Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

The Tragic Day of Ashura


The Tragic Day of Ashura

Ashura , the 10th of Muharram, marks the day that Imam Husain (A.S) along with his 72 companions embraced martyrdom in the blazing desert of Karbala for reviving the religious beliefs, cultural values and social norms of Islamic societies. He revolted against the dictatorial regime of Yazid , rather than agreeing to a humiliating pledge of allegiance. He added, “To die in glory is far more honorable than to live in humiliation.” Left with two choices namely death or allegiance, Imam chose the glory of death.

Protesting against the regime, Imam Husain (A.S) moved along with his household from Medina to Makah and Iraq to get ready for sacrifice. On the way to Makah and Iraq, he met some Muslims and explained the philosophy of his movement. He talked of the same philosophy that he wrote as a will to his brother, Mohammad Hanafyyah, that he did not stand for evil, cruelty or corruption, but to uphold the religious values of the Muslim Ummah, inviting them to righteousness and protecting them from evil.

Imam Husain (A.S) moved to Iraq and towards his martyrdom. People saw his caravan and were aware of his sacred intention. For many of them joining his caravan could not be, now, avoided under any pretext.

The sister of Imam Husain (A.S), Bibi Zainab, also accompanied the caravan. She played a highly crucial role in these events. After the martyrdom of Imam and his companions, all other members of his household were captured and Bibi Zainab was the only solace for the captives. Ultimately, when the captives entered the palace of Yazid, Bibi Zainab walked proudly with high morale ignoring Yazid and his power. Her act was insulting to Yazid and he accosted her angrily. In reply, Bibi Zainab gave a speech regarding the cruelties of Yazid. She explained that his so called victory was nothing to be proud about. She told him that he could neither erase the name of her brother, Husain (A.S), nor his love from the hearts of his followers. She said that Imam was not killed but was given a rebirth. Her lecture unmasked the real face of Yazid to the people. This speech brought tears to the eyes of the audience. Yazid knew that nobody can resist her logical arguments. So he pretended to regret the murder of Imam Husain (A.S) saying that he did not order the action. Finally, he released the captives with full honor.

Bibi Zainab said very rightly that Yazid was not able to erase the love of Imam Husain (A.S) from the hearts of his followers. Even though, the grave of Imam was ruined by anti-Islamic regimes, nonetheless, neither his name nor his love wiped out. Seemingly, Motawakkil was one of the Umayyad dynasties, who had a strong animosity against the household of the Holy Prophet particularly against Husain (A. S). When he was told that his wife went to the pilgrimage of Imam Husain (A.S), he could hardly bear it.

The active role of Bibi Zainab in political issues is a great lesson for all women. Bibi Zainab gave the message of his brother, Husain (A.S), to people otherwise they would have been kept in dark by Yazid. She, the same as her brother, fearlessly protested against the cruel regime of Yazid and denounced him publically for his tyranny. She stood for the righteousness of her brother and his companions. Bibi Zainab witnessed the great philosophy of his brother’s revolution and exposed it for history to judge. In short, Bibi Zainab completed the sacred revolution of Imam Husain (A.S).

The martyrdom of Imam Husain (A.S) is a sacred milestone in the history of the Muslim Ummah. His blood highlighted the illegitimacy of the caliphate of Yazid. It raised a protest amongst the Muslims of that age. The blood of Imam Husain (A.S) awoke Islamic societies and Muslims were shocked by the death of the grandson of the Apostle of God, Muhammad (PBUH). Ultimately, Muslims launched a revolution against the despotic regime of Yazid, which led to the regime’s collapse.

Every year, the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Husain (A.S) is held as a religious ritual among Muslim Ummah. In these annual ceremonies which are held to commemorate the victorious martyrdom of Imam Husain (A.S) and his companions, Muslims mourn through the recitation of epic and sorrowful poems, shedding tear for their merciless death, and listening to religious sermons given by clergies.

They analyze this multi-dimensional revolution from the perspective of theosophy, politics, religion, morality and spirituality.

One of the lessons which can be learnt is that in Islam religion and policy are concomitant to each other. The religious leaders have to be concerned with the political issues in a society. In Islam, the political changes of a society has deep root in religious beliefs and moral values of a nation. As a result, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) brought a fundamental changes in Arabian Peninsula based on religious beliefs. He broke the chain of slavery from the feet of defenseless people and ended the cruelties of aristocrats and kings. He fought against tribal conflicts, sectarian violence and aristocratic systems. The Prophet was not only a religious leader but also a political one.

Imam Husain (A.S) was trained in the same school with the same ideology. He also intended to bring a fundamental change when the Islamic path was being forgotten. People were fed poisonous instructions which could strengthen the position of the kings and aristocrats. The evil characters were preaching false Hadiths which were in direct contrast with the verses of Holy Qur’an and Islamic Shariah. Such a policy endangered Islamic law and was training people wrongly. In such circumstances, Imam Husain (A.S) raised his voice, at the cost of his life against the regime.

Apart from these political lessons, there are other lessons to be learnt from these events, which can be practiced in individual and social life.

