Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Idealism vs. Realism


Idealism vs. Realism

Human beings with extra ordinary intelligence insist on perfection of everything they do. The perfection is the ultimate aim for them. People who belong to such sector knowingly or unknowingly prefers and promote idealism. Idealistic views and approaches are the basics of perfectionism. Idealistic views focus on perfect ideas. Many world famous philosophers, Aristotle, Socrates and scientists like Archimedes, Albert Einstein, and the great sages of ancient India were the strong preachers of idealism. Idealism is the category of philosophical systems that claim reality is dependent upon the mind rather than independent of the mind. Extreme versions of Idealism deny that any world exists outside of our minds.

Narrower versions of Idealism claim that our understanding of reality reflects the workings of our mind first and foremost  that the properties of objects have no standing independent of the minds perceiving them or we can say that Idealism is the philosophical theory that reality is essentially mental or spiritual. Idealism is opposed to materialism, the theory that reality is physical. In philosophy there are two schools of idealism. The older school, which began with the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, is called objective idealism. It maintains that reality consists of ideal, immaterial forms existing outside the mind and that the material world is merely a pale reflection of the ideal world. Idealism always creates things and objects in the mind without knowing the facts and figures, for instance in the idealism world people think of things which are absolutely impossible and improbable to happen, they create a world where every facts and figures revolves around a fiction orbit where every substance and matter is thought to be ideal for some conditions and circumstances.

Philosophers of the school of subjective idealism, on the other hand, maintain that reality exists only in the mind and that what are known as physical objects have no existence outside the mind. Mostly the idealism era is very common among the youngsters because young lads mostly create a total different world for themselves, they travel to many different era by only imagining without realizing the ways and hardships for achieving the ideal self made world. In our country Afghanistan most of our young and fresh blood is not really realistic and honest with themselves, it is because our lads are still in an imaginative planet where everything and every matter is romantic and positive; but the reality is totally something else. Ideas are created by thoughts and beliefs, our thoughts and beliefs are the basic building blocks of our deeds and actions.

Our actions are the host of our ideas. I as youth and young generation of my society sometimes make a world of only ideas where my each and every needs is solved in a matter of seconds, it is because the world which is made and created by ideas are so fast and furious that every individual does it intensively.  At the time of supporting idealism they were conscious about its implementation. Idealism always contrasted with realism. In idealistic approach everything would result in good ending. It focuses on maintaining good life and giving guidance for a life not harming others.

 It includes many ideas with lot of meaning which enables a human being to lead a good and proper life.  On the other hand the practical perspective of idealistic view never gets along with realism. It is easy to create an imaginative world without any problems. It is equal to paradise. In reality there are several hurdles of hardships to be faced. Even after successfully overcoming these difficulties an idealistic world never comes into an existence.  The old saying denotes, fact is stranger than fiction is accurate with reality. On the other hand realism is the world of confident people. Realism are the terms that describe reality exist independently; it is a world of truths and real objectives either it is in art or science. In an imaginative world reality is never counted. Idealism may give inspiration to do things with a motive to end with perfection.

 In positive sense it enables a person to achieve a thing with an at most perfection status. Even then the ultimate perfection or idealistic view cannot be achieved. This is due to several religious, social, philosophical and economic practices and factors. An idealistic approach to everything is not possible. It is applicable in the field where imagination is called for like in the field of fiction writing, entertainment field etc. In real life one has to always check the pros and cons of idealism and reality. Idealism and reality is a symbol of North Pole and South Pole as only differences is the result of these two ideologies.

These two poles are the critical bridges which we have to realize the depth and the essence of them, I as a young person would prefer to be following the realities in life rather than stepping in the world of ideas and imaginations. It is an absolute truth that idealism is the first and basic world for every young person, but I as well do believe that we must build our wishes and desires with respect to the existing facts. There are some bitter facts for the youths which they ought to accept them and convert those facts into an existing universe. Coming to conclusion of my column idealism and realism are the matters which do exist. Both are a part of our life. Either you prefer idealism or realism it must be remembered that our world is our trusts and our trusts are our treasures which neither can be sold nor can be vanished.

Zainab Ahmadi is a permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. She can be reached at zainab_ktz09@yahoo.com

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