Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

The Chance of Diplomacy in Iran’s Relation


The Chance of Diplomacy in Iran’s Relation

Seemingly the election of Hassan Rohani, the former chief of nuclear negotiator has released enough energy to thaw the frozen relation between Iran and the US. President Obama has come under increasing pressure from inside country to resume talks with clerical regime.

In an exclusive step, 130 MPs have signed a letter which asks President Obama to negotiate with new elected Iran President, Mr. Hassan Rohani. The letter also says that President Obama should avoid actions which possibly strengthen the radical front. The letter is designed by David Pryce, the democrat representative from North Carolina and Charles Dente, the republican representative from Pennsylvania.

It was signed both by democrat and republic representatives which can be deemed as a major step forward in improving the bilateral relation between Tehran and Washington. This is signed by huge number of MPs while previously the foreign relation committee of the house said that the US should accelerate the sanction irrespective of the election of new reformist-tilted clergy as the new president.

In spite of limitation imposed on reformist wing, particularly, the disqualification of Hashimi Rafsanjani, and a veteran politician and popular for his closeness to reformist wing, initially sparked the suspicion that conservative would again be winner. But the support of Hashimi Rafsanjani and reformist leaders from Hasan Rohani suddenly changed all previous calculation. The amount of vote casted for his potential rival was not match to his.

Such result sparked hopes once again inside the country. Reformists deemed his success as the success of the wing as a sign of electoral fraud which led President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s presidency. On the other hand, conservative wings also supported his success. He somehow became a figure that has the support of both sides. His victory has had promising reflection outside the country.

Western countries that were previously trying to accelerate sanctions presently have stood idle in order to see and watch what is going to happen next. Because till Hasan Rohani has tried his best to show that his government will be quite flexible in his foreign policy which for now has silenced those who use country’s foreign policy’s belligerence as tool against it.

The rhetoric of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad bought huge problem for the country that otherwise was easily preventable. Previously, it was only the United States that was exerting influence to restrict Iran at global level. But thanks to President Ahmadinejad who tightened and expanded the anti-Tehran front. The European union which years ago was standing against any sanction option become so close to the United States that even openly supported a military option against the country. The Union approved oil sanction unanimously.

Meanwhile, the concern of neighboring countries was also effective. Neighbors are truly worried about its nuclear program. The Wikileaks release clearly showed how the neighbors are worried as some Arab leaders asked the United States to wage war against Tehran’s nuclear Program. In such situation, they are ready to instigate the international community to take tougher stance and they play out their own role. Because one of the major problems ahead of countries to form a united front against Islamic Republic was/is its energy which, if cut out of the global market, has the potential to confront many countries with deep economic challenges.

The United States of America has tried to convince Asian customers of Iran to consider align with the US and scale down oil imports, the efforts which somehow were successful as some of them try not to lose the merits of US market. In addition, during the second incumbency of President Ahmadinejad, the international community became seriously worried about a nuclear armed government. European Union had serious concerns about Iran nuclear Program previously. The EU, US often expressed inflammatory remarks and warned about its nuclear program. This stance supported largely due to last year’s IAEA report about suspiciousness of the uranium enrichment program. Last year, Israel warned to strike the nuclear sites, which however was opposed but widely interested as justifiable preemptive action.

With election campaign and finally the victory of Hasan Rohani at least for now tension is eased. Presently, the global powers kept silence and are observing the situation that what would happen in the country. However, many believe that change of president does not actually mean change of foreign policy because presidents are not in a position to take the ultimate decision. Rather it is the supreme leader, Ayatullah Ali Khamenei that finally decides to engage in serious peace talks with Western countries or not. In other words, the only factor that presently brought about deadlock in country’s relation with European Union and US is its nuclear program. Till now it has shown no flexibility in this regard and has not shown any signal that it will give up the program in exchange of economic incentives. Instead, the Tehran officials have clearly voiced out that suspension or stoppage of the

program is nonnegotiable. If the notion holds true that leader will decide about the nuclear program, then the prospective of rapport relation with US and EU still looks blurred irrespective of who will become the president.

But there are issues which can be promising. It is possible that Ayatullah Khamenei tries to show flexibility and let President have much constructive talks with global powers due to economic pressures that certainly increase public dissension. Secondly, he may avoid interfering in issues which undermine the authority of Hassan Rohani. These two issues may give broader sphere for new president to scale down tension.

Masood Korosh is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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