Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Election – a Key to Prosperity


Election – a Key to Prosperity

Afghans are waiting impatiently with gleam of hope and desire sparkling in their eyes for the presidential election of 2014. They are longing to breathe a sigh of relief in the presence of democracy - the only desired ambition of our war-weary compatriots. Of course, burning amidst of violence and bloodshed for three decades is tremendously tiresome. In addition, people are still bleeding by the cruel bullets of insurgents and it is a great cause for concern. The fragile political structure of the country is highly worrisome for the citizens.

In addition, businessmen are living under ominous shadow of fear and threat. It is too hard for the rich class of the country to trust the current situation for investment. They are being threatened, warned, kidnapped and even killed by unknown armed groups and the reaction of government ends in denouncing or even turning blind eyes to the incidents. They are living within a hallo of horror and nightmare bereft of freedom and mental comfort. Therefore, business companies are being terminated and economy of the country is faltering. Ultimately, our younger generations are wandering here and there in pursuit of jobs without a single care of the government.

Meanwhile, the insurgents are seeking prey eagerly in different parts of the country. Taliban, al-Qaeda and unknown armed groups are, blood-thirstily, victimizing innocent people on the pretext of wrong-doings or wrong beliefs or just to satiate their evil nature by the blood of people no matter men, women or children. Horror and terror are challenging people’s life which mostly results in tragic incidents caused by missing their dear and sweet members of their families. Ensuing the withdrawal of foreign forces, the graph of terrorist acts in parallel with civilians’ casualties are going high and higher every day. In short, instability is a widespread challenge throughout the country.

It is hoped that the upcoming presidential election will open a door of practical democracy to the country rooting out patriarchal system from the society. Of course, people think that the election will heal the bleeding wound of the war by a democratized system. Stabilizing the country is the most significant issue of the present time to be done as soon as possible. People wish to embrace democracy in a secure milieu by stepping keenly towards ballot boxes on the Election Day. People hope that their ballots will gain victory over bullets which are targeting the innocent civilians time and again. Election means, widening social mobility, centralizing the role of people and providing a golden chance for them to decide the future president, therefore, it gives people a sense of strength and power.

Forming of coalitions by political elites is demonstrating unity amongst multi-national groups regardless of race or tribe. Standing of all Afghan leaders, Jihadi and non-Jihadi, beside one another is a symbol of brotherhood and tolerance which forces gushes of tear to one’s eyes. It is hoped that Afghan leaders are moving with the intention of joining forces together to decide wisely for a better future. May this hope is not dashed by any political leaders.

It is beyond doubt that elections are rooted in democratic communities legalizing a power and giving legitimacy to a government by people’s votes and authorities. Hence, people are playing very crucial role in an election when it is conducted in a fair and transparent manner. For the purpose of electing a qualified leader, our people must consider meritocracy regardless of race, tribe, political parties... otherwise they are harming themselves and many others in the country. Those who vote on the ground of race or political parties are the corrupt part of the society. As far as the political maturity of our people is on rise, it is hoped that they will vote to a qualified and honest person.

An ideal society is a utopia which will never come in the real world and therefore besides positive aspects of the society the negative aspects are also supposed to be discussed for being dealt with. I cannot deny the challenges of election ahead of people. On one hand the jockeying of politicians for gaining power and position, and on the other hand the instability of the country which restricts the polling stations and deprives some people from voting are causes for great concern. Moreover, the restricted number of women participants is another issue which is worthy of mention. In addition, the widespread historical disease of stratification based on race and wealth is still circulating amongst Afghan people which is highly painful. Indeed, some paradoxical issues existing in the society make it hard to pass judgment over the future. Meanwhile, such paradoxes decrease the percentages of one’s guess and prediction about the future.

In spite of the last two decades, which did not bear ripe fruits for the country, people still stand determined for voting on the next election. This proverb is said wisely that Rome wasn’t built on a day. It is not possible to make the country overnight rather it is a long process to go towards perfection step by step. The upcoming election is, certainly, another step towards development and democracy. Every election is mostly a milestone in a country which brings positive changes in political systems and same is the case with the election of our country. Analysts and politicians express their ideas optimistically regarding the election and its outcome. Anyhow, according to common beliefs, the maximum of the individuals are in favor of elections and ready to vote.

Anyhow, I really appreciate the positive outlook of people and their optimistic opinions about the outcome of the upcoming election. Even though, the graph of violence is on rise, but nonetheless they do not feel disappointed. Their positive attitude towards election, smacks of their political maturity and it is an improvement in our community. Finally, I would like to say that Afghan citizens are highly responsible to do their parts against any challenges going on in the country.

Hujjatullah Zia is an emerging writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at zia_hujjat@yahoo.com.

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