Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Horrible Number of Death Tolls


Horrible Number of Death Tolls

The Syrian death toll from Syria’s civil war has now surpassed 100,000 by UN’s account. The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon made an announcement on Thursday saying that death toll from Syria’s civil war has now surpassed 100,000. “It is a horrible number but do not be surprised if it doubles. Syria’s war is getting worse, drawing more combatants and weapons, and whatever good options might once have existed for halting it are probably no longer practical”.

However, last month President Obama announced to send lethal aid to Syrian rebellions but there are no information to reveal whether the US has started the program secretly or not.  Secretary of State John Kerry met with Syrian oppositions in New York on Thursday last week whose leader called the situation “desperate.”  In the meeting Mr. Kerry expressed view saying that there was no military solution to Syria. Hope like Mr. Kerry all involved nations reach to a conclusion that the option of military solution is negative. Either side cannot rule the country by defeating the other.

Now pro and anti-Assad regimes have come to believe that Syrian uprising has reached to complete tragic deadlock. In spite of open and hidden support of regional and western countries, rebellions are not able to put an end to decades-long rule of President Assad at least in foreseeable future. Both sides are in status of equilibrium, just monitoring the movements in the other side in order to defend a possible assault or attack if witnessed weakness on the other side.

On other hand, foreign jihadists and extremists are also pouring into the country that is increasingly intensifying clashes. Reports are being heard that the country is changing into hub for jihadi elements.

Reports reveal that even activists are trying to encourage people from European countries to join anti-Assad struggle. Perhaps, some are happy about such process, believing that it may end up to elimination of jihadi elements from their respective countries instead will get stuck in the quagmire of Syria. This calculation appears so unwise, as presently we are witness to spillover of the crisis to neighboring countries.

Last Month, June 14, Hezbollah Secretary General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrullah said in a televised speech that his organization has decided to interfere in the Syrian crisis and participate in the battles in order to stand against a “designed project” targeting Lebanon and the region.

"We are the last to interfere in Syria, way after the Future Movement interfered there and other Lebanese organizations that I don't want to name," he alleged during a ceremony held by Hezbollah for the occasion of the Injured Fighter Day. "If today we interfere on the side of the Syrian rebels, wouldn't they praise us as heroes?" Nasrallah wondered.

"So it is not about intervention or not, it is about a plan for bringing down the regime.  Those who want to bring down Syria, want to bring down Lebanon and the rest of the region and put it under the control of the Israeli-American-Takfiri powers" he said. By Takfiri power he meant those Sunni radicals who called for a war against Hezbollah after revelation that the organization is involved in ground fighting against rebellions.

He also clarified that Hezbollah's involvement was completely transparent and open: "We declared it openly. It's not as if we sent our men to Syria and said we're delivering milk and blankets, and it's not as if we buried our men in Syria and silenced their relatives in Lebanon." The organization justified its involvement saying that it wanted to defend villages along the border where Lebanese Shiites live.  Nasrullah also said that most Syrians support their regime but only few members among the oppositions who have been exploited by some undemocratic states in the region on the pretext of democracy and the Arab Spring.

Indeed, he was right. It is not something that can be kept hidden anymore. Thousands of Jihadists have been pouring from the rest of countries into the country to hold war against Assad regime which is now branded as anti-Islamic regime. The most surprising change that can be observed in the country is the fundamental change in the approach of Jihadists. Previously, regimes that had close links with the western countries were somehow deemed as the enemy of Jihadist. But now the western countries have shifted their side and in Syria support groups which do not fear to disclose their ties with global Jihadi networks. Meanwhile, these groups do not oppose getting support from West nor deem it against their principle. Assad regime has changed to a main target and reflected as Satan to be ended.

With US decision to provide lethal aid to rebellions last month, the Syrian government may understand that defeating rebellions will not be an easy task anymore. The situation will get harder if western countries reach to make a no fly-zone to deprive regime from its strong aerial power, however, there are strong opposition to the plan among officials and the notion still seems far-fetched.

Thus, the Syrian people should understand that everyone has their own interest fueling the instability in their country. Even the interest changes the principle goals of Jihadist too. On other side, for the sake of humanity or for the sake of their own interest because country’s crisis will not remain restricted within its border but spillover the rest of countries as already we are witnessing, involved countries should think about hundred thousand death tolls. If hundred thousand goats get killed, a human with sound heart and mind will feel the pain in his heart. You are watching the ruin of an entire nation, meanwhile the involved parties are trying to look for interests which may never be realized. Hope stockholders reassess their policies.

Masood Korosh is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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