Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

The Message of Hekmatyar for Eid Festival


The Message of Hekmatyar for Eid Festival

On the eve of Eid-e-Fitr, one of the most revered religious festival, the leader of Hezb-e-Islami Hikmatiyar sent a congratulating message for Afghan people. After wishing Eid and emphasizing on brotherhood and unity among Afghan people, he disclosed his mindset through giving an indirect introduction of Afghan society. His message was riddled with the same wordings of the past. He showed that unlike many of his supporters who are trying to relieve Afghan people by saying that fundamental changes occurred within the leadership team.

But his congratulating message revealed that hoping that militants’ leaders like Gulbadin Hekmatyar might have undergone to ideological change and may compromisingly accept the modern values was mere an illusion.

Indeed, militants’ leaders are trying their best to disclose the ground situation as it pleases their combatants. His long message was somehow a clear warning to all those who are directly or indirectly involved in the government, noticing that 2014 and 2001 were is completely different. In 2001, the government was supported by the hovering American jet fighters but everything has come to an end. The domestic pressures has increased on military involved countries saying that Afghan war had not achievements except coffins. He argued that West is exhausted and finally yielded to the Afghan Jihad. These arguments were all made to show the situation upside down in comparison to 2001 when the global attentions turned to the country.

But an interesting part of his letter was the way he criticized Hazara community seemingly for what he said as brag of its members. Initially, he emphasizes on the unity and brotherhood of Afghan people but by the flow of the message he seemingly cannot hide his inner evil thinking. Perhaps, it shows that he has a completely a different definition of Nation.  He voiced his anger about the presence of minorities, particularly, Hazaras saying that it was the collusion of the western countries to destabilize the country. He said that Hazaras have increased numbers in National Army which spark the envy of majority, the Pashtun, and finally led to communal war.  He said that provinces like Daikundi and Bamyan the two provinces known as provinces with Majority Hazara population has changed into an independent provinces like Balkh Province.  He emphasized that the population of many eastern and west-eastern provinces are larger than the above mention provinces, perhaps, hinting that eastern provinces which have the majority Pashtun tribe, the tribe of Mr. Hekmatyar, should be divided to another provinces in order to get larger share of public budgets and other provincial advantages.

He denoted that such independency of the provinces was largely due to Iranian support. He said that after 2014, the community will see the consequences of their current cooperation with western countries. “You will be fought and forced to leave the country. You may flee towards Iran and there also you will be tortured, because Hazaras are deadly punished in Iran”, he added.

He did not pointed out that why he thinks that Iran has supported Hazaras while confessing that Hazaras are the only ethnic group who have been severely persecuted in Iran. Bamyan and Diakundi are the poorest provinces in the country. There are people have rarely benefitted from billions of dollars pumped into the country and spent in restive provinces where Hekmatyar’s tribe maintain presence. Annually, numbers of people die in the winter in Daikundi due to hunger meanwhile he says that it has become an independent province that should be trumpeted so hard that all residence should flee countries like Iran where they should suffer harder.

It could be one of the strong messages from a militants who try to bring about an Islamic system. Indeed I am not sure what these militants mean by Islamic government. Is the Islamic government is to hold an ethnic cleansing efforts? Perhaps, considering their background, this concept looks somehow realistic. Taliban spree carnage in various parts of the country against ethnic groups. When the group captured the Balkh Province, one of its top leaders issued an ethnic cleansing order. For almost a month, each and every single

Hazara who were caught were killed on the spot. According to documentaries and eyewitness, many people who were caught were told to just give an address of a Hazara, then he will be released. In another word, by pointing a Hazara you pay for your guilt.

The remark of Hekmatyar is not out of this context. According to militants, the community should be targeted because of their ethnicity and religion. In spite of their understanding that the community members are persecuted and punished in Iran, but they still surprisingly maintain that Iran support this community. With deep regret, it should be noticed that not only militants but our foreign allies and even common people from other communities talk about the linkage between Hazaras and Iran which indeed has not actual existence.

Therefore, during past 12 years, while the US pumped billions of dollars into the rest of provinces but Hazara-populated provinces have remained the poorest of all. Meanwhile this community supported the Afghan government and process of nation building. In spite of huge discrimination and their neglect, Hazaras never hold arms against the government. Instead they have sought civil movements some of which are worthy to be changed into model for the rest of the civil movements in and outside of the country, such as paving the way by mud, giving medals to donkey for bringing water to their houses and etc. in Bamyan.

Finally, Mr. Hikmatiyar should notice that of course Hazaras have not incentive and willing to their brothers as you want to do. They respect the equality of Afghans irrespective of their sex and ethnicity. They love and support democracy and believe that everything should be given on the basis of merits. These are their faults that angers you. I hope one day you grow up enough and do not hide you evil face behind veil of Islam.

Masood Korosh is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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