Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Disability and Inability Breed Poverty


Disability and Inability  Breed Poverty

Poverty in Afghanistan is widespread throughout rural and urban areas. The government estimates that 42 per cent of the country's total population lives below the national poverty line. Another 20 per cent of the people live just above that line and are highly vulnerable to the risk of falling into poverty.

Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world. Since the Soviet invasion in 1979, it has been the scene of a series of conflicts that have continued for three decades.

In spite of millions of dollars pouring in Afghanistan and discoveries of valuable mines in many geographical parts of the country, poverty still remains a big challenge. Even though, poverty paralyzes a society and breeds crimes and corruptions, government does not play its role responsibly regarding this case. The people who are living in misery, certainly, tend to commit crime so as to get rid of the wretched condition. Therefore, I think that there is a great cause for concern and the government should consider some budgets in solving this serious issue.

It will be a veiled mystery that there may be perilous gangsters who seem in the form of beggars chasing after chance to get something by hook or by crook. It is beyond doubt that people have to get bread and butter for remaining alive. Once again I emphasize that if they will not be able to get from the right way they have no other options but to choose the wrong way. Hence, they start stealing, kidnapping, selling themselves, killing people for their money, joining gangsters, etc. So, there are some who are affiliated to more dangerous criminals that are threatening the society. On the other hand, I can neither justify the filthy faces of the addicted beggars who are pretending to be sick or not to be addicted. Supporting such people is tantamount to supporting crime and corruption and it is wrong to be done.

I am still engrossed in the sad pictures of handicapped beggars pulling themselves in Kabul City, streets, bazaar etc. shouting for a penny to remain alive for some more days. The drops of sweat on their faces under the hot sun of Kabul are still being given cold shoulder by the passersby. In my opinion, what makes them capable of mercy is that either they are the victims of three decades war in Afghanistan whether belong to the same families and are mostly those who have lost the male head of their household. So, those who were on the verge of losing their lives why should lose their honors in the streets and be considered inferior rather than living honorable life.

There are an estimated 1 million Afghan widows. Their average age is 35, and 90 per cent of them have an average of four or more children. Without the protection of husbands, widows suffer from social exclusion in Afghanistan's patriarchal society. Many widows have no choice but to become beggars. Moreover, children aged five or under are the most vulnerable segment of Afghan society; as many as 50 percent of them suffer from chronic malnutrition.

There can be many reasons for the poverty in the country such as war, illiteracy, internal displacement, joblessness, disability and also annual increase of population. For example, Afghan households tend to be large. They include numerous children and several generations that share the same dwelling.

Government can deal with the problem by establishing rehabilitation centers (for handicapped), asylums and orphanages especially for those who are under age, however, forced by economic pressures in begging in the streets. Their future seems very dark and their generations will be born and fed in the streets as they are and will not only beg here and there but also breed crimes everywhere. If the government does not take action, the country will be in the grip of poverty for long time. Thus, I can claim with confidence that it is the responsibility of government officials to be fulfilled as soon as possible.

It is, indeed, a matter of question that why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer day by day? Despite chanting the slogan of democracy and freedom in the country, conducting election, voting, etc. still our country goes to the list of the most corrupt and dictatorial countries and our people taste the bitter fruit of election in such a way. In other words, it is the most injustice when the ballot of the people changes into bullet and fired back at them as it is being experienced in the country.

It is an undeniable fact that economy is the backbone of a society and economic changes results in political and cultural changes. The more a country is economically powerful the more it can claim independence. Although Afghanistan claims to be an independent country, it is still in need of support of foreign countries in many fields especially in the field of economy. As we are on the threshold of third presidential election and in 2014 many countries will bid farewell to the country, Afghanistan should stop relying upon other countries and stand on its own feet. This is possible by providing job opportunities for younger generations, developing trades and industries, developing agricultures, making use of natural resources, eliminating official corruptions, attaching importance to meritocracy and so on.

Poverty is also a curse in Islam. In Islam, poverty is the neighbor of infidelity and the followers are advised to be economically powerful. A quotation is said by a very close companion of Prophet Mohammad which says that when poverty knocks the door honesty escapes from the window. Islam realized it from the very beginning that a weak economy breeds corruption and that is why it is recommended to the Muslim Ummah to strengthen the infrastructure of their life which is economy. But it is a matter of surprise that in spite of Islamic recommendation, most of the Islamic countries are in the grip of poverty and it is a great misfortune.           

Hujjatullah Zia is an emerging writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at zia_hujjat@yahoo.com .

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