Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Solution to Syrian Tragedy Lies out of the Country


Solution to Syrian Tragedy  Lies out of the Country

The August 21 horrific chemical attacks in the Damascus suburb has dragged the 29 month Syrian crisis onto another cliff. Videos posted on social networks reflect the barbaric face of the ongoing crisis that broke out for the so-called democracy and economic reforms. However, there is no global standard measurement unit to determine how much democracy and economic reforms worth that a nation has to pay for to achieve them.

But no one may oppose the notion that such values do not worth the giant price Syrians are paying---more than hundred thousand dead and around two million refugees. That also when everyone seriously doubt about the reaching to publically acceptable political and economic system. Perhaps, even those who 29 months ago marched to street to voice out their anger against an authoritarian regime may regret seeing sufferings of men, women and children. They may cry blood seeing videos circulating in internet, showing beautiful children succumbing to their injuries and women losing their sons.

Without deep respect I have for modern values, including the right of people to choose and select their rulers and the system through free, fair and transparent process which reflect the ideas of all, the civil uprising was a mistake and taking arms to bring down the regime even worse. Syria from one of the relative powerful nation in the region has changed into a country that its residents should sell their daughters in order to avoid rape or depend on charity organizations.

Unfortunately, the situation has gone out of control for Syrians. It looks unwise to say that Syrians should hold back and forget all about democracy and economic reforms but the ongoing situation definitely will not lead to such objectives. The ongoing tragedy is led unfortunately by individuals other than Syrians. There are four scenarios all of them doomed to failure.

First: the radical supporters of President Assad who are of the view that government is in a stronger position and the continuance of war might finally end up to complete obliteration of rebellions. They are trying their best to motivate President Assad to keep tighter first on power and never compromise with his oppositions. Indeed, this wing from the very start of insurgency has tried to show that rebellions have no ground support rather they are stooges of foreign countries who are plotting to oust Assad regime. By branding rebellions as terrorists, they also tried to weaken their status at national and global levels.

Second scenario which is also supported by Assad supporter is this that the regime should remain strong enough to stand against insurgents but with difference that they, unlike the first group, support a diplomatic approach too. This think that the collapse of the government will led to uncontrollable consequences for the region and for the world. The main objective of this category is not elimination of oppositions rather they deem them as power that should be negotiated with. But negotiation should be made on regime terms and conditions. In another word, they have lost hope for complete crackdown of uprising due to span and depth of civilians’ dissent from the government.

The collapse of the regime means losing a close ally in the region and loss to their global and regional rivals. Russia spearheads this front albeit with cooperation of the first category. From the very start of uprising and growing support for rebellions, Russia and China have stood against the notion. They do not want to see that model of Libya be applied in Syria too.

So, according to them the regime of President Assad should not collapse rather it should be kept but should negotiate with oppositions. Meanwhile negotiations should not compromise the regime’s power rather President should remain in power till the end of his presidential incumbency. And he should facilitate and pave the way for a peaceful transition. This on one hand will prevent the certain wreak of havoc which may be released after the collapse of the central on other hand comparatively cheaper way to the crisis.

The third scenario which is supported by some Arab countries is based on the collapse of President Assad. This scenario indeed circulates over the notion that the regime has committed horrible crimes. It started to suppress its oppositions from the very start of uprising. Perhaps, if President Assad stepped aside, Syrians would not have suffered as they are now suffering---more than 100,000 dead and millions migrated to neighboring countries. In other words, he is blamed of crime against humanity and guilty for tens of death.

Such an issue has disqualified him to continue as a president. He lost the ground support. Thus, he should be toppled at all cost because he has no right to remain in power. Radical armed groups and many Arab countries indeed support this scenario. From the very start, they developed their strategy on a Syria without Assad. This theory was largely strengthened with oust of Presidents of Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. The calculation was this that President Assad regime was doomed to the destiny of three other regimes.

The fourth scenario for peace is empowerment of oppositions to a level that force the regime to strike a deal with them. President Assad frequently called armed opposition terrorists who are the stooges of Syria’s enemies. He rejected any call to sit with them and find a diplomatic solution to the problem. However, recently both sides pretend to hold peace talks but each side paid deaf ears to conditions of the other side or completely rejected. The earlier plan of Russia and US to bring together government and opposition, hoping to prevent bloodshed in the country, has now remained in the condition of uncertainty. The meeting was not held because both sides offered conditions that were not acceptable for the other side. Both sides are trying their best to appear from a stronger position thus intensifying struggle to capture large chunk of the country.

The only solution to the problem is the sympathy of neighboring and global countries to just give up interfering into domestic affairs of the country. The solution lies into kindness of countries trying to collapse the government or defeat oppositions that just give up dragging Syrians into swimming pool of blood. Training insurgents and pouring arms will not unravel the country from the imposed tragedy rather will deteriorate the situation. So, it would be so kind of involved countries that they should not shed crocodile tears for Syrians rather just pull back and let them to live with dignity rather than buying their daughters as servants.

Masood Korosh is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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