Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire


Out of the Frying  Pan into the Fire

In retrospect, the conflagration and massacre of the dark days of war by Taliban’s regime will never fade into oblivion. Afghan people recoil with fear and hatred whenever the sad memories of the militants’ callous actions flash through their minds. Widows still wince at the memory of how harshly their husbands were beheaded and the tearful eyes of orphans bespeak of the regime’s heinous crime. Likewise, the painful wounds of mothers’ hearts are bleeding for missing their dears and the anger of revenge is boiling up inside the victims’ party. The nightmarish image of the bloody incidents and tragic death of innocent people is too difficult to put into words.

To people’s chagrin, the release of second-in-command Mullah Bradar, one of the four men who founded the Taliban movement in Afghanistan in 1994, casts an ominous shadow on the country. Moreover, in spite of amnesty declared by Afghan President, Hamid Karzai, for Taliban’s prisoners, the plight of instability and suicide attacks by Taliban-led insurgents does not only remain unabated but also rapidly increasing in intensity. It is believed that the Taliban’s prisoners release is not a panacea for the current instability which is going on in the country.   

Ensuing President’s trip to Pakistan, when he asked Pakistan Prime Minister for Mullah Bradar’s release, Afghan parliamentarians criticized the President’s demand. Unfortunately, their voice faced deaf ears and did not last long. According to common knowledge, maximum of Afghan citizens also evinced disinterest in Taliban’s prisoners’ release, however, the will of Mr. President were not only foisted upon the citizens but also on their representatives. In short, the demand of Afghan President has been fulfilled by Pakistani officials and it was praised by Afghan President and foreign minister. 

It is a matter of concern when the great and continuous kindness of our President meets inflexibility of Taliban. However, our President struggles twenty-four/seven to save Taliban’s life; they ungratefully bite the hand that feeds them. As a result, in spite of Mr. President’s demand, to join government and take part in election, Taliban militants targeted Kunduz Provincial head of Independent Election Commission (IEC), Amanullah Aman, the highest-ranking IEC official to be killed ever since the ouster of Taliban government in 2001, reports say. Hence, they are pushing the security situation in political turbulence.

There is no clear outlook for political officials about the outcome of the Taliban’s release. This is a highly complicated scenario. Most officials foresee that the released militants will rejoin their groups for reorganizing terrorist attacks in Islamic countries, especially Afghanistan. But the policy adopted by Afghan President is in the intention of accelerating peace process.

It is beyond a shadow of a doubt that the legitimacy of Hamid Karzai’s government is under question and Taliban still treat the country as a puppet government. They have always refused to sit on the table of negotiation with Afghan officials. Furthermore, they will never give up terrorist acts and terrorizing Afghan police and civilians.

It seems very naïve and self-deceptive to release the militants’ prisoners, despite their denial to accept negotiation. How paradoxical! The more terrorist acts escalate and the demands for peace talk are denied, the more militants are released and the tone for negotiation softens. Many deals with Taliban for peace process met debacles and further exchanges or amnesty will not bear fruit either. It is feared that this so-called peace process will make the government face abortive outcome or, at least, political stagnation.

To juxtapose the words ‘Taliban’ with ‘peace’ will not match a sensible thought and seems no more than a words game. The history of Taliban’s regime is replete with violence and blood. Likewise, the hearts of people are fraught with excruciating pain and bitter memories of the dark days of the war. The perilous ghost of horror and terror is haunting the minds of the regime’s survivors. In other words, it is very nauseous to remember the ugly image of cruelty and bloodshed enforced by Taliban militants. Hence, let’s not delude ourselves by shaking friendly hands with Taliban insurgents. 

It is good to have sympathy with our compatriots, as Mr. President said regarding Mullah Bradar’s release that an Afghan citizen was behind bar out of country and I demanded his release. But many questions remain as, what is his fault? Isn’t it a right thing if he stands on trial for being guilty of many innocent civilians’ murder?  What about those who missed their family members? What about many more people who are staying behind bars for no clear fault or not having anyone to release them? The questions remain unanswered or maybe I do not know about policy.

Releasing enemies debilitate the political structure and destabilize the country day by day. There is no assurance if Mullah Bradar and other released militants will not join their ex-groups again for reorganizing attacks on the country. If it happens so, our political officials will be going to the wrong path with the intention of stabilizing the country. Moreover, if this last try bears bitter fruit, then there will be no other way left for political officials other than launching a heavy military operation against terrorists.

Even though, I have expressed pessimistically concerning the release of Taliban’s prisoners. I would like to say that it is too hard to foresee the exact outcome of the issue. But, considering the current situation of the country and past experiences, one will conclude with the same opinions. In other words, as security is the basic right of a citizen, people are deprived of this asset and falling victim for terrorist act every day. The graph of violence is very high in the country. Taking the past into consideration, the officials were deluded by the fatal conspiracy of the militants which resulted in the loss of the ex- head of High Peace Council Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani. Hence, how is it possible to remain optimist especially when the head of the militant group is released? 

Hujjatullah Zia is the newly emerging writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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