Ashura is the reminder of the heroic revolution of Imam Husain (A.S) who moved to uphold the religious values and moral standards amongst Muslim Ummah. He revived the Islamic Sunnah through his martyrdom. Imam played the best role in history against the villains and his blood gained victory over sword. Even though, his tragic martyrdom was the saddest news to the Muslim world of the time and shocked them tremendously, nonetheless, his blood was a dire need of the time. Moreover, he gained spiritual victory which is appreciated by all generations.

On Thursday, November 14, Ashura was held in Afghanistan, as religious ritual, with the active part of both males and females particularly younger generation. In these ceremonies, the clergy lectured over the philosophy of Imam Husain (A.S)’s revolution.

I attended the ceremony in Qur’an –wa-Etrat Madrassah. A great clergy, Syed Alimzada, who was apparently studying in Iran, talked over the moral perspective of Imam Husain’s (A.S) movement. He explained the lofty aim of Imam and the philosophy behind his movement rightly. He said that Imam Husain (A.S) revolted against the ruthless Sultan to keep the moral values and religious beliefs safe from ruin.

Mr. Alimzada addressed the young females to observe their Islamic Hijab in a right way.  He explained that their disregard towards Hijab will not harm Islam but it would be their first immoral move which might lead to greater mistakes. He added that neglecting Hijab or exposing their hair to public will never display their modernity the same as keeping Hijab does not smack of their traditionalism. He cautioned them not to violate religious rule and cultural norms. Moreover, he said that those who come out with attractive style of clothing will be bombarded with poisonous looks of lustful individuals or will be teased orally or physically while the opposite is otherwise.

In addition, he underlined the significance of cultural values. Mr. Alimzada addressed people not to give up their cultural values through emulating the customs and traditions of foreign countries. He pointed out the strong impact of foreign cultures over the Afghan’s Islamic culture. He talked painfully of the youths’ tendency towards foreign culture which is in contrast with our religious values.

He addressed the audience that it was early enough to revive moral changes in their attitudes and other walks of life. Moreover he emphasized on the responsibility of the family’s elders and said that their responsibility is to guide their family and have control over them. He said that the family heads have the role of leaders and have to lead and train their families in moral path. He added that if people do not reform their attitudes in accordance with the religious values soon, then after a decade it would be too late to reform.

He pointed out that Imam Husain (A.S) revolted when the society was on the verge of immoral changes and people showed tendencies towards irreligiousness. The Sultan was violating religious rules and moral standards flagrantly despite claiming to be caliph. People were left in a great dilemma, unable to differentiate between right and wrong. As a result, Imam Husain (A.S) said that if the person like Yazid be the leader of Islamic societies, then one must bid farewell to Islam.

Dr. Ali Shariati, an Islamic sociologist and intellectual, says very rightly, “Alas that Imam Husain (A.S) showed the wounds of his body rather than his mentality.” He means that Islamic societies concentrate over the tragic side of Imam Husain’s (A.S) revolution rather than focusing the great mentality of him. He says that it is better to mourn over the destiny and ignorance of our own rather than shedding tears over the martyrdom of Imam Husain (A.S). He adds that it is a disgrace that those who live in slavery shed tears over the life of those who broke the chains of slavery and lived freely. Dr. Shariati talks with strong emotion asking people to follow the mentality, ideology and objective of Imam Husain (A.S). According to him, our tears are neither panacea to the bleeding wounds of Imam nor a solution to the challenges going on in Islamic communities.

Dr. Shariati argues that when Imam Husain (A.S) asked with trembling voice in the blazing desert of Karbala, “Is there anyone to help me?” this question is going from generation to generation and heard all the time and everywhere. He says that Imam Husain (A.S) did not need physical help and anyone who helped would be killed but the truth is that Imam Husain (A.S) asked people to follow his path. He says that this question is still being asked and really, is there anyone to help Imam Husain (A.S) through following his aim and mentality? Is there anyone to help him through fighting against cruelties, injustice, slavery, crime and corruption? Is there anyone to help him by not bowing before corrupt and cruel kings?

Dr. Shariati highlights the responsibility of Imam Husain’s (A.S) followers very truly. He says that those who chose martyrdom the same as Imam Husain (A.S) followed his path; those who are alive must follow the path of Zainab, Imam’s sister who completed the revolution of him in a right way, but those who do not follow the path of Zainab, they will follow the path of Yazid, the murdered of Imam Husain (A.S).

Dr. Shariati adds that the wounds of Imam Husain (A.S) are still bleeding in the stream of time which is a great need for all generations.

It is beyond doubt that our mourning overshadows the philosophy behind the sacred revolution of Imam Husain (A.S). Our people shed tears over the sorrowful death of Imam regardless of the great philosophy that his blood was the dire need of the time. According to Shaheed Murtaza Mutahhari, the one who valued his blood the most in the history is no one but Imam Husain (A.S). He argues that the blood of Imam was not wasted at all but his blood served the human societies in the best possible way. Besides respecting to Muharram’s celebration, he also adds that it is time to mourn and shed tears for our own ignorance and for metamorphosing the aim of Imam Husain (A.S). He further adds that those who metamorphose the philosophy behind the revolution of Imam Husain (A.S) are equal to his murderer, Yazid and his bands. Mutahhari does not undervalue celebrating Muharram; he says that it is one of the best religious rituals when it is celebrated to analyze the aim and mentality of Imam Husain (A.S).

Hujjatullah Zia is the newly emerging writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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