Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Environmental Contamination


Environmental Contamination

Pollution is nothing but "too much of something at wrong place" and environmental pollution is generally defined as the unfavorable alternations of our surroundings through the various actions of man himself. The undesirable and excessive substances that are released; as the by-products of man's actions, can affect air, water and land adversely and alter the natural quality of our environment. Substances that are responsible for the alternations of environment are called pollutants and the total chain of actions as "environmental pollution". Hence, it is nobody else than man himself who is the real cause of environmental pollution. Environmental pollution can be well understood if we study its sources and effects. There are pollutions of air, water, soil, noise and radioactive wastes. In our country Afghanistan we are challenged with every kind of pollution.

Pollution is a big problem that is slowly destroying the world that we live in. It is vital for every individual to do what he or she can to clean up the environment. Whether it is in the home or on a government level, every person is important and has the ability to make a difference and help stop pollution. In the city where we live (Kabul) many of our citizens are ill due to polluted air, water and environment. The first step you can take to stop pollution is not to litter. Throw the garbage into a trashcan instead of throwing onto the sidewalk or the side of a road. Carry around a small bag with you and if you see a piece of litter on the ground while you are on a walk, pick it up and toss it out or if you notice that there are not many garbage cans on the street in your town. One of the most prominent pollution, which we face in our society, is air pollution due to too many vehicles, which are everyday driven on the Kabul roads. The air in which we breathe is 90% unhygienic and unsafe for our respiratory system. Air is an important element of our environment that is polluted by smoke of mills, factories, and motor vehicles. Besides, a huge amount of smoke is emitted for cooking food, burning bricks and refuse.  

In our country some of our country mates suffer from respiratory system disease, which is very common among the elder stratum of our society. The solutions, which can be taken in order to avoid and diminish air pollution, are to make the amount of vehicles, which are driven by single individuals. Public transportation has to increase in the shape of public buses and other transporting vehicles. Many unwise people are responsible for it. They do not know or follow the rules and regulations of keeping our environment free from pollution. Environmental pollution can be classified in many ways. You are familiar with various aspects of air pollution, including harmful effects of acid rain. The total amount of car, which is moving in, a daily bases in Kabul city equals to 650000 vehicles. The cars and vehicles, which we use, are not nature friendly. They use diesel and petrol, which contain toxic smoke. Not only have the vehicles polluted our natural air but the unpaved roads are also a key factor in destroying and polluting out our nature.

Water is another important element of our environment. It is next to air. Water can be polluted in various ways. Farmers use chemical fertilizers in their fields to get better crops. Again they use insecticides to kill harmful insects that damage crops. These elements are washed away into rivers, canals and ponds. They get mixed with water and pollute it. Sometimes mills and factories throw their waste products containing poisonous chemicals into rivers, canals and ponds and thus pollute water. To fight against the pollution of water, sewage treatment plants must be built. We also must not allow any kind of poisonous chemicals and wastes to get mixed with water so that it can be kept clean and pure. Above all, laws should be made and properly executed for dumping of industrial waste. In our country the sewage system even does not exist in many parts of our country; the water which is used for drinking and cooking is unhygienic. Such water really threats the lives of people.

Water pollution is one of the most serious environmental problems. Water is contaminated by such substances as human and animal wastes, toxic industrial chemicals, agricultural residues, oil and heat. Most of our water bodies rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, estuaries and underground water sources (i.e., tube wells, bore wells) are gradually becoming polluted. It can be easily observed how deforestation, urbanization, intensive agriculture and industrialization have caused pollution of water bodies. In our country, people are unaware of filtering their drinking water. Afghanistan has several hygienic water foundations and resources which need to be driven inside our own borders; our country is a mountainous state where water is found in large scales. The natural and non-toxic water which comes from (Paghman, Panjsher) and other areas are sold by the people.  For the purpose of reducing and avoiding pollution from our country we need to bring awareness in our people; this is the  responsibility of every individual living on this land that they have to feel their duty and play  their role in making our country free from every kind of pollution; either that is natural, social and political pollution. Annually, thousands of our children are affected by different diseases that the key factors of such diseases either that is respiration, heart, lung or nerve is pollution for sure. We will never get rid of our problems until our people do not learn their roles in implementing laws in a society because government alone cannot perform the required tasks and do every single work. We are the backbone and the governing body of our government; it is on us to feel our responsibilities and do our level best in order to have a clean nature.

Zainab Ahmadi is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at zainab_ktz@yahoo.com

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