Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Habits of Prophets and Pharaohs


Habits of Prophets and Pharaohs

A turbulent earthquake shook the part of the country and demolished many cities and thousands of small villages. The magnitude of earthquake was so high that thousands of people died and the quake left behind many more injured and homeless. Everywhere there were signs of misery and disaster. Debris of the demolished houses and buildings covered the roads and streets. Those who had survived in this disaster were in bad shape. They were injured, had no shelter, no food and water to eat and most dangerously, were in a state of mental and emotional shock. They had seen the buildings falling down on their loved ones and could not help their loved ones when they were shouting for help from beneath the bricks and mortar. They shouted for many hours and in the end, their voices became silent. Although the government agencies were there to help but they were also helpless as all the ways were blocked and carrying heavy machinery was impossible. People from different corners of the country poured in to help and rescue the survivors.

Soon campaigns were started in different corners of the country and people started collecting blankets, medicine, clothes, edibles, and other necessary things to their countrymen. After a few weeks when the victims of earthquake were supplied with sufficient items of living, another important requirement was perceived. Majority of the victims were in shock and despair and there was need of psychologists and writers who could try to bring their emotional condition to normalcy and turn them back to the normal life. For this purpose, many psychologists, scholars and writers were sent to the affected area. A writer was also requested to go the area for helping the people. He was very famous in the country and every where he was given due respect and attention. When he was about to leave for the area, his teacher called him and said, ‘You are going to meet people who are not only less than you in education but they are also under the pressure and burden of their losses. When you go there, don’t start acting as if you are more literate and acknowledged than them and don’t try to over-burden them by your knowledge and don’t make them feel that they are less than you. They are in pain and loss and try to give them love and affection as these qualities make the people feel better and uplift their spirits.’

It is natural that when one achieves something after efforts of many years and develops a quality which makes one distinctive than others, he naturally develops a habit of showing it off. This achievement or quality may be educational, may be business success, and may be reaching to a high post in an office or others. With the passage of time this feeling becomes so intense that it covers the entire personality of a person and at all the times and on all the occasions, he simply remains a writer, a poet, a successful businessman, a top official and others but not a common man at all.

A few days before, we had a dinner at a fine restaurant. The dinner was in the honor of a person who was a senior official in one of the embassies of Afghanistan in Europe. The man had a dashing personality with a fine suit, an elegant watch and a latest smart phone. More than a dozen people were invited on the occasion and they all appeared to be abnormally impressed from the person. This setup automatically reminded him of his status and it looked as if an officer was sitting in the company of his flattering inferiors. Then an interesting thing happened. This diplomat asked a person about something and the man sitting next to him started telling him about that. But after a few moments, the diplomat took his mobile and started checking his something in it. The man badly felt that he was ignored and had no option except to turn his face to the others and complete his answer.

A few days before, an interesting topic was being discussed in a gathering of friends. The topic was about the habits of people who talk too much. Many interesting findings were shared in the gathering. Turkmenistan is our neighboring country. This oil rich country contains one of the most suitable conditions for the living. Foreign exchange is flowing into the country, the country is big and wide, population is very less and a strong government doesn’t let the political disturbances to come into existence. There is not present any fear of terrorism and other similar problems which our country is facing badly. Even if people don’t work at all, they are given enough support by the government to run their families. In short, people don’t know about different problems of life like energy shortages, security problems, inflation and others and thus people have sufficient time to sit and talk with each other. Those who have seen the citizens of the country agree that they are very talkative and good at talking for hours with each other. This is the result of too much relaxed and comfortable life.

Then someone told us about the tribal chiefs of our country. Wherever the chief sits, a number of people from the village surround him who listen and praise whatever stupid things he says and in the end, the chief develops a habit of talking only and not listening. This is not something new as the Kings of old times were also in the same habit.

As we saw above, this habit comes into existence when a person is given too much importance and the person doesn’t have tendency to hold up this importance and so he develops this habit of feeling too much important. This problem is not limited to the poor villagers who give extraordinary importance to the tribal chief but also to the dwellers of city who are not literate enough to realize their own importance and give unfair and unnatural attention to someone who is superior to them in any regard.

When a person develops this habit, he greatly annoys the people around him. In order to show his importance, he would definitely do one of these stupid things; in every matter or discussion, he would always consider his views to be perfect and if others listen or not, he would keep talking. Secondly, he would never give importance to the viewpoints of others and would be very poor in listening to them. Third, he would be very poor in social gatherings and interaction and would not be able to sit with people who are not ready to flatter him and listen to his stupid ideas.

The problem starts when we reach to a high post but at the same time, our level of knowledge and acceptable manner and behavior doesn’t grow and we start acting in a queer manner. Similarly, feeling yourself superior to others is another problem that doesn’t let you to sit with people like a common person.

This proud and stupid style was of Pharaohs who wore strange clothes, sit on high thrones and did other different things to appear superior to the common people. While prophets always used to sit among the common people like one of them. Today, Pharaohs are laughed at due to their stupid habits while people respect the prophets and their teachings due to their good qualities. Same kind of treatment would be done with us as the laws of nature never change.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook. He can be reached at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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