Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Moral Degradation of Afghan Leaders


Moral Degradation  of Afghan Leaders

The preliminary list of candidates was released by Independent Election Commission (IEC) last week. From total 26 people who registered names to run the 2014 presidential election, only ten of them were recognized as qualified candidates. The rest were rejected mostly on account of having double citizenships. However, it is not clear whether the rejected candidates will be able to prove their qualification and rewrite their names in the final list of candidates or not but it is certain that IEC till now has also ignored part of the standards that each candidate should have.

Based on reports, initially, the IEC officials wanted to compromise 10% of total standards but soon it increased to 30%, despite that 16 of the 26 nominees were disqualified. If we consider the allegations that several of those who passed from filter of IEC’s also hold double citizenship but where neglected due to political expediencies, then the figure definitely emerges to be disappointing---perhaps two third of presidential nominees hold double citizenship! In other words, two third of highly influential figures who dream to become the next president of the country have commitment to the second country in order to work for its benefit! Certainly, no common people dare to nominate him/herself for the highest position in administrative as well as political hierarchy. All those who register their names bear confidence that people will vote for them. Their confidence originates from influence they exert among people. People consider them key figures that trust to cast vote and elect them as their legal representative to protect the national interests which generally comprehend the individual interests too. So, what it reflects and instills in common people?

The first thing that buds in everybody’s minds is that no one has commitment to the country. It becomes more than hundred years that eastern countries are suffering from what is called “brain drain”. Annually hundreds of thousands of talented people migrate to developed countries, seeking a better living standard with guaranteed life. But the situation is far worse in Afghanistan. Here not only our intellectuals who get the chance to follow their higher education in one of the develop countries are not willingly to return back but also those who studied inside or in developing countries are struggling to get citizenship of any other country. However, this process was holding many eastern countries back but was not as grave as we are witnessing in Afghanistan. Here we witness the problem with far large dimension. Our Influential personalities, celebrities, politicians and leaders have joined the caravan.

Everyone tries his best to take money and families out of the country. According to reports, visible percentage of diplomats who are sent to a developed countries have no willingness to return. Rather they apply for citizenship and generally get accepted based on the reason that threat to their lives is real. Afghan leaders who kept huge foreign donations for themselves have already left the country permanently or have gotten the citizenship of western countries but still want to stay here because of popularity they have gained during past decades. it can be claimed with certainty that majority of those who got the chance to get the citizenship of any developed countries have not withhold irrespective of their social, political and economic status in the country. Just imagine that two third of presidential nominees are alleged to hold double citizenship than what would be the story of the rest of our politicians, entrepreneurs and celebrities?

So, the above issue denote on variety of grave ground realities that I want to point to two of them. The first thing that pops up in mind is that we do not have any kind and sympathetic leader to work for national interest.  Our leaders in spite of commitment themselves to protect the national interest of the country hold the citizenship of other countries and shamelessly try to blind or fool Afghan people, pretending that want to build this country. For God’s sake, if anyone puts a glance to what they say in television and their practices, it becomes clear that how the morality has degraded in the country. Lying, tricking, bribery and even violence have become much prevalent if not the integral of the society. Everyone is looking just for their personal, family and communal interests. No one feels committed to national interest and really do not care about the prestige of Afghans as a nation. There are needs fulfilled through snatching the foreign donations which otherwise should have reached to hands of poor people and now invest them in any foreign country. They do not stay in Afghanistan to work for it because they hold a second citizenship. If the crisis breaks out, they will just book their tickets and live a calm and serene life with money they withdrew from country and sent to another country.

Secondly, these gentlemen with such action instill fear in the hearts of civilians about the future. So, these gentlemen who are the leaders of the people are considered as acquainted with political issues and also key players. Through the support of people they have become popular and enjoy a luxurious life. People study the future in their statements and activities. I am neither a psychologist nor sociologist, but I understand that dominance of fear over any society deals disastrous effects. People living in fear would not leave any stone unturned to protect his/her life and property. They are suspicious of environment and people around. Such distrust and suspicion destroys the basic principles that a society stands on.

Hence it is requested from these gentlemen that they should notice that Afghans have suffered enough; they are tired of war and violence. So, if you cannot help them get rid of the mess, at least do not try to keep them in.

Masood Korosh is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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