Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Ethics and morals


Ethics and morals

What is the difference between morals and ethics in the workplace? Might something be ethical but immoral? What about unethical but moral? Which is more important to an organization, to be ethical or moral? Why? Morals and ethics relate to individual character, ethics, and morals but also applied in business world. Ethics stresses a social system to which application of morals that influences ethical behavior at work whereas morality consists of rules of human behavior and specifies that certain behavior or actions are wrong or immoral and others are right or moral. The decision one makes, whether it is for personal or professional reasons falls into either an ethical or moral decision making category.

Morals define personal character. Moral decisions are based upon the beliefs of the individual while ethical decisions are guidelines, standards, and laws that affect the business professional’s decision making process in our homeland Afghanistan It is very unfortunate to see some of our lads are lacking good moral and ethics. It is very crucial and significant for every individual to possess a very decent and good behavior against our family or friends. Some of our youths believe that their deeds and actions are very vulnerable and they do try in order to rehabilitate their personalities on the other hand there are some of our lads who believe that every action which are performed by them either it is good or evil they do not care about it. In our personal life it depends on us how to behave and treat the people surrounding us, like our siblings, friends and relatives, but in the professional life it is totally different we have to follow some set rules and regulations, there we are not on our own.

In an ethical climate, people are held accountable and decisions are made based on what is in the best interest of the company or its employees and not what nets the greater financial gain for an individual at the expense of the company’s ethical fiber. Issues that arise in business can sometimes be ethical but immoral or vice versa. Business organizations face ethical and moral decisions daily. Ethics in business are central in the organization as it provides standards that form the moral integrity of the company. Effective leaders and managers utilize morality and ethics in a manner that the policies he or they establish and the behavior he or she models are applied.

The aim is to operate business in a way that meets the stated goal and do so in a manner that is consistent with the higher value of the business community. Whether ethics are integrity or compliance based, companies should apply ethics to realms of the business transactions. What are ethics? How are personal ethics different from business ethics? Based on your work experience, describe an ethical issue that you faced. What were the ethical implications surrounding that issue, if any? How was the issue resolved or how should it have been resolved?

Ethics are defined as a set of guidelines, standards, rules, and norms that govern the workplace if effectively implemented ethics are an extension of good management. Business ethics is a form of professional ethics that examines moral problems and ethical principles that arises in business environment. Furthermore, business ethics is a behavior consistent with the principles, norms, and standards of business practice that the society agreed upon. Whereas, personal ethics deal with morality and integrity that strongly influence the individual’s upbringing. What can a business do to reduce the likelihood of making unethical decisions and creating problems that are more ethical? Think of an example of unethical behavior you have observed in a business setting.

Was this behavior a result of an unethical person or an unethical organization? In our country businessmen are merchandisers still they do lack some business morals and ethics; for instance here in Afghanistan there is not any organization that controls the trades and deals which are done on the basis of public interests. Afghanistan chamber of commerce and industries it is the only organization which observes the deals and trades made. The things they do is not really sufficient and enough in order to fix our social and industrial crises. The point to ponder is the inflammation in the month of Ramadan which really bites the low income families in our community. In other Islamic countries the dealers and businessmen do low the prices of every daily merchants in this holy month, but in our country it is totally opposite the prizes are increased highly.

For a business to minimize the unethical decision and lessen creating problems in business environment proper training to keep the employees aware of the ramifications of unethical decisions making. Employee empowerment and keeping all individuals involve in the process of decision making. It is not only business and professions but our daily routines too. Our personal lives should also have some moral and ethical’s rules and regulations upon which we should build our routes and destinations.

Our actions speak louder than our words in the community where we live every aspect and angle of our deeds and actions should be totally observed and censored before we perform it. The building blocks of the society initiate from individuals, the combinations of individuals make a spouse or family and several families together make a tribe, as a result a society and community is built up, so from the very early and initiative stages of building a society we should take care of moral and ethical values. Moral and ethical values play a very significant and crucial role in a healthy and modern society. It is on us to train and teach our youths how to behave and treat in the family or society.  

Zainab Ahmadi is a permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. She can be reached at zainab_ktz09@yahoo.com

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