Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

The Altruistic Revolution of Imam Hussain (AS)


The Altruistic Revolution of Imam Hussain (AS)

Imam Hussain (AS) embraced martyrdom along with 72 companions about fourteen centuries ago in the desert of Karbala, Iraq. Those were the days of cruelty and immorality. Crime and slavery was at its acme. This was threat to the existence of Islamic laws and morals. Islam was on the verge of a collapse after 23 years of the struggle of the Prophet (PBUH). The Arabian Peninsula in the age of darkness had sectarian violence, racial tension, tribal conflicts, and slavery. Islam emerged to rescue people from all such pain and sufferings. Unfortunately, Arab society was again deviating to the same path. Imam Hussain (AS) revolted against the dictatorial and immoral regime. His intention was to confront those dictators who were oppressing people under the guise of Islamic caliphs. He destroyed the lofty castles of the cruel regime through his blood.

On the one hand, people could not breathe a word in such a cruel society and on the other hand, they were really confused in the maze of deceptive practices. Imam as a religious leader highlighted the challenge of the Islamic society. His revolution was the same as a candle which burns in the heart of darkness to guide people the right way. In other words, Imam moralized Muslim Ummah through his blood when they were left in religious morass.

The blood of Imam Hussain (AS) is still flowing in history inviting the world to rebel against cruel regimes. His blood injected valor and heroism in stagnant societies. His martyrdom is a message to all nations to break the silence. Imam Hussain (AS), boldly embraced martyrdom to save moral standards from the danger of extinction and revive the religious values of society. The voice which was chanted against cruelties in the scorching desert of Karbala is still heard. Neither the passage of time nor the anti-religious slogans could silence it. History demonstrates the glorious victory of his blood and is a witness to the holiness of his soul.

Bowing to evil kings was unacceptable to the ideology of Imam Hussain (AS). He protested against brutalities to free his soul from the chain of slavery. He knew the possible outcome of standing against an army of 30 thousands soldiers; however, he did not hesitate to do so. When Imam was embittered by the immoral and irreligious practices, he stated that the taste of death was sweeter than honey. He was a person with great soul. When a soul has maximized its virtues, the capacity of body to hold its soul, changes. Such a soul feels like a prisoner in the cage, awaiting freedom. Death brings total freedom in this situation.

Imam Hussain (AS) sacrificed himself to bestow freedom to his oppressed nation. He proudly turned down to pledge allegiance to the king. Imam shouldered his moral and religious responsibility so as not to be denounced by history or by future generations. He devoted his life to put the legitimacy of Yazid’s government under question. He was aware of the fact that his blood will be shed. He swore that he would never shake hands with the evil rulers. His martyrdom is a protest against evils and tyranny.

Imam Hussain (AS) was aware of the fact that his struggle would not be forgotten by history or in the land of Karbala. He knew that when a voice rises in support of right and in condemnation of wrong, it will pass beyond the limitations of time and place. Imam Hussain (AS) planted a religious and moral ideology in the minds of people and watered this creed by blood. Imam founded a tradition of protest against cruelty and corruption just not in Karbala but all over the world and for all ages. His heroic action boosted the morale of the societies.

The blood of Imam Hussain (AS) played the most vital role in history. Martyrdom was not a death for Imam but a new and eternal re-birth. The stagnant societies of that time awoke to new life by Imam’s blood. He was a great mastermind who planned that his blood should flow in the stream of history and time so as to be a warning for all nations. The memory of martyrdom lasts forever.

In Islam it is a glorious victory. This fact gloriously bespeaks of one’s manly characters to deny indignity at the cost of life. Sometimes, blood and martyrdom are the only factors which can revive the religious values and moral norms of a nation. Sometimes, it is an urgent need that individuals should sacrifice their lives for the society and nation. Martyrdom is a religious responsibility of people when their religious beliefs and social values are at risk of extinction. Oppressors cannot stand martyrdom. It is only such blood that can destroy the foundation of dictatorship. The twin facts, martyrdom and supreme sacrifice are the most powerful agents which draw history to witness for all future generations, the innocence of the martyrs and the tyranny of oppressors.

The blood is still oozing from the wounds of Imam to witness his heroism. He is the most valorous hero of the history especially in Islamic countries. He burst with anger against inhuman practices of the regime. According to Imam, pledging allegiance to the evil rulers was equal to accepting disgrace and indignity. His voice still echoes in the history that indignity is far from our household. Undoubtedly, one who is trained in the moral school of Prophet (PBUH) will never succumb to humiliation.

Imam, the paragon of virtue for Muslim Ummah, unmasked the real face of the dictator rulers. His martyrdom defamed the regime of Yazid among Islamic societies. He played his role rightly which led to the fall of the cruel government. Imam proceeded altruistically to save the society from the danger of deviance. His historical revolution displays his sacred intention clearly. In short, Imam revolted for the revival of religious beliefs and moral values.

Hujjatullah Zia is the newly emerging writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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