Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Society and Culture


Society and Culture

The hustle and bustle of modernity and technology caused tremendous changes in societies and lifestyles. The cultural values and norms are in the process of great changes all over the world. Even though, some modern societies have remained mono-cultural such as Japan which shows a high cultural homogeneity, nonetheless, many industrial societies experience great changes and varieties or turn to multicultural societies. Our country is one of the multicultural societies which is making a swift movement towards changes. Regardless of the traditional backgrounds that our society has, the changes are embraced by the citizens despite the possibility of negative impacts.

I am not going to pass judgment over the values and norms of the cultures targeting our people. ‘Cultural relativism’ in sociological terminology, means to get distance from ethnocentrism. Therefore, judging others’ culture on the basis of comparing one’s own cultural values and norms is not a right measurement. Cultural relativism is not only hard but also makes one face hard questions, such as, does cultural relativism mean that all traditions, customs, and attitudes possess equal legitimacy? Are there any common rules that all people around the world will follow them? These questions will be answered shortly.

Let’s consider the rules and policy of Taliban’s regime regarding women. Women experienced bitterly the tough and strict rules during the dictatorial regime of Taliban. Their walking, talking, clothing and presenting in public were under serious control. They had to wear burqa while going out. Moreover, they did not have the right to study in schools or work outside. Such attitudes were condemned by Islamic clergies. In spite of condemnation of international community, Taliban were in the intention of founding a sound and pure society, wherein the dignity and position of women should be considered. So, is the policy of Taliban regarding women acceptable? There is no solution for the issues wherein the cultural values and norms are not in accordance with each other. Hence, judging about others’ cultural values is in vain.

I am not going to talk about agrarian or pastoral cultures or about 6000 years B.C. however, after the mentioned year civilization emerged in the societies. Civilization appeared by the development of cities and tremendous difference in power and wealth.

Industrialization is one of the most controversial issues which caused great changes within societies. Industrialization disturbed the privacy of people’s life and brought urban people into towns and cities. Many abandoned their villages and as well as their traditional lifestyles for cities and working in companies, offices and markets. Their social contacts were developing, and mostly the employees were in contact with the people they did not know.

Anyhow, the societies are in process of social changes. There are many factors which cause this change, such as physical environment, political organization, and cultural factors.

Regarding physical environment, people are supposed to adopt a lifestyle in accordance with seasonal conditions. For example the residents of Alaska normally have different lifestyles for the cold winter from those who live in tropical countries of Mediterranean Sea. Moreover, they plan their work schedules carefully in accordance with the weather and environment.

The second factor is political organization. Across any countries, the roles of politicians, leaders and kings put an effectual impact on the process of a society’s development. For example, military power plays fundamental role in stability of a country.

The third effective factor is cultural factors such as religion and the system of relations and leaderships. Religion can play the role of a strong power or a setback. Some beliefs and religious acts have played their roles as barriers against social changes whereas this factor has energized a society to move towards social changes as well.

As our country is moving towards social changes, what is the role of our religion here?  I think our religion has been marginalized and plays no role in social changes. It is supposed that our religion play its role as setback, since many social changes are in contrast with the moral standards of our country. The tendencies of our compatriots towards immoral changes are none of religious business.

It is beyond the shadow of doubt that adopting others’ cultural values and norms and departing from one’s own culture is too much hard. For example if one goes to another country which is practicing different culture, s/he will be wandering in ambiguity and face cultural shock. Unfortunately, adopting different types of culture is very common in our society. People, especially our younger generations are adopting modernity, which is a new cultural element in our country, to label him/her modern and up-to-date. Our people embrace banal cultures regardless of the deadly impact which will harm the society. 

It is normal that after restrictions and deprivations, when a door opens to free all the restricted and deprived people, the freed people will go towards different points mostly to enjoy their freedoms. They walk just for pleasure and the direction is not important for them. Same is the case with our country. People were in the chain of brutality, deprived of their basic rights and were in great restriction. So, presently that they are out of restrictions, walk towards different points just to feel free. Moreover, such type of using freedom will lead the society to danger of immorality and impiety.

I think this secular-like movement is out of the religious realm. If people walk out of the frame of religious laws, they will surely increase crime and corruption across the country. It is so painful to see that the role of religion is being debilitated day by day in our social and individual life and lifestyles. The more our people get distance from the religious laws, the more they approach moral decline. So, we are supposed to revive the religious instructions and guidance in our society by practicing upon them. Likewise wandering in dark and tortuous street will lead one to great jeopardy. Otherwise, if the same trend continues, the country will be on alert of immoralities.  

Hujjatullah Zia is the newly emerging writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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