Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

A Pashto Song


A Pashto Song

Whenever I listen to this song, I can’t stop my tears fill my eyes and gush out of them and it leaves my heart sad for quite some time. I don’t know the singer of this song but it has been written and sung very nicely and its video clip is also heart-moving. Images of children, women and wounded sadden the heart and leaves behind their lasting impressions. The song is about the often-repeated case of suicide bombings and their resultant consequences. It also sheds light on the factors responsible for preparation of these suicide attackers and also pulls curtain from the character of ‘Mullah’ who is the main character of this song.

A teenager is depressed due to his poverty, joblessness, and ruins of houses around him. His father has died in the war and he is the only hope for the future of his family which includes of a sad mother, a younger sister and brother. Conditions are getting worse and he is constantly looking for an opportunity to escape. One day, while he is sitting in the mosque, a preacher starts his lecture. He is wearing a beautiful smile on his face and he is very good in narrating stories beautifully and persuading people for a targeted work. Just like him, there are also present some more youngsters who seem hypnotized by the speech of Mullah. The youngster returns home and asks his mother for permission to go for a journey. On her mother’s inquiry, he tells ‘Today, Mullah Sahib talked about paradise. He told that there are beautiful young girls and the most beautiful girl of world cannot compete their beauty. These beautiful girls are anxiously waiting for those who would enter the paradise and then they will shower them with all their love and intimacy. These beautiful girls feel proud on those who will enter the paradise and they will try their best to win their heart. Then, there are rivers of honey and wine flowing in the paradise and those who will enter the paradise will be able to enjoy these all the times. In short, this paradise is the place of bounties and happiness and there would be no place for worries and sufferings. Oh my dear mother, please permit me to go there. Mullah Sahib has said that he will give me with a key that will open the gates of heaven and then I will be staying in that place forever and ever ’.  

Eyes of the mother are filled with tears and she says, ‘Oh my dear son! If you went, who will look after your widowed mother, your young and crying sister and brother? Who will look after this old and falling house of ours? We are already dying of hunger and all our hopes are pinned to you and if you also left, how would we be able to survive? Who would wipe the tears of your brother who is crying of hunger? Who would support your sister who expects you to be with her when she will grow up? ‘

‘If going to paradise is so good then why don’t these Mullahs themselves go there? If it is such a great honor then why don’t these people of honor win the same for themselves and their family members? ‘

Oh my dear son! Those who ask you to wear this jacket and go to paradise, live in grand houses and ride expensive cars. Except for their appearance, they do each and everything just like their foreign masters. They are asking you to go to paradise while their own sons and daughters are in being educated in the best institutes of the world.’

‘Oh my son! This is a fire that is going to be given in your hand and you are going to be assigned with duty to torch the houses of innocents. Please my dear son! Don’t be the fuel of this furnace. Don’t kill yourself for the aims of those who are going to exploit you till the last drop of your blood. Don’t kill the innocents for pleasing the others. This fire will engulf all the houses and burn down the crops in the fields. This will all be done for pleasing their foreign masters and they will be rewarded for their work. You will die in a cause that will bring more calamities to your family but it will help them grow and prosper.’

‘Don’t be a weapon in hands of cruel to kill the innocent children, crying women, and helpless men.  Don’t kill those who come to mosque for praying. If you did so, your old mother would also die crying after you. If you stained your hands with the blood of others, your mother would never excuse the rights of her milk. Your mother would never excuse the drudgery of all those nights that she remained awake because of you. Stay here and be the supporter of your mother in her old age’.

The sad song finishes and leaves behind its strange sad feelings. The pictures of all those who are bathed in their own blood in a suicide attack repeatedly comes in front of one’s eyes and all these impressions are further enhanced by the sad music of the song.

This song brings a number of questions in a pondering mind. How these people are trained who willingly tie the suicide vest and blow themselves in public? How their minds are controlled and what are the strategies used for the purpose? Why majority of the young suicide bombers belong to poor families who cannot afford their food and education and send them to places where they become the victim of those who are looking for such innocent minds? How much it is logical that their innocent and immature minds are made to believe that they will certainly go to paradise after the suicide attack and thus they are given with a key to open the gates of paradise? Why not ever their motivators or their close relatives carry out the same suicide attack? Why the schools and bridges are blown when their own children are getting educated in the most modern schools and they daily pass over the bridge in their luxury cars? Why don’t they quit their luxury life if they persuade a young man to quit the world entirely?

These and many other questions have sparked a series of thoughts in minds of many and now questions are being raised from different corners of the country. Jihad or fighting in the way of Allah is a noble cause and it must be appreciated but the brutal and senseless acts being undertaken in the name of Jihad are defaming and degrading Islam. On the other hand, it is also turning the hearts and feelings of many against this noble cause and soon a time will come when people would not be ready to even mention its name. It is also evident that such acts are making us weak day by day while it is helping our enemies to increase their influence and grow strong. We will have to open our eyes before it gets too late!

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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