Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Availing the Benefits


Availing the Benefits

If experienced with full knowledge and appreciation, Ramadan has routine that cannot be alternated by any other month or ritual or ceremony. We wake up almost in midnight when our warm bed and heavy sleep doesn’t set us free easily. We fight with our carnal desires and overcoming them, proceed to eat the food which is something unusual to be done as for the last 11 months; we have never got up at this time of night and or eaten anything.

Our mothers and sisters are busy in kitchen to cook and prepare delicious food. It is not meant that we should eat more and more rather it has to give message that we have whole-heartedly accepted the decision to get up now and we are preparing all these just to show how much we keep dear this order given to us by Allah.

Then we start the food and though our mind and appetite are not ready to accept it too much yet we think that we have to do it whole-heartedly and thus food is eaten with the extreme desire. This is also a time to contemplate and be grateful to the blessings that have been bestowed upon us.

Then we wait for the Azaan to be called but there remains some time in which we take ablution and purify ourselves physically. This is another message that we seek the help of Allah to purify our souls as well. Then we keep busy in recitation of Holy Quran and prayers till the time of prayers come up. We try to seek the guidance of Allah according to the guidelines given in Holy Quran.

Recitation of Holy Quran is done with two methods. Some merely recite it with a rhyme and proper intonation and this thing softens the heart and gives you a spiritual pleasure. While some read it with translation and explanation in order to better understand the messages hidden in it; messages that are meant for being good human and of benefit to the whole of humanity. While some others, read it in either of the ways mentioned. Whatever the methodology maybe, main aim is to seek the pleasure of Allah’s servant hood.

Those who were not able to read more than a few pages in the whole year now got the chance to recite a lot of chapters of this blessed book just because of the blessings of this month.

When the time of prayers comes, we start moving towards the mosque. People of different ages are also assembling in the mosque leaving aside the differences of social status, wealth, race or color and with a single aim of winning the favors of Allah. Although it is still dark in the early morning and many of them feel sleepy, yet they overcome their material desire and bodily laziness and run in the path which is true and leading to prosperity.

Then people sleep for 2 to 3 hours and experience the sleep which is full of taste and which can relieve a person of the sleeping pills. This sleep is one that can be called truly comforting.

Then we wake up so that our routine activities should not be disturbed. It is said that with the rights of Allah, rights of human beings should not be violated. Courageous and brave are those who not only try to earn the blessings of the month but also not let their worldly works be disturbed.

Then the whole day you interact with the people in the best possible manner as it is in your mind that you have made an important promise to control your desires and be a master of your body and soul.

Although you feel a bit exhausted and your mental and physical conditions a bit deteriorated but you control them from your will and this will is supported by the strong emotional promise that you made in the beginning of the month.

At times people annoy you, situations disturb you and different events make you feel angry but then you control yourself and keep in your control your feelings and emotions that were previously very violent and always dictated you what to do.

Then you take a bit rest in the afternoon and make yourself ready for a series of worships to follow.

Just before the Azaan in evening, you assemble with all the family members at a point to break the fast. As the Azaan is called, you again praise Allah for the whole day when you had a fruitful fast and for the bounties that you have been bestowed to break your fast. While eating, your desire calls to eat and drink as quick as possible but then you control yourself and while eating and drinking, you give preference to others and it is also a part of the teachings of this month.

After about an hour or more, you again get ready to go to mosque and worship for an hour or two. This feels a bit difficult after the whole days fast but then you don’t let the laziness control you and your intentions. In mosque, the sweet voice of Hafiz reciting the Holy Quran takes you to another world of spiritual pleasure and contentment and you feel yourself as light as a newly born baby.

With this you return home and soon you feel sleepy and tired and retire to a rest that is full of contentment and comfort.

This is how every single day passes in this blessed month.

As we observed, these 24 hours never let a single moment be idle and be filled by evil thoughts and ideas and thus these 30 days act as a perfect period for the purification of one’s habits and ideas.

Many new and good habits can also be achieved and established as after the practice of 30 days, all your good habits can become permanent. Similarly, many people have experienced this month to successfully quit their bad and uncontrollable habits.

This month is especially a blessing for those who feel that they have got separated from the worships and other fruitful Islamic activities as with the routine of prayers, recitations and self-control, one can easily re-enter the circle of worships and overcome the lazy habits.

But all these are only possible when one reads and discovers the true spirit of the month. Then he makes a strong commitment with himself to follow the guidelines strictly.

We are lucky to have been given with a month that can be termed as miraculous and such blessings cannot be availed by any other source or mean. It would be really pity if we fail to avail all the benefits offered by it!

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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