Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Horrifying and pleasing faces!


Horrifying and  pleasing faces!

Outside, the air was cold, but inside the room, a heater was burning slowly at a corner, giving all a pleasant feeling. We had just finished a very delicious dinner and now tea was being served. It was the house of one of my friends and we had managed to assemble with our friends after a long time. A friend of mine had started a story in the continuation of dinner which had immediately caught our attention. As we finished with the dinner, he again started his story. The story was like this, ‘Many years ago, I was working in a local telecom company and as a routine of our operations, I was regularly sent to remote areas. Once, when I was in office, I was asked to leave to a city immediately. The city was at a distance of four hours’ drive so I came out where the driver was waiting for me with vehicle of the company. When we were in the middle of our journey, we were stopped at a police check post. The police officer came to me and said that we should drop his friend to the city where we were heading. I politely told him that it was the vehicle of company, and as per company policies, I couldn’t give lift to anyone, even my own relatives. This at once enraged the police officer and he ordered us to park the vehicle at a side. Then he and two of his soldiers came and made thorough inspection of the car. They also checked our bags and even our pockets but found nothing to put us into trouble. Then he asked us about our company and when I told him the name of company, he said to me in contempt, “Hmm, many years ago, the system of your company ate away my 600 dollars. Now, until you don’t repay me this amount, I won’t let you move from here.” I tried to explain him that it was not in our hand and he should better register his complaint at one of our offices, but he did not listen to me properly. With this he moved forward and entered his room. For a moment or two, I also got angry and was about to go to his room and start an argument, that I thought for a while and stopped myself. My driver was also angry and he also wanted me to do something but I decided to watch and wait. I silently sat in the vehicle and kept waiting. After about an hour, a soldier came and informed us that we had been allowed to leave.’

‘It was another day that we were passing from a barren area. Dark shadows of evening were slowly approaching. The area was very dangerous and accompanied dangers of both thieves and wild animals. At once, our vehicle started missing and after taking a few heavy breaths, it stopped. Driver stepped down and told that something was wrong with its engine. Increasing darkness made us both very concerned. I walked for some time and reached to a place where a person was closing down his hut. He was the only mechanic of this small village and used to repair the cars that passed by. I went to him and told him about the problem. He said that he had closed the hut and it was late for him. I tried a lot to persuade him but he did not listen to me. At last, I requested him to give us a few tools that we may use. He looked a bit hesitant and at last gave me something. When I came running, the darkness had completely occupied the sky. With all the difficulties, we fixed the car and moved forward and late at night, reached somewhere that was comparatively safer.’

When my friend was talking, I was busy in noticing the changes in his tone and facial expressions. He had the same innocence and modesty that he might have displayed while facing that arrogant officer. There was not present even a tinge of frustration, arrogance or desire for revenge either on his face or in his words. He narrated the story with the calmness and serenity that was surprising to me. From the eyes of my heart, I was able to imagine him sitting in the seat of the car, with the calmness on his face that is gifted to those who have a firm belief in the power of goodness.

The more I imagined him and the two situations that he had been through, the more I felt my belief growing rich about the powers of goodness. In these two situations, he had come up with two disgusting situations when he was left absolutely vulnerable to become the victim of rage, disagreement and quarrel but instead of these, he resorted to the powers of goodness and showed patience, tolerance and fighting the evil with the good.

Powers of goodness cannot be imagined by mere theories or by narrating stories unless one rises to the peak of his humanity and faces the forces of evil with the power of patience and goodness.

There is a famous Indian song that says, “Whatever the person says, his words follow him till his last breath and whatever the prayers and happiness he gives to others or take from others, these prayers and good deeds follow him for the rest of his life.”

These deeds make such lasting effects that one can always feel and see them in a person. I was trying in my mind to imagine the mental and spiritual conditions of both my friend and the police officer. He was calm and happy even after a number of years because of the good deeds while it was not difficult to imagine the condition of the police officer as well. On the occasion, he was angry and frustrated and when he entered the room and sank in his chair, he was still under the stress and pressure. I am confident that even after so many years, the memories of his bad behavior might have the same effects as it had on the first day.

You might have heard that whenever a villain is needed for a movie, director of the film looks for a person who should be having a face full of nastiness and with his immediate appearance, at once arouses a feeling of disgust among the viewers. It was the reason why, a person with a pleasing appearance never became successful in such a role while some actors were repeatedly chosen as their faces were absolutely suitable for the role.

In the old sayings of all the religions, there is emphasis on the good deeds and criticism of bad deeds. This work has been done so much repeatedly that one wonders why there was a need of such a repeated emphasis and this comes out that a bad or good deed, however miner it is, leaves its permanent traces and long-lasting effects on one’s personality.

It is thus said that we should not miss a single chance of doing good with others, however small it maybe. Similarly, we should be very careful as not to deprive anyone of his right, no matter how small this cruelty maybe.

The above points bring one more point into our minds. If a frightening face can arouse disgust in us, a smiling face will definitely have very positive and pleasing effects. This easy work we can start right now!

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook. He can be reached at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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