Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Let’s Make our Society


Let’s Make our Society

Auguste Comte, a French mastermind, believes in social organism regarding the society. In other words, he believes that society also passes through three periods like human beings which are infancy, maturity and senility. He illustrates that medieval age was the stage of infancy, Renaissance was the stage of maturity and modern age is the stage of senility. Hence, we live in a senile and grown society. Meanwhile, he believes that along with these three physical stages, society also experiences three more psychological stages too, which are theological, metaphysical and positivism or educational stages. In theological stage, people believed in supernatural causes rather than natural ones. For example primitive people believed that certain inanimate objects have a will of their own and possess some magical powers. In philosophical or metaphysical stages, people were attributing the cause of social changes to abstract factors rather than concrete ones. In the third stage, people logically seek the causes of changes and phenomena in real factors and discover the root causes. Moreover, the three psychological evolutions take place parallel with three physical evolutions in the mentioned order.

In addition, August Comte lived in critical age. In other words, he lived in a society which was deep in chaos and social disorder. The enormous havoc of French Revolution in 18th century, caused social fragment i.e. the previous law and order fell into ruin and no new law was constitutionalized in its real meaning yet. I have mentioned this because it is believed that our country is also experiencing social fragment and political convulsion. The three decades war played havoc in our society and yet our people are burning painfully in the same furnace. To the consternation of the citizens, however people suffer from economic strain, political instability, violent insurgency, etc. none of the political leaders raise eyebrow.

To compound the puzzle, the showdown of national contradictions is easily tangible amongst the political parties. Undeniably, the hot issue of the election has overshadowed all the challenges going on in the country. The salience of political contradictions, which may lead to ethnic tension, is shattering the hopes of our people and causes disagreements. Moreover, the veneer and façade of political figures put people in dilemma of joining a certain group.

In the ups and downs of multi-political setups and waves of atrocities and cruelties within the last three decades of war, especially in the time of the Taliban’s regime, our people suffered to a large extent. After the fall of the Taliban’s regime, their radical setup was also demolished. However, still we face manifold challenges across the country, such as instability, poverty, social disorders, human frailties and cultural vulnerability. In other words, our country is faced political stagnant and the difficulties remain unabated. Therefore, we are suffering from social fragment.

In case of living in a disordered society, normally there will arise many questions in one’s mind, such as what are the causes of disorders? How can the society revert to an ordered situation? Have the disorders happened in accident? Do social phenomena lack law and order? These questions pave the way for solutions. Now, as we are in the grip of disorders in our country, these are the questions that we should ask ourselves. Meanwhile, we should find the solutions so as to bring stable social and political structures.

Furthermore, Auguste Comte was also the founder of humanism. He believes that if people decide instead of gods and bring changes in their society by their own rather than waiting for gods or metaphysical factors, the society will move towards development. Of course, according to him people must play their paramount role in their society so as to gain prosperity in their life. He believes that the role of people is far more significant than the role of gods in the society. In short, the more people struggle, the better changes they will bring.

So, now we live in modern age and the age of metaphysic and post-maturity. Hence, in this age, it will be very naïve of one who attributes social changes to supernatural causes. We are supposed to find out the real causes and in case of negative changes, we should eradicate the factors. Likewise, we are highly responsible to play our roles positively for the betterment of the society. So, it is time to stop ifs and buts and every single person is morally responsible not to neglect their accountabilities.

In addition, I am tired of pointing my finger, too much, to the government officials and political leaders. It is really easy job to sit and inveigh or rail against the officials for one reason or another. I am sure that it is not only me but many more people who grow the same habits. Of course, our right as citizens for freedom of speech is inviolable, however, how long should we continue this futile manner? 

It is hoped strongly that our younger generation will build the society. It won’t be paradoxical to my other sayings to state that, in the current relatively secure environment of the country, the only things which can force smile on my lips are the energies and struggles of our younger generation. Besides many challenges that lie ahead of our citizens, I cannot deny the tangible progress of our youths, especially in the field of education. Presently, they are the only panacea for the wounded hearts of Afghan people.

On the other hand, election is also a barometer of the political structure if our politicians do not forget the bitter experiences throughout the history. I am not contradicting myself and, certainly, the remissness of our politicians is beyond doubt. However, I am talking on the matters of ifs and buts that, if our politicians learn from the history and all the misfortunes, they will play their role differently. The ethnic violence, tribal disagreements, religious sensitivities, etc. all led the society to murder and bloodshed. Moreover, now we only rue the past and the deadly incidents which victimized our people mercilessly.

Hujjatullah Zia is the newly emerging writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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