Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Religion, Culture and Crime


Religion, Culture and Crime

Crime takes place in every society whether it is traditional or modern. However, the magnitude of the crime necessarily depends on the type of society and on the law and order situation.   The term crime is a concept linked to thewords, religion and law.

Religion and law, which are based on moral standards, play significant roles in crime and deviant behavior in societies. I feel that, religious beliefs control our behaviors more than the fear of law. So in those societies where the role of religion is significant there should low crime rates. Previously, in agrarian and pastoral societies where rules and regulations did not exist, religion was the only factor which controlled actions and behavior. Religious beliefs and practices encouraged people to a better level of ethical values. Religion was the factor of solidarity which led to the continuation of law and order in those societies.

According to Emile Durkheim, a French sociologist, society can be traditional or it can be a modern society. He analyzes these two types, and has an interesting comparison. Traditional society, he believes, shows mechanical solidarity. He states that the role of religion and the role of moral standard are high in traditional society. Such a society has people who are strongly dependent on religion rather than law and order. Furthermore Durkheim adds that in traditional society, a simple relationship exists amongst people rather than complex one. Hence, according to him, in such a society people show fewer tendencies towards crime and the graph of crime is lower. Therefore, in traditional society where people are in touch with one another, based on their common beliefs and experiences, they will severely punish those who break cultural traditions. There exists no chance for individual disagreements.

According to Durkheim, in modern society, there exists organic solidarity which is stronger than mechanical one and people share stronger values. In such a society, even though people get alienated from one another through professional specialization, even then, the specialization increases the needs of people and lead to organic solidarity. Hence, in modern society, there exists a complex relationship. In such a society law controls peoplemore than religion can.

We Afghans live in a society where neither religion nor the law play their roles properly. People commit crime regardless of religious rule or the constitution of the country. It is believed that when we experience cultural crises, the role of religion diminishes. Religion is also not known properly in many parts of the country. As a result, in cities people adopt highly democratic attitudes and modern lifestyles. They easily violate religious law or moral values. In short, the modernity-oriented atmosphere of the city is forcing its way, and helping citizens to deviate from the normal path of cultural values and social norms. On the other hand, in the villages people are involved either in fundamentalism or superstitions. They practice many misconceptions which are forbidden in Islamic Sharia.  But unluckily, their cultural values and norms are based on the same misconceptions and superstitions. Moreover, it seems that their cultural traditions overshadow religious rules and regulations. Therefore, I can say with firm belief that our country is bitterly experiencing a deep cultural paradox

I was surprised to death to see a woman singer with burqa on Tolo TV programme who took part as a candidate in Afghan Star, a yearly program for singers. First I burst out laughing at thispicture and then I fell in serious thought. My mind was bombarded and clashes were going on in me. I asked myself, how is it possible that a woman who is veiled in religious hijab presents herself on TV for singing? Is the reason behind her veil religious motive or just to keep her face hidden from her family? If it is due to her religious belief, singing is far more irreligious act than disclosing face, and what are her concepts and understanding about religion?  All the questions went through my head; however, what I understand is that there is a great misconception in herways, the same as it is with many other people in the country. Meanwhile, such incidents indicate cultural crises and deviant sub-cultures across the country. How paradoxical it is that they save the smaller parts of the religious beliefs, but spoil the larger ones. In short, our moral and religious values are destroyed on one way or another, intentionally or unintentionally.

Considering the current social and cultural trends and the death of moral standards and religious values, it is believed that the future generation will be at risk of furthermisconcepts and malpractices. They will be greatly confused dueto cultural pluralism and conflicting varieties of social values; a mix of modern and traditional norms. They will not know which one to adopt and which lifestyle to discard. Our pure religious values are falling victim to cultural bombardment and our youths show great tendency towards Westernized modernity. Presently, the old moral standards which were ruling the country for years are being violated openly. Normally, when religion and moral values are marginalized in a society, crime and corruption will rise and this is what we experience in today’s society.

Therefore,nowit is time to revive our religious values and moral standards by a sound understanding of Islam. We have to abolish both radical attitudes and Western modernity which are in contrast to our religious beliefs. Moreover, our culture and tradition will have to be based on our religious and moral values. Let us learn and practice our religious belief in its true way and form a social fabric conducive to the realm of religion and morality. Otherwise, if we continue in the same way, the holiness of religious rules and the value of moral standards will be violated without feeling a tinge of guilt. We have to revive the holiness of religious beliefs and the significance of social and cultural norms.

Hujjatullah Zia is an emerging writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at zia_hujjat@yahoo.com .

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