Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

"Kazakhstan's participation in the development of Afghanistan"


Members of the world community and the world's leading countries involved in the reconstruction and development of Afghanistan, taking steps to reorient its policy on the socio- economic component to assist the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan after 2014.

For its part, Kazakhstan , as a responsible member of the international community , actively participates in all its initiatives on Afghanistan: Bonn International Conference , Istanbul Process, Conference on Regional Economic Cooperation on Afghanistan (RECCA), the NATO Summit in Chicago, Tokyo donor conference , etc. Kazakhstan is fully committed to its obligations under Afghanistan.

The Government of Kazakhstan firmly supports the peace process in Afghanistan and will continue to promote the development of friendly and brotherly country whose people have the right to decide their own destiny.

Kazakhstan within the framework of the Istanbul process "Heart of Asia" on Afghanistan involved in the implementation of Confidence building measures (CBMs) in the field of education, regional infrastructure and counternarcotics. Kazakhstan jointly with Pakistan heads the group of CBMs in the field of disaster management. Perform corresponding organizational work with the Pakistani side in this direction.

On October 9-10 Kazakhstan provided the venue for the Third Central Asian Trade Forum in the framework of USAID 's Regional Economic Cooperation Project (REC) with the assistance of JSC "National Agency for Export and Import “KAZNEX INVEST" and of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kabul city. Afghan delegation was checking out the Agency for Investment Promotion (AISA) and a group of leading Afghan businessmen (more than 20 people).

On July 2-3 held a meeting in Kabul on business partnership Afghanistan and Kazakhstan (format " business to business "). Business Forum organizers were ACCI and JSC "KAZNEX INVEST", organized with the support of USAID and the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Afghanistan. The businessmen of the two countries have signed contracts worth about $ 8 million.

Afghanistan is going through a transition period, when increased the role of regional cooperation, which also contributes to the Kazakh side. Kazakhstan, in framework of its State program, free trains Afghan students, annually provides humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan, at his own expense raises the Afghan infrastructure facilities (renovated highway, built schools and hospital).

Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev at the opening April 26, 20013, Almaty Ministerial Conference on the Istanbul process, which is also a party to Kazakhstan , noted the need for expansion of economic cooperation in the region and actively integrate these processes in Afghanistan.

One of the directions of this is the establishment of corporate relations between the business communities of Afghanistan and Kazakhstan, representatives of which have sustained intention to conduct mutually beneficial cooperation, in particular in the field of international trade.

Under the Afghan-Kazakhstan Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation on September 27, 2012, Agreement on encouragement and mutual protection of investments was signed by two countries. Negotiable is a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of standards. These documents provide a solid legal basis for the contract of cooperation in the sphere of business. Also will work to align our transit and customs tariffs, not to impede trade cooperation.

In Kabul on September 16-17 held the sixth meeting of the Afghan-Kazakhstan intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation . Outlined plans to accelerate cooperation in various spheres.

One of the issues discussed was the earliest occurrence of the Afghan and Kazakh markets for goods and services business structures of two countries. This must be done now, rather than waiting until total peace and stability in Afghanistan.

The parties have agreed to open their countries trading houses and ACCI representatives in Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan supplies to Afghanistan traditional products - flour, grain, valves, oil productions. This list can be replenished Kazakhstan competitive products in the form of pastry and pasta, vegetable oils, medicines, agricultural fertilizers, household chemicals, electrical appliances, textiles, etc.

Afghan traditional products can be competitive, higher quality and cheaper than those supplied in Kazakhstan similar samples.

The Kazakh side expects the Afghan government to provide various kinds of preferences for their business in the field of customs and taxation that will generally contribute to the establishment and development of trade and economic cooperation between the two friendly and brotherly countries.

The Afghan side is interested in a speedy return to the domestic market of the IRA representatives of Kazakh business, inserting them in their capital facilities of the national economy in various fields: trade, agriculture, processing, mining and energy industries.

Baz Mohammad Jozjani is a member of Financial and Budgetary Commission of Wolesi Jirga of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

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