Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

The Paramount Position of Parents


The Paramount Position of Parents

The sobs and cries of babies, especially at midnights when the mothers are in deep sleep, are calmed down in a loving manner by the mothers. Their tears are cleaned with tearful eyes of mothers and they are fed even if the mothers are starving to death. Their motherly affections and bottomless sentimental feelings are reflected through their warm hugs and adoring kisses. The highest point of honesty, selflessness, devotion and dedication are mirrored by the caring acts of mother. She is the symbol of sympathy and compassion that all virtue runs in her blood. In case if her child is suffering pain, she is ready to give her life so as to save the life of her child.

On the other hand, fathers labor from dawn to dusk so as to nourish their children and facilitate them well. They work up to sweat to satisfy the needs of their children. Of course, fathers suffer all the difficulties and hardships of life without raising eyebrows the same as mothers. When fathers return home filled with exhaustion, their babies are their only hope which force smile on their lips. They beam and bloom with sweet smiles and charming talks of their children. In short, fathers leave no stone unturned to find a morsel of bread for the family.

When a child gets seven, the parents send them to school with lofty hopes and ambitions. They cherish lot of dreams for their child and therefore make much effort so that no pain and suffering should touch their child. Mostly, mothers take their children to school hand in hand with them and wait impatiently for their return. They spare their kids the pain and suffering of life with extreme effort. The parents blossom with the success of their child and pat them with encouragement to boost their morale and energize them in school activities.

In addition, parents struggle for the prosperity of their child to be sympathized and supported when they get old. Unfortunately, when the children grow bigger and get economic independence, they dash their parents hope and dream through showing no concern for them. They mostly evade supporting their parents and give them cold shoulder with at most ingratitude. In other words, they thanklessly bite the hands that feed them.

I remember a story vividly; it was said to us by elders when we were children. The story says that once upon a time, there was a child along with his father sitting under a tree. Suddenly a crow flew and sat in the tree. The child asked his father about the crow and his father answered very kindly that it was a crow. The child asked for second time and his father answered again very kindly that it was a crow. Again the child asked for third time and his father replied the same in a kind manner. Many years passed the child grew young and strong while his father grew old and feeble. Accidentally, the son and father came and sat under the same tree. Again a crow came and sat in the tree. This time, father asked his son about the crow. His son answered in cold manner that it was a crow. His father asked for second time, but the son answered very angrily. When the father asked for third time, his son raged at him and answered furiously. This reaction broke the heart of the old father. His father asked his son if he could remember when he was child he asked his father the same questions under the same tree for three times and his father answered very kindly and did not lose his patience at all. His father added that he knew that it was a crow, however, just wanted to see the reaction of his son. When the past memory crossed the mind of his son, he hung his head but it was too late because he had already hurt the feeling of his old father. This story bespeaks of the children’s behavior towards their parents. When they grow young and strong, they behave with their parents with disrespect and give them cold shoulder. They break the hearts of their parents and crumble their hopes and wishes.

No doubt, today social mobility has changed the life of people tremendously. It is no more agrarian or pastoral societies that the children follow the activities of their fathers such as working in forms or taking cattle for graze, etc. Nowadays the youths from remote areas are found in the heart of advanced countries such as Britain, France, Germany, Australia, etc. Now the bitter fact is that some of the youths forget their parents and all the efforts that they made for their comfort. Now, as the parents have grown old and feeble while their children have grown young and strong, it is time to support their parents and sympathize them the same as their parents did. Now, it is their responsibility to take the hands of their parents and facilitate them in the best possible way.

In Islam obeying parents is a strong obligation. Holy Qur’an prevents people from speaking to parents in a harsh tone. Qur’an emphasizes on talking kindly to parents and treating them with at most respect. Breaking the hearts of parents or enraging them or disrespecting them on one way or another, are big sins in Islam to be eschewed seriously. The prayer of parents for their children is highly significant in Islam and it will affect the life of their children urgently. In case if anybody is cursed by her/his parents, s/he will not gain prosperity in their life. Moreover, our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) says that paradise is under the feet of mothers. It is said because mothers are striving to death for their children, that is why they have a very high position in Islam. Hence, I emphasize again that parents must be hold in great respect and their paramount spiritual position should not be neglected.

Hujjatullah Zia is an emerging writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at zia_hujjat@yahoo.com .

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