors as there would be less competition there.

Role of parents and teachers is also very important in this regard. As they are comparatively more experienced and know better their children, they can better guide them, keeping aside their personal likes and dislikes.

If you did not choose a career wisely, there may be many disastrous circumstances. Many students started a university degree without much consideration and left it in the middle and also lost their desire to study anymore.

There are also present many people who are not happy of their jobs just because that they don’t like the nature of job.

In the end, you should always strive to read and learn more by reading books, magazines, newspaper or listening or watching informative programs as your increased knowledge will help you, whatever your career maybe.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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