Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Diseases and Reactions to Them


Diseases and Reactions to Them

It is natural that every human being gets sick. Getting sick is the evidence that there are imperfections in human physiology, and the systems and the organs functioning in human body have to face difficulties and disturbances every now and then. These diseases are of different kinds and they affect people in different ways. There are few diseases which can be termed as major – some can even cause death, while there are some others which are minor and negligible. At the same time, there are different reasons of why people get sick; mostly it is their interaction with external world that makes them sick. There are viruses and bacteria that get in human bodies during this interaction and cause turbulence. Though human beings have immune system that has the capacity to fight with these viruses and bacteria, on certain occasions they dominate them and show their strength.

As there are myriads of diseases, there are myriads of responses to them as well. Different people react differently when they suffer from diseases. Some become very much depressed and pessimistic, while there are others who neglect even serious diseases. It is interesting to note that the reactions of different people have different sorts of effects on the diseases. The ones who fight bravely with the diseases, get rid of them easily, while others who become too much depressed are bound to live with their diseases longer. It seems like the attitude through which the individuals react to the diseases has direct influence on the immune system.

Then there are other sorts of reactions as well. There are few who waste no time and before they are completely sick, they reach to the doctors for treatment, while there are some others who do not like going for any sort of treatment, and let the diseases cure with the passage of time. And there are many people who do not opt only for the scientific medical treatment.

There are people visit religious specialists who have their own ways of treatment, mostly treating the people by reciting some verses from the Holy Books, or given the patients talisman, which they wear or tie with their cloths. Sometimes, some verses are written on a piece of paper which is dipped into the water and drunk by patient. These are only some of the ways; there are many other interesting ones as well. These sorts of treatments can be best linked with the concept that the diseases in human bodies are because of the wrath of God, or because of the some actions by men that are not in accordance to the teachings of scriptures, therefore, the efforts are made to end that wrath. These are the concepts that are actually from the ancient times that still persist in some of the religious countries.

Then there is homeopathic system of treatment that tries to treat the patients with alternative medicine. The system was basically introduced by Samuel Hahnemann in 1796 and it is based on the concept that a substance that causes symptoms of a disease in healthy people will heal similar symptoms in sick people, as well. The system is not based on true science and the scientists and medical doctors mostly do not believe in its usefulness. Nonetheless, there are thousands of people around the world who follow this type of treatment.

There are some people who believe in some other forms of treatments as well. Among them the treatment through exercise, meditation, yoga, acupuncture, and witchcraft are the most dominant ones. These all endeavors show that human beings are not very comfortable with diseases and they want to get rid of them in every possible way. In fact the urge of human beings to cure their disease has given rise to different types of treatments. As the well-known Russian Writer Leo Tolstoy says, “No disease suffered by a live man can be known, for every living person has his own peculiarities and always has his own peculiar, personal, novel, complicated disease, unknown to medicine -- not a disease of the lungs, liver, skin, heart, nerves, and so on mentioned in medical books, but a disease consisting of one of the innumerable combinations of the maladies of those organs. This simple thought could not occur to the doctors (as it cannot occur to a wizard that he is unable to work his charms) because the business of their lives was to cure, and they received money for it and had spent the best years of their lives on that business. But above all that thought was kept out of their minds by the fact that they saw they were really useful [...] Their usefulness did not depend on making the patient swallow substances for the most part harmful (the harm was scarcely perceptible because they were given in small doses) but they were useful, necessary, and indispensable because they satisfied a mental need of the invalid and those who loved her -- and that is why there are, and always will be, pseudo-healers, wise women, homoeopaths, and allopaths. They satisfied that eternal human need for hope of relief, for sympathy, and that something should be done, which is felt by those who are suffering.” 
It is also one of the basic human rights to have access to better health and every country in the world must make sure that there are people are provided with health facilities. There are so many aspects of life that are directly linked with better health. Herophilus believes, “When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied.” With such importance of health, it is necessary that in our country Afghanistan the authorities must make sure to provide best health facilities to the people so that they have the capability to fight lethal diseases. What Harry S. Truman had said is required for our country as well - “We should resolve now that the health of this nation is a national concern; that financial barriers in the way of attaining health shall be removed; that the health of all its citizens deserves the help of all the nation.” 

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at Outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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