Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Cleanliness; Inside and Outside!


Cleanliness; Inside and Outside!

It may be very rare in Europe, America and other developed countries, comparatively less in our country but there are present very effective and strong magicians in India and some of its neighboring countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, and some others. These magicians are attributed with a lot of strange and unbelievable stories and powers. People contact them for a number of desires and majority of them can be termed to be evil or illegal. These desires include getting your enemy killed, getting a huge lot of money from an invisible source, having a baby, attracting the heart of your lover, getting good grades in exams and many more. This is also called black magic because it is mostly aimed for attaining an evil purpose with a dangerous source. Many of us don’t believe in any such magic but if we witness them with our own eyes, we will no doubt develop belief.

Usually we see that a person starts getting weak day by day. He is taken to a number of doctors but none of them come to understand his problem and all the medical reports and examinations also declare him to be absolutely healthy. Then he starts spitting blood and is caught with pangs of pain and his wild cries shake the whole house and they rush him to a hospital. Doctors admit him and start treatment and he recovers a bit but the problem doesn’t finish completely and time and again the bleeding and pain strokes drag him down to the bed. In such circumstances, when family members get disappointed from every doctor and treatment, someone suggests the treatment from a magician. When he is taken to a magician, the magician tells that he has become a victim of black magic and the treatment should immediately be started. With the treatment of magician, the condition of man starts developing and soon he regains his lost health. The magician tells them that an enemy of him had done all these against him.

A person was jealous of the success and wealth of one of his relatives. He went to a magician and paid him for doing black magic to destroy his business. After some days, it was reported that a truck that was carrying the goods of the businessman had crushed a man and the truck and all the goods in it had been confiscated and now the man had to face the expenses of police and court. After some days, a depot of goods of the businessman came under the blazes of fire and the reason of fire was not clear. In the same way, the businessman lost millions in shape of different mysterious incidents. Then he was suggested by one of his friends to check a magician and the magician confirmed that the black magic was behind all these.

A man went to a magician for a bad purpose. He had fallen in love with a girl and differences between them had made their union impossible. It was a one-sided love and girl was also not interested in him. But he was very eager to get the love of girl at any cost and thus he went to a magician. The magician told him that he would definitely get the love of the girl but for this he will have to do a number of works. He agreed to do whatever he was ordered. The magician told him to read out some spells for a couple of days in the darkness of night, on the beach of ocean. It was necessary that he should choose most deserted part of beach. But the man was very much surprised on another condition of the magician. The magician told him to get a pair of clothes and keep it in the shop of a butcher so that it may get fully stained and stinky with the blood of an animal. With this, he was also ordered not to take bath and try to keep himself as dirty as possible. On the beach, he had to take ash with him and rub it thoroughly on his body. He was told that, the more he will become dirty, the more will be the chances of success.

On his inquiry, the magician told him that the goddesses of magic like dirty things. It is the reason why we see that magicians live in most dirty places; their rooms remain absolutely closed with very less Oxygen supply, they color their rooms with red color which resembles to the color of blood and other similar things.

We are all aware of a psychological rule that internal feelings mould our external appearance. When we feel happy from inside, same happiness can be seen on our face. This rule can be taken in reverse direction as well. However we appear from outside, same kind of feelings shape the internal world of our mind and emotions. You might have experienced that whenever you appear good and attractive externally, it gives you a great confidence and your feelings and emotions automatically turn positive. We see that a person in a fine and delicate clothing makes a very good impression to the people around him and he is received very well. On the other hand, a beggar dressed in dirty rags never gets a warm welcome from the people around him and everyone looks at him with a contempt and insult. He himself doesn’t feel well about himself and thus acts hesitantly, as if he is ashamed of his whole existence.

A friend of mine shared with me the story of his childhood. His father was a doctor and had good social status. One day, he was walking in bazaar. His clothes were not clean and his hair was untidy. A friend of his father stopped him and asked, ‘What will the people say that how is the father and how is the son. From your appearance, you don’t seem to be the son of a doctor’. Then he understood how the external appearance affected the internal feelings of a person.

Anyhow, external cleanliness and appearance make us feel better. A person who remains admitted in a hospital for a number of weeks and his feelings and emotions are all surrounded with despair and disappointment, he is asked to take a very good bath when he is discharged from hospital and returns home. It is said that such a bath makes a person feel very light and easy and it cleans away all the dirt and tardiness; of both the body and the mind.

There is no need to mention how much cleanliness helps us in keeping a good health. In the Islam, a person who converts into Islam is given a bath so that he should start his new journey with a fresh mind and body. Similarly, all the good works (like prayers etc.) begin after we meet the conditions of cleanliness by making our minds, clothes, body and other relevant things absolutely clean.

But there are also present those who waste the majority of their time in dressing their hair or buying new clothes. Psychology terms such a habit as the result of an inferiority complex when one tries to make himself appear important by his external appearance only. Anyhow, such a habit has neither benefitted the person himself nor the people around him.

The great Islamic saints never had fine and dashing clothes to wear but they always kept their body and ragged clothes clean.

Let’s hope that we will use our external cleanliness to move to the internal cleanliness.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